Monday, July 8, 2019

A Bit Of This And A Bit Of That


Just on the title alone, you know that I don't have anything particular to blog about, merely odds and ends. 

From time to time, I check out the available dogs at the humane shelters. Not too surprising, almost all of the dogs available for adoption, are pit bulls, staffordshire terriers, or a combination of both. I know that with the right owner and training, these kinds of dogs can make great pets. Um, even knowing this, I will never own one. I would never feel safe around this kind of dog. It's a pity really, that these kind of dogs have such a bad reputation. And, because they do, most, if not all, of them will never be rescued. Let's here it for spaying or neutering dogs. There are too many dogs that need to be rescued, and some of them will never know what a good life they could have in somebody's house. 

Statistically, pit bulls have a record (not a particularly good one), of having bitten 284 people over a 13 year period. On average, there are 18 fatal dog bites. Kind of makes you wonder,what kind of training, or not, dogs have had. Jeff and I have never wanted or felt the need to own a dog breed that is considered dangerous. Of course, we all know that even the gentlest dog can be provoked and/or teased enough for them to defend themselves. 

Bella produces a very loud bark, but that's all she's got. Daisy, on the other hand, seems to only bark when she's outside! A behavior not well received by the neighbors or us.

Yesterday, in a burst of energy, that I didn't know I had, I went about taking clothes from our bedroom, and sorted through each piece. Those clothes that fit right now, or clothes that will fit with just a few less pounds, were given high priority to get into a dresser. I tried to use the folding method that I learned from watching Marie Kondo shows. She blesses all her clothes, particularly those that are going to be leaving the house. Um, pretty sure that I don't feel I have to bless clothing. I "rescued" them from a store - they should be thanking me!

I started my high protein diet in November last year. After all these months, it's become more of a way to eat (less is more), than a diet. But, having said that, I do appreciate that by starting this diet, it has given me a kick start to losing pounds. I am following the old "tried and true". Eat when you're hungry, and stop when you're not! That sounds easy, but for most of us, don't follow that rule. I know I didn't!

My personal training is going quite well. I like having somebody in my corner, cheering me on, whether I'm struggling or having more success. Jeff paid for 10 sessions, and I want to have 10 more. Not really an excuse, but when most of your lower body hurts, it's hard to work up enthusiasm for exercising.

When I go upstairs (blogging takes precedence), I will go back into that bedroom, and continue what I started yesterday. Baby steps.

It has poured here, our backyard is flooded. And, I guess there is more rain on the way. Glad we live at the top of the hill. Does your bedroom look like this? Mind does, but I'm working on it. Rome wasn't built in a day, so it stands to reason that organizing your clothes, will take more than a day or perhaps even two!

 Image result for picture of cleaning out old clothes

Signing off. 



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