Friday, July 5, 2019

4th of July In Review


Yesterday, there was parades, army vehicles (really), the concert, fireworks and the speech by the President. While, I recorded the show "Capital Fourth" several times, thank you Tivo. Somehow, I got confused (a real state of mind for me), and missed the show that included the President's speech. Since I didn't hear the speech, and you all know that I don't "do" politics, so I'll just leave it at that. 

Scott and Wendy invited us to their house yesterday for dinner. They served us really good tasting ribs, corn salad, Jeff's potato salad (I cooked the potatoes!) and Jeff's coleslaw.  I will tell you now that all the food yesterday was very, very good. Wendy made  (emphasis on made) apple pies and we were also treated with homemade ice cream. Yummy. 

We took the girls, and both of them were very good. Daisy, is an anxiety pee-er (I knot that's not really a word, but you get the idea), so Jeff took her out in the front yard before we went inside. Daisy, as a rule, cannot relax at other people's homes. But, when I was sitting in the recliner, she assumed the "position". Position?  Yes, when I'm in my recliner, she jumps up and stays on my lap generally for a long time. She particularly likes my lap after I've eaten, because she's looking for a crumb or two on my shirt! And, most of the time, she does find something to eat! Guess, I'm a food spill-er. 

The ride home things were pretty quiet in the backseat. Daisy always curls up in a corner, but even Bella stretched out, for a quick snooze. On our way home, I was able to watch fireworks being set off in the distance. Jeff, had to drive, so he missed the fireworks.

Once home, we watched a little bit of television (4th of July celebration), but it wasn't very long that Jeff and I called "day over". I must have been tired, because I didn't get up until 10:00! The girls will not sleep that long, so Jeff gets up with them somewhere between 7:30 and 8:00.

Nothing on the calendar for today and this weekend. But, next week, we have appointments every day of the week. Bella gets to go along, and she really likes the ride if the top is down! Actually, we all like riding with the top down.

I hope all of you had a wonderful 4th of July. Of course, it's business as usual. Jeff has already started his workday and his day is generally not  over until early evening. 


Image result for picture of fireworks

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