Monday, July 1, 2019

I'm Back


Some of you, or hopefully all of you, noticed my two day absence from blogging. I was on a hiatus of some sort. I guess I could say that I had nothing to say! If you know me well, then you are probably scratching your head about this, because everybody knows that I love to talk!

Happy news. Benjamin has been accepted at a private school for the fall and entering 6th grade. He's not a little boy anymore. Jeff and I couldn't be prouder of his success. We both know he'll do great.

Today, is round two of my personal training. The trainer wants to start slow, because truthfully I haven't been doing regular exercise. I have many excuses for not doing this, mainly due to my hip. I suppose it needs to be replaced, but at this point I have to lose "x" pounds in order to have this done. I'm not sure what the "x" number is, but less than what I weigh now - even with steady dieting!

Saturday, Jeff and I just had a leisurely day at home, not doing too much of anything. In the late afternoon, we went out to Andrew's house, with the girls, for a bar-b-cue meal. Scott, Wendy and Elly were also there, as was "Computer Ken", a family friend.

I brought along the hair chalk, which didn't seem to be working on anybody's hair. Benjamin finally figured out that if you took the chalk out of the comb, the results were much better. After we left, Benjamin chalked his hair all sorts of colors. The nice thing about the chalk is, that it washes off when you wash your hair.

I didn't do much of anything, but sit around and looked "pretty". Stacey and Wendy handled everything - burgers, french fries, corn casserole and dessert. Stacey made two different kinds of brownies - one with caramel inside. I opted for that brownie and it was yummy.

Wendy and Scott made homemade ice cream, and it was so goooooood, and was the perfect accompaniment to the brownies. And, being the dessert person that I am, ate just a "tad" more dessert than I should have eaten.

The guys settled upstairs to talk computer stuff, or whatever. We girls and the children, went to the basement to watch a movie. Benjamin and Elly wanted to watch Ferdinand, a lovely movie about a bull that only wanted to smell the flowers. There were many scenes that kept all of us laughing.

The girls were on their best behavior. Trouble is, Daisy just can't relax. Most of the time she sat and looked like she was made of stone.Once we had her in the car, and then home, she was very, very happy.

Sunday, Jeff did his weekly shopping. I opted to stay home with Daisy. Jeff knows how much I hate riding around in those silly carts. I think the carts should have a horn of sorts, so you can let people know you're coming out of an aisle, or going around a corner. I'm not sure that people would pay attention when hearing a brief horn, but it might make a difference.

I have personal training this afternoon. I've been doing the exercises that I was assigned. Of course, in just a week, I wasn't anticipating a change in the way my body looked. But, I'm going to stick with it. What do I have to lose or gain? I'm going to gain core strength and hopefully get some help with things that matter. Getting off the floor, without looking like a beached whale flopping around! I know you get the picture.

Have a great day, and I really hope that whoever you work for, might give you Friday, the 5th off. Fingers crossed.


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