Sunday, July 7, 2019

Oops - Missed a Day or Two!


Sorry about missing a day or two - apologies. Does uninspired count? Perhaps, on "blank brain" days, I should just probably post something like: brain fog.

Our granddaughter, Elly, this week is staying at an overnight camp. Because simply everybody wants mail, I have three pieces of mail to send. One is a letter, the other two are comics from the paper, that Elly might find fun. Garfield, for example.

Yesterday, was a sluggish day for Jeff, the girls and myself. The problem with the girls is that everybody is quiet, and lightly snoozing. And, then one of the girls hears something (could be a town away for all we know), and they run 
pell-mell down the stairs, and out the doggy door. 

If our neighbors are on their deck, this gets the girls' attention, and barking ensues. Some of the time, we actually have to bring them back in the house, and shut the basement door. None of our neighbors want (duh) a dog that won't stop barking.

Jeff will make his weekly pilgrimage to his favorite stores: Costco and WalMart. He and Bella will go, and Daisy and I will stay at home. It's a win-win situation for all of us.

Busy week coming up. Appointments of one kind or another, every day this week. Of course, these appointments naturally do not occur late in the afternoon. Jeff is still working, and I try to schedule appointments as late in the day as I can. See how thoughtful I am?

For me? I've got several boxes and plastic containers in the den. I need to purge and merge. I don't want all these storage containers in the den anylonger. Trouble is, when you start "trying" to put things away, there is always the problem of where to put all of this stuff. The stuff in question are not what I would toss out. There's a reason why I have kep these things, but frankly, I don't actually remember why. Perhaps, later in the day, my "organizing" plan will come to mind. Or not.

We've had so much rain here, that the grass and weeds as well (bummer about the weeds) are growing and the grass is a beautiful shade of green. It's amazing what a little water can do for plants and grass. Actually, we haven't had just a "little" bit of water - we've had a lot of water. Likely, too much water for the farmers, who on a regular basis, have too little water, or some other act of Mother Nature that gets in their way.

My grandparents were farmers, and while I was just a child, I can remember conversations my parents had with them about crops.

I'm off to the den to start analyzing the contents of those boxes. Wish me luck.

Happy Sunday.



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