Friday, June 28, 2019

Personal Trainer


Watched the debate, until I fell asleep. Again, everyone was talking over the other. Trying to keep track of everything they said, was exhausting. 

Ah, yes I remember now what I was originally going to write about. Jeff has paid for me to have a personal trainer. After having two individuals, coming to the house, with hopes of working out at home.  But, I didn't "click" with either one. One trainer was almost rude, when he said that I was in worse shape than he thought I would be. So, I gave the heave ho to both trainers.

I've been in physical therapy before. Since around two years, give or take. One group simply started you doing something, and then walked away. Once you have completed your "task", I quietly waited until it was my turn for help.

When a doctor recommended this group for me, I dutifully went to "x" amount of appointments. I believed (and still do), that this group was into the number of people they worked on. And, not to state the obvious, how much they were going to be paid from Medicare.

After my back surgery, I, once again, needed physical therapy. And, while I don't really enjoy exercising and never did.  But, I have a short bucket list, and on my list, there is no mention  needing to use my rollator.

During the evaluation interview last night, I had Jeff come with me, in case there was something that I had to remember. After telling the trainer, what was wrong with me, that pretty much took up my 30 minutes with her. She gave me two home exercises, that basically I do anywhere and/or anytime. I am supposed to tighten up my tummy as well as the caboose in the back! My next visit is on the 1st of July, and if you're paying for a trainer, it would not be cool for you not to do your homework. While I sat down and watched the debate (can you say free for all?), I was able to tighten up the areas that, I believe (and I could be wrong), that apparently she thought l should do. 

At no time during the oral evaluation, did she say, that it would impossible to get my old body back in shape. Happy to report, that I am working on the two areas, that she wanted me to start with. Jeff has paid for me to have "x" private sessions with the trainer. I've been going to physical therapy so long that everybody knows my name. Kind of like a "Cheers" bar. Depending on your age, you might have no idea what I'm talking about. 

Bella is known by everyone. I personally would like to take her leash off, and just let her roam. I would do this, but I am also very aware, that there are some people, who are terrified when seeing a dog. Even knowing that she is not to be trouble in anyway, I just don't think I could take that chance. If, the "gym" isn't crowded, I think I would still hesitate.  

Good deed for this week. I saw an elderly man using a roller, like the one I have, with tennis balls on the back legs. I know from experience, that the tennis balls are only good for so long. Plus, they don't really slide. I had the same trouble, and then I found something called "Walker Coasters" These little things that bought truly glide a person whether on carpet, as well on any other surface. I really hate watching old and fragile people struggling to walk with tennis balls attached. I would like to see all the patients, if you will, have "walker coasters". It they put them on, they'd find walking a lot easier. 

Time to run (walk).


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