Saturday, June 22, 2019

How Time Flies


I started my blog a number of years ago. I won't lie, during my working years, it was hard to blog and then get to work on time! But, somehow I managed, at least part of the time.

Now retired, I have oodles of free time, and blogging is no longer a time issue. Nope, now it's a what's rattling around in my head every single day. Sometimes, I have trouble coming up with something. Still, I feel obligated to write some words. I don't have a mass following, particularly since I write about anything/everything.

Statistical speaking, my records show that I have written 2,107 blogs. Some of them are better than others. I've climbed up on my soap box several times for situations or causes, that I feel strongly about. You already know, that I stay out of the political arena as well as a woman's right to choose. Personally, I do have feelings about those topics, but I keep them to myself. This is, for the most part, always wise. Unless, you are willing to go head-to-head with somebody. I'm pretty much a coward, and avoid controversy at all costs.

I've written odes for Scott and Andrew, my father and Jeff. I've also written, during my really "blue" times, about depression and what a large grip it has over a person.

Daisy and Bella make it into a lot of my blogs, particularly when they were puppies, and destroying and stealing pretty much everything. I currently have one sofa and one chair, that no longer have a "skirt". Guess I could see them, at some point, as distressed! Or, an antique I suppose. Luckily, the taking of things (Bella most of the time) and the ultimate destruction of things, has really slowed down.

I have given thanks to family and friends who have helped me walk through this journey of life. Stacey (DIL), and Benjamin have been key factors in my life. They take me out for "play dates", knowing my limitations. I love these outings, and make the most of them when I'm out and about. I really appreciate them taking the time out of their busy schedules, to come and visit with me.

I have shared recipes, and even from time-to-time, suggestions for this and that. I have also strifed (sp) to be a good and non- judgmental mother-in-law. The women, Stacey and Wendy, take such good care of our sons, and this makes Jeff and I very happy.

A beautiful day outside. Perhaps, I'll take my rollator out for a few loops around the circle, and then park my rollator in the driveway, while I soak up some vitamin D.

Enjoy your day.


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