Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Unexpected Good Deeds


Have you ever done something for somebody, expecting nothing in return? I know I have. If I'm in a grocery line, and see that the person(s) behind me have only a few minutes, I let them go ahead of me. It takes little effort on my part, but definitely pleases the other shoppers.

On Sunday, we went to the "stores", it was really raining. A very nice person walked me to the car using an umbrella, to help me stay "sort of" dry. I thanked her profusely. It was an unsolicited help, but I felt so good about her help. And, pretty sure it did something for her as well.

A long time ago (bj - before Jeff), I was very ill, but the doctor wouldn't take a check, because all the previous ones had bounced. The people in my office, without asking, gave (donated) me enough money to see the doctor. Selfless act on their part. But, for me, who at that time, was financially in trouble, thank you first husband.

Jeff and I took a train from my brother's house in Illinois to perhaps Chicago? Memory's a bit fuzzy. On that train, was a very nice man, who turned out to be a professor at one of the colleges in Maryland. He told us that he authored a couple of small (think pamphlets), that he used in his classes. Before we got off the train, we gave him our address so that if he did decide to send us the pamphlets, we would like to have them. All of you know, the mantra "Keep in Touch" (and nobody does). "We'll be friends forever" until your not.

Distance doesn't always make or break a relationship. The co-workers you worked with, always promise that they will want to know what you're doing in the future. After a couple of email exchanges, and perhaps even a call or two, Then you recognize, as does the other person, that once you leave the company, more times than not, the relationship is not nurtured.  Working together was the "glue" that helped us form a friendship. These relationships are very special to me. I just wish that my friends would hurry up and retire, so that I had somebody to play with!

If I'm behind a person in let's say the grocery line, and that person comes up a little short with money. If there isn't a staggering amount of money needed, I have occasionally picked up the shortage. These people tend to be on food stamps, and it's hard to feed a family with those stamps.

Almost every day, or let's say, when I'm out and about, it takes less than 30 seconds, if you're smiling, that might (I always think so), have brightened their day for just a moment.

Just think of all the little things we could do for one another. Opening the door, reaching up to take something down that is beyond my reach, which is almost everything!

The majority of the people in a store, pay no mind to people in scooters. They cut in front of you, block the aisles with their carts, so that it's impossible for me to go down that aisle. As I've said before, there is something about those stupid scooters that steals away from me, my dignity, as well as other things.

Perhaps, with the use of a personal trainer every week, I hope I get stronger and who knows maybe some day be able to walk without the use of my rollator or a wheelchair.  Send positive thoughts my way.



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