Wednesday, June 19, 2019



Wendy came by yesterday, to pick up a package for Scott. We/I don't get a lot of company, so we really enjoy having somebody around. It saves Jeff and I from talking to each other! (kidding-um not really). After this many years together, I don't believe there is anything to really talk about.

Jeff and Bella came with me last night for physical therapy. Bella has come to all my appointments, and she is very well behaved. I have no idea what would happen, if we took her leash off and let her have the run of the place. All the regular people who go for therapy, on the same day as I do, are very familiar with her. I know that some people are deathly afraid of dogs. If I was bringing one of Scott's dogs (mastiffs), who weigh almost a much a person, then I wouldn't let the dog have free roam. Scott has trained his dogs well, but because of their size, you can quickly become intimidated. Mind you, dogs who weigh up around 100 pounds, they don't move quickly, if they move at all. They are lovely dogs, but Jeff and I are now used to them, so we are no longer fearful being around them now. Gentle Giants is the best way to describe them. 

There is a show called "The Weekly". Each episode covers a different problem. The show last night was about immigration and the separating of families. Soap box again: I don't believe, pretty much ever, that families should be split up. And, the conditions children live in, is grim at best. Jeff says, and I know he's right that a pancake always has two sides. And, for immigration of the people from Mexico, I actually can only see one side, mine of course.

Jeff, has been working diligently with the girls about coming when their called. Bella comes running up the stairs or from the yard instantly. Daisy, does come eventually but with resistance. However, they both know that if they come when called, they will get a "cookie" (dog treat). Obviously, they both respond when offered a treat.
There was a man, some time ago, and he reasoned that dogs, in particular, would do just about anything to get a treat. 

Pavlov (spelling?), put dogs through training, and the dogs responded because they knew there was a treat waiting for them. Basically, that's what Jeff and I are doing with the girls. We occasionally let the girls out in the front yard, so that can stretch their legs, during their "walk about". They don't go far, just in and between a few houses, and then are willing and/or wanting to come inside. This is particularly true on a hot and humid day. When they have exhausted themselves out, besides the treat, they also want water. On hot days, I put a few ice cubes in the water dish. 

Whenever we put ice in a glass, Bella is on high alert, she absolutely loves ice cubes. I've never seen anything like that before. She is also good at catching a treat in the air. Daisy, sits patiently because she knows she's going to get a treat also. It would not be fair to give a treat to only one dog. This is not nice if you do this. I believe, and think that I do, treat our dogs, like I did with the boys, for, the most part equally. As somebody who felt that I didn't quite come up to my Mother's standards, and she was quick to point this out to me when I became an adult.

For the last two nights, Jeff has baked us some fresh salmon. And, the fish has been super, duper good tasting. Tonight, we're having a more humble dinner, a casserole. Having said that, my casserole will feed us for two days. That's not too bad.

While I dressed before I came down for breakfast (tmi), I can now get on with the rest of my day.

Talk to you later.




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