Friday, January 31, 2020

A Birthday Today!


Today, Jeff and I celebrate Andrew's birthday. He's 39 today. The years have gone by so fast. But maybe, that's a parent thing. How could Andrew be 39, when Jeff and I are so young (you can start laughing now).

Andrew was a good baby. Problem was, we lived in a very small house at that time, so when Andrew cried, it woke up everyone.

Andrew and Scott are only 18 months apart. It made sense at the time, and is still true today, that in our opinion, have babies close in age. If, you're diapering one bottom, you might as well diaper two!

As Andrew and Scott grew up, Andrew became a defender of his brother, and vice versa. To say that they were friends through the years, would be an understatement.

After Andrew graduated from high school, college was the next logical step. Andrew, wanted to be the big fish in a small bond, and the college he selected allowed him to be that big fish.

Andrew graduated with two degrees. My memory's not too sharp, but I think one is business administration (?). I can't remember what the other degree was in. At the time, the Dean wanted to give Andrew one diploma, and Andrew stood his ground, and received two diplomas. Jeff and I had both framed, with dark green moire fabric. After graduation, Andrew had several jobs, and I could be wrong here (and likely am), but none of the jobs really held his interest.

One of his best job, at the time, was working for Marriott. It was while he was working there, that he met Wendy, and married her. It wasn't long before Benjamin was born, a true delight for Jeff and I.

He eventually left Marriott, and did what old folks, like Jeff and I, don't do, but kept changing jobs. His career flourished, just as we expected. Andrew married Stacey, and she was, and is, a very good mother to Benjamin.

I can't exactly remember when, but Andrew eventually was able to get the job that he was waiting for - working for Microsoft. Now, don't ask me what he does for Microsoft. Even if he explained it, to me, it's likely I wouldn't understand. The land of "ones" and "zeros", is the world that Andrew, Scott and Jeff live in. He commutes to and from Seattle, and I, of course can't remember how many trips he makes each month. He is doing good work (that was to be expected), and has already been promoted. The benefits at Microsoft are plenty. They have places on campus, such as an area where you can be creative and make things. Stacey, is very creative, so she loved being in the art room.

Andrew and Stacey, had a house built on acreage, and it's lovely. I think of it as being out in the country. They have large dogs, all of whom are very protective of their people. They also built a chicken coop - a very nice one, and Jeff and I are given fresh eggs, and we enjoy them very much.

Jeff and I are very proud of Andrew. He has gotten the job that he dreamed of. It reminds me of when the only job, Jeff wanted was to work for IBM. 

The difference between Andrew and Scott, is that Andrew is a software guy, and Scott's job is more on the hardware side. I apologize to Andrew, Scott and Jeff, if I have mis-represented, any of the facts! To be fair, I do my best to try and understand what's going on in their world.

Jeff and I are confident that Andrew will continue to succeed in his job. Also, as another bonus, for traveling so often, he is really wracking up air miles as well as Marriott points. These two things, in particular, could be very useful for our 50th anniversary, when Jeff and I will return to Maui to celebrate!

Dad and I love you very much, and wish you every success, both personally, as well as your career as you continue to go through life.

Love, Mom

Thursday, January 30, 2020

I'm Early Today!!


Please be impressed! I'm up, dressed, had breakfast and a quick snooze with Daisy. Not bad for getting all that in by this time.

While I miss all of my friends at work, napping was really discouraged at work - even if you were bored! I, once worked with a man, (different company), who made no bones about sleeping. He just reclined his chair a bit and he was off in dream land. He was an executive, so his sleeping didn't matter to anyone.

I'm getting ready to donate to Purple Heart. I have gathered up things around the house, that I no longer need or want, like books I've read. And, some of Benjamin's toys. I have kept them for many years, but he's about to turn 12. So I think I'm safe giving away stuffed animals that dance, etc. I will not lie, on one hand, I wish Benjamin was still a little boy. A little boy, who still fit on my lap, I miss those times.

On the other hand, Jeff and I are watching Benjamin grow and grow. It won't be long, I suppose, before he is taller than me!

It's cold outside, so when I'm in the den I turn on the fireplace (have to love gas logs), and this is clearly appreciated by the girls. They both want the spot closest to the fire. When we bought our "fireplace", we also bought a blower, which was a good decision. Our fireplace not only looks pretty, but can get hot enough in the den, to drive you out!

Tomorrow, our baby (Andrew) will turn 39. I find this impossible, because he ages so do we. It's the natural order of things, but I don't have to like it. Even the "girls" have turned 3, and most, but not all, of their shenanigans have gone away. Hmm, except for Bella, who still loves paper plates, cups and napkins! Oh, and food if it's within her reach.

Today, I am promising myself to set a goal, which I generally don't keep, to finish up with my clothes. I've worked on this project for days, and now I just want to be finished. I've spent way to much time getting my clothes organized! Good news for Jeff though, is that I really don't need any clothes - I've got plenty. I can't believe I just wrote that down.

Have a good day everyone.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Everything You Need To Know - Or Not!


 For most of my adult life, when I looked at the paper, I was just interested in the cartoons! And, now, I feel it necessary to read the entire paper! Shocking I know. Oh, and I watch the news at night, while also reading a book. See, I can chew gum and walk at the same time!

Yesterday, while watching the debate some of the time, I was able to continue the reading of my book. And, we all know how much I love to read. I can, and always have, lost myself in the story. Even if the books read like a "Hallmark" movie. Considering the way the country is, at the moment, some "feel good" things seem more like a necessity. 

From typing that last paragraph, I managed to get in two naps. Yes, I know it's hard being retired! In my defense, and heaven knows I need one, I slept poorly last night. Also, last night was the first night to take a new medicine, and I wasn't happy about tossing and turning all night. Of course, it seems like the minute I sit in my chair, and watch something boring (impeachment), I fall and stay asleep until (a) Daisy jumps down from my lap; and/or (b) Jeff comes downstairs and makes a little noise. Emphasis on the "little" noise. 

The couch in our "formal" (as in, nobody goes in there) living room, is, at the moment, my dumping ground for the things I intend to donate. I have a mixed assortment of things, including some of Benjamin's stuffed toys. I could keep those for sentimental reasons. Since he's going to be 12 this year, and has outgrown stuffed animals, I thought that another child would really appreciate having them. Far better to donate than thrown out.

I'll try and write my blog earlier tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 28, 2020



Weary may not be the best way to explain how I'm feeling these days. But, I'll try to explain. When the "A" section of the paper has so many stories to read, that I get weary and sleepy. It's probably a good thing that I don't work any longer!

I watched some of the trial proceedings yesterday, and I bet you already know what happened. Yup, another nap. It may be history in the making, and I don't know how the senators stay awake. Oh, wait, I know the answer - some of them don't. Others play with fidget toys, do crossword puzzles, etc. This is democracy in action folks.

I was sorry to hear about the helicopter crash this week. Everyone always assumes it's pilot error, but it will take the FTSP to make that decision. There is always a possibility that the helicopter had some kind of mechanical difficulty.

Jeff is a good pilot. Jeff is a careful pilot. As they say in aviation, there are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots. There are several questions a pilot needs to ask himself, before he goes into the air. Here's what the I'm safe checklist includes: 

I -   illness
M - medication
S -  stress
A -  Alcohol
F -  Fatigue
E -  Emotion

And, I believe the other one that Jeff thinks about, is the "What the hell, I've got to get to "x", no matter what the weather". If you have an absolute need to be somewhere, this should not influence a pilot's decision to fly. Weather has a huge influence on whether it's safe to go. If there is ice on the wings, then you have to wait until the ice melts. Ice and flying is not a good combination.

Statistics show that 97% of all planes that have crashed, are in general aviation planes. They say that there are 5 small plane crashes every day and approximately 500 people die annually. These kind of numbers will give pause to people who don't like taking small planes. Interestingly, when we're up in the air, I'm not afraid. In fact, I fall asleep, and when Benjamin was a toddler and was sitting in the backseat in his car seat, he fell asleep quickly. I think it has something to do with the noise of the plane, if you're not wearing headphones. I sound like a pilot's wife, don't I? 

Oh, back to weary. As you know, I've been dealing with my clothes the last few days. I've gotten my clothes down to the right size, at least for the moment. I filled up two large plastic bags with these clothes - good for me. Now, I'm left with taking the rest of the clothes, and putting them in drawers or plastic containers, and this is so boring. Today, the pile left in our bedroom, is clothes that need to be put on hangers. 

Once I looked at the number of clothes that "fit" (more or less) me at the moment, I have no need for new clothes. But, don't tell Jeff that. Women, like new clothes and shoes, it's just who we are. At the moment, I'm not buying any new things. If, there becomes a time, when what I am wearing is obviously too big, then I will have to rethink what clothes items I need. In my wardrobe, I need, regardless of my size, a pair of nice pants for going out. As well as a dress or two, that can be worn to weddings and funerals.

It's a bright, sunny day. But, for me a little bit on the cool side. Jeff would disagree. Perhaps this afternoon, I will go out and do a loop or two around the circle for exercise. Have to keep these old bones working.




Monday, January 27, 2020

I'm Back


I'm sure that all of my regular followers, have noticed (hopefully) the absence of blogs. One of my excuses is - I'm reading a book - and, frankly I don't want to put it down. My other excuse, is that I'm still working on my clothes! So far, I have filled up two of the large plastic bags, with clothes that are now too big for me! I promise that this is very satisfying. Once I'm done purging my closets, then I'll have Jeff take those bags to the basement. My trainer says that if I haven't had the need for those clothes in, let's say, two years - then donate.

I don't exactly know what the reports will take about today: impeachment or the helicopter going down with Kobe Bryant and daughter inside. On a general note, there are generally three things that cause plane crashes. One is weather. If the pilot is not instrument rated, like Jeff is, then the VFR pilots, which means they are rated for visual flight rules only. Pilots should always be aware of their surroundings, and knowing that if they don't have a, let's say a large hill, etc., in their line of sight, well sometimes this kind of flight ends badly.

I may be jaded, but plane crashes all seem to come down to: (a) mechanical failure; (b) pilot error. Even really good pilots, with many flying hours, can and sometimes do make mistakes. 

I'm not a basketball fan, but the loss of this athlete, will cause sadness for fans, and obviously, the family as well. Our hearts go out to them.

If you suffer from insomnia, then all you have to do is start watching the impeachment trial, and before long, you'll nod off quickly. It's history in the making and I appreciate that, but they say that even the senators are using spinning toys, doing crossword puzzles and the like. Obviously, there not supposed to fall asleep.

Knowing all of that, it makes a person wonder if they are paying enough attention, to be able to vote after the trial ends. Just a thought.

Stopping now. I need/want to make pumpkin bread before my appointment to get my head shrunk!

Have a great day.


Friday, January 24, 2020

Crocodiles - Oh My!


It's Friday at last. I guess, actually I know, that I shouldn't complain, because for me basically every day is a Friday. 

I have sincerely tried to watch the Impeachment proceedings, but truthfully after a few minutes, I find myself dozing off! I know this is history, but a person (well, at least this person) just can't spend long hours watching television. The impeachments of Nixon and Clinton, I guess they just didn't register with me. Could be, that the circumstances surrounding those impeachments, was a
slam dunk".

One of our favorite shows is "Swamp People". The people on this show, which is, scripted, like all reality shows, hunt alligators. There are "x" number of hunters (I can't remember how many), who spend their days during alligator hunting season, catching alligators. These hunters work hard for the money they receive from the sale of alligators. For a 7 foot or longer "gator", they get $12 to $15 per foot. A 10 foot "gator" is worth $13 a foot.

Tom Landry, the alligator king, earns $25,000 per episode - not a bad wage. But, these hunters do have to work for their money. And, like anything else, there are rules to follow. Alligator season is only 30 days long. I believe that the hunters must have other jobs, in the off season.

When Jeff and I went to Louisiana for a trip (could have been a pilot thing), we took a air boat "cruise" down a river. First thing that happened was when the air boat started up, I lost my hat in mere seconds. 

But, the most fun, and clearly these alligators are almost trained to do so, they would come out of the water to eat marshmallows. This, I can assure you, is a real treat for a tourist. Somehow, I'm sure that an alligator out in the swamp, isn't looking for marshmallows. They're looking for other things to eat, such as fish, turtles and frogs. And, I suppose if they could get hold of an unsuspecting big animal, like a pig, that would be more like a buffet dish, rather than a snack.

So, now you know everything that I know about the show "Swamp People". You might try checking it out.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

I'm Late - Sorry!


I have an excuse for blogging so late. People, I can see you rolling your eyes. I had an early dental appointment to have phase 2 of my implants started. So, when somebody tells you that they have screws in their head - I literally do have screws in my head! The process of having implants, is a 3 step process, and patience is required. And, luckily I do have a lot of patience.

Yesterday, while sorting things out of the house that I could donate to Purple Heart, I found many things. I have books, of course, and games that Benjamin is now too old to play. Sadly. In poking around, I also found several toys that he has outgrown, but to another child, will be fabulous and new.

In my living room, which nobody uses, I had a shopping bag made out of some kind of cheap cloth, where I stashed my yarn. When I tried going through the bag, it completely disintegrated in my hands. And, of course, the bag was red. Luckily, for me, Ada was coming and vacuumed the mess up!

Oh, back to my knitting bag, mixed in with yarn, needles, etc., I found 2 bottles of nail polish (really?), and, two small books that Benjamin used to read a long time ago. I could hang on to the things Benjamin has outgrown, but, I know, or at least I think I do, that he is going to my only grandson. Elly, is my only granddaughter. It's possible, I suppose, that Benjamin could be the last of the Bassett line. For me, that is sobering.

Jeff is picking Benjamin up this afternoon for basketball practice, and then he'll take him home. Stacey, has pneumonia, so I'm staying away from the house. Generally, I get bronchitis every winter, so I'm not taking any unnecessary chances. Once that little "itis" bug gets into my chest, it stays there for a long time.

It's cold by my standards - but merely cool for Jeff. It's a gray day outside, which does nothing for my mood. I need sunshine days, which obviously, puts me in a better place.

Today, I simply must go into the room where I have dumped all the clothes that fit, and actually do something with them. Just getting into the bedroom, will be akin to climbing a medium sized mountain. And, no I'm not kidding. Let's put it this way, after seeing all these clothes, it would be a hard sell to tell Jeff that I have nothing to wear! But, I have explained to him, that it is part of a woman's DNA, to have new clothes and/or shoes. 

Happy Thursday everybody.





Wednesday, January 22, 2020



I've received a reminder that Purple Hearts is in need of donations. I don't always have something to donate, but at the moment, I do.

I have a number of books of my own, that I'm going to donate. If I were to try and sell them, at a used bookstore, I would only get a fraction of what the books originally cost. 

I also have a large number of Benjamin's toys that he has now outgrown. After all, he'll be 12 this year. The toys in the toy box, are of little interest to him now, and are just awaiting a new home. I know that there are a lot of children, who would love a new toy.

As my shoe size has changed (gotten wider), I have several pairs of shoes that I am pretty sure I can donate. Like the clothes I tried on over the weekend, now it's time to try on shoes. Still haven't found the energy to start putting away all the clothes that I sorted out! This is about the time I wish I had an assistant!!

What I don't want to do, is to donate items that Purple Heart won't accept. I checked out their website, and they have a list of what they will accept and what they won't accept. Luckily, the things that I want to donate are all on the acceptable list, this is good.

If, I was secure in my new weight, and was 100% sure that I'd never weigh that much again, then I would have an entire bag of clothes to donate. My trainer tells me that I should keep all of my "big" clothes for 2 years. If I haven't needed them during that period, it's okay to get rid of them.

I am weighing in on the scale just two times a day. First thing in the morning, and last thing at night. I get it - it makes me sound like a fanatic, but I just like knowing that if I have indulged in too much food in a day, then I want to be aware of the numbers. The scale is making me accountable for the amount of calories I have in a day.



Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Reality Shows


You all know, that I love reality television. Okay, I know it's really "fake" television, and I'm okay with that. I love all the drama (real or scripted) that plays out on this type of television.

Currently, my main reality "show" is the "Bachelor". Currently, it's one handsome man, and a gaggle of beautiful women. The women are all trying to end up as the last woman on the show, wearing an engagement ring. The facts show that most of these engaged couples, don't last. I checked out the statistics (and you know I would), and after 23 seasons, only two couples actually got married. Six couples are together but not married. The odds aren't too good about finding that "perfect" person, particularly with cameras in your face all the time.

Some of the drama on this show in particular reminds me of middle or high school behavior. The backstabbing, gossip, and petty maneuvers to get to spend more time with the Bachelor. It's possible, I suppose, that if I was beautiful (laughing out loud), and looking for my lifetime partner, then perhaps I would also engage in this silly behavior. 

I have always contended that if a person(s) wants to go on a reality show, and perhaps make a fool out of themselves, then I don't feel guilty watching them.

Jeff and I watch "Guardians of the Glades". Now, in this reality show, the people who are being taped, are really hunting and capturing pythons. And, apparently there are a lot of them. The hunters get $8.25 an hour (you'd have to pay me a whole lot more to go after any kind of snake). They get $50.00 for pythons up to 4 feet, and additional $25.00 for each foot over 4 feet. The main character hunts down these scary snakes, who can eat a pig or deer whole, doesn't even wear shoes. Seriously? I don't even go barefoot in the house. Why? Because my mother, back when parents words were to be followed, she contended that if I went barefoot a lot, then my foot width would increase. And, that hasn't happened. Which proves that parents aren't always right!

It's cold outside today, and it's likely that I will not be going out to do my laps around the circle. I hate being cold, and lately I'm cold most of the time, which means I have a warm heart! Or that's the theory anyway.

The only thing that would make this cold weather better, would be to have snow.



Monday, January 20, 2020

Too Many Clothes!


I know with this posting, I am giving women, "permission" to go through all of their clothes. I did this yesterday, and don't tell Jeff, but I really have a lot of clothes.

It took me literally hours, but I tried each and every piece of clothing, and then deciding if that particular piece was too big, just right or too small.  

I filled one of those large plastic bags with literally everything that was too big. I have put that bag in the spare bathroom, which Jeff will put in the basement until....? I have one pair of pants that are a "tad" too small. To be sure, I could put them on, but I have never liked clothes that were too tight.  

What I'm left with is clothes that fit me right now. Now, of course, I have to find a place to put all of these clothes. Do I put all of the pants in drawers in one spare room, and tops in another dresser?

While trying on all of my clothes (tiring by the way), I found some old favorites that I had tucked away and forgotten about. Needless to say, I currently have a rather big pile of clothes in a bedroom, that now need to be put somewhere! 

I was trying to explain to Jeff, that no matter how many clothes or shoes a woman owns, there is just something about having a new piece of clothing - whether you need it or not!

One of my exercises in training, is stand and sit. I did do the standing and sitting thing yesterday for hours. Perhaps, this afternoon, during training, we can skip this part of my training. And, perhaps try something new. I know the training is working, because I can now put on my socks and shoes with no difficulty. Prior to training, putting on socks and shoes was very hard for me. Definitely, progress is being made. Someday, I will be able to get into the plane, easier than I can do so right now! There's an incentive.

 Image result for picture of clothes in a heap



Saturday, January 18, 2020

The "Snow" Event?


For days on end, all we've heard on the news, is this weather "event". According to those in the know, we should have had some snow (and it's not even enough to cover the ground), perhaps ice followed by rain. Basically, a good day for yours truly to remain in the house.

I used to go to the library on a regular basis. My interest is mostly romantic or the like. And, I seek out large print books always. However, large print books are obviously not as popular as other books. But, for me, the large print makes my hobby more enjoyable. No need for reading glasses!

I have been following a certain author "Jenny Colgan" for a few weeks now. Her books are lovely to read, most of them centered around bakeries or bookshops. She has written 24 books, at least for now. Her books that are about food, such as "Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe", generally have recipes. The measurements though are in grams, etc., which would have to be converted into cups, etc., is not something that I want to do. However, those recipes are all tasty, and for the most part, desserts. Hum, who doesn't like desserts? 

In one of her books, I found a piece of paper with an address, which is obviously, from the United Kingdom. I've given some thought to writing to this woman (I presume) and letting her know that the book she was reading has made it's way to Maryland. If somebody reached out to me, let's say about a book that I've read, I'd be thrilled. So, for the cost of a stamp, it's worth writing a letter.

I have renewed my account at the library. I haven't used the library since 2018. Now that my account is now current, I quickly selected 7 books that I would like to read. I'm sure that Jeff will appreciate this. And Amazon won't.

But, after my chores are done, more or less, I hurry to my chair and grab up the book that I'm reading. Once ensconced in a book, I can literally forget that the world exists. And, there are times, particularly as a teenager, when that wasn't such a good idea.

I hope it's sunny and warm where you are. Since it's cold outside, Jeff is going to make chicken soup today. Yumm. Jeff is now doing the bulk of the cooking, something about my not being able to easily follow a recipe.


Image result for picture of lots of books



Friday, January 17, 2020

To Be Hair - Or Not To Be Hair?


Some of you will remember the song "Hair", which was popular a long time ago. I loved that song, and if I heard it again, I'd still be moving my feet all around! Also, if you listen to the song "YMCA", that will definitely get you moving.

Jeff started shaving his head a few years ago. Now, when he goes out, particularly in the summer, he wears a hat. And, obviously that makes sense. For me, my hair is quite short. It's easier to take care of - basically wash, comb and I'm done. Not trying to make a fashion statement.

I, have been waxing parts of my face, for over 30 years. And, no matter how many times I wax, the hair always comes back. Apparently, my body isn't getting the message that I don't want facial hair. Of late though, I've noticed that the growth of my facial (i.e., mustache) hair has slowed done. Is this a bonus when you turn 70? I sure do hope so. Waxing can be expensive, partly because as long as you are there, why not get fingers and toes polished. By doing this, we save gas! At least, that's my mental rationale. Jeff probably disagrees. 

On our honeymoon, we were riding a bus in San Francisco, and there was a woman sitting near us that had this impossibly long hair on her face. The urge to just yank it off definitely came to mind. Being only 25, facial hair hadn't yet became a problem. And, I do envy blonde hair women, because their facial hair is not quite as prominent as it is with us brown haired women. Simply not fair.

In colder weather, I have earmuffs that I will wear in the car, when and if we get any winter. I think we're supposed to get some sort of weather tomorrow. And, if we do, we will likely not be using Jeff's car. We'll probably take out my car, which is heavy and works very well in snow (okay, a small snow).

One thing I know for certain, it feels really good to be in the den. And, if the girls could vote, they would also let us know that they like it too!

I like to keep you guys in the loop. Today, we have two options for celebration: National Boot Leggers' Day and/or Hot Buttered Rum.

So, if it's warm where you are, please enjoy.


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Weighted Blanket


For my birthday, Andrew and Stacey gave me a weighted blanket - and I love it. The blanket is for use on the bed and absolutely too big to use as a "throw" on my chair.

Because I loved the blanket so much, I bought myself a weighted throw that weighs 8 pounds. The preferred cleaning of these weighted items is hand wash. Now, I hope that I never or seldom have to wash either of these two weighted items.

After doing some research, and you know how much I love doing that, it appears that the blanket can go into the washing machine on a gentle cycle. There are also duvet-type covers that help to keep your blanket clean. When I'm in my chair, I put a large towel over the top, so that Daisy's hair won't become much of a problem. 

If you haven't heard of a weighted blanket, you should definitely check it out. Make no mistake, the blankets and/or throws are heavy, but once on your body, it feels comforting. And, as a person who suffers from anxiety, I believe it does help. The weighted blankets, etc., feels like (to me anyway) like having a hug. Check it out.

My blanket/throws are the same fabric on both sides, and I like that. It appears, however, that you can buy this item with a different backing. A personal decision, but not one I think you'll regret.

Windy here at the moment. Temperatures are expected to start dropping, and perhaps we'll see a little winter weather this weekend. Could be snow, could be ice and/or rain. We'll just have to wait and see.



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

To Debate Or Not Too Debate


Last night I tried, really I did, to stay awake during the debate. And, I failed. Sometime, after the debate started, I fell asleep. So much for staying current!

I do, for part of the time, rather enjoy the sparring between the candidates: Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, being one. 

Which candidate will ultimately be the Democratic nominee is, at this point, anybody's guess. 

And, this is all I'm going to say about politics. 

At the moment, we're enjoying some pretty nice weather. The sky is blue, and admittedly, I think, but Jeff doesn't, that's a little crispy outside. However, I think that on Saturday, we may have our first real snowstorm. It won't be a mega storm, but we could possibly get 1-2 inches. When Jeff and I came to Maryland in 1986, our neighbor told us that, when it comes to driveways, black is good. Meaning, get the snow off the driveway and let the sun help with melting. Jeff has adhered to this philosophy through the years. Mr. Beck was not wrong. When we get a lot of snow, I worry about Jeff overdoing when it comes to shoveling. This was, of course, something that the boys used to do, when they were home. And, now they're not.

This also used to bring in the firewood, and start and keep a fire going during cold weather. After they left home, we eventually bought a gas fireplace. One button turns it on and that same button turns it off. Does it smell as good as a real fireplace? Nope. But, it's really convenient. 

We find, as we age, that the more chores, like house cleaning and lawn mowing, we can pay others to do for us, is better. Having help does give us time to do other things. Reading is very important to me, and I have recently started buying up books, so that I can pick and choose what to read. I have a Kindle, but many times it's cheaper to buy an actual book! And, I must confess, I still like holding and reading a real book. Even though I now need reading glasses. But, after my cataract surgery, I can see things far away just fine. So, if you're ever on the fence about having cataract surgery, do it. My surgery was very successful and it actually feels strange to not be wearing glasses.

Today is National Bagel Day (and I had one this morning!) as well as National Hat Day. Jeff wears hats - I don't.

Happy Wednesday.



Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Mice and the Pantry


Sounds like the beginning of a great story doesn't it? And, if you weren't suffering from little mice that slip in and out of your house, the story would be funny. 

Yesterday, I started cleaning out the pantry. My plan was to take down to the basement, many cans that we had in duplicates, or more!

I picked out one shelf to work on. Not to my surprise, I saw the markings of one mice and/or more, had been inside the pantry. As I've said before, I thought we had a deal. The mice could stay in the garage and eat up any of the dropped kibble, etc.

Just on this one shelf, I was disappointed to see the evidence! At least, on that particular shelf, I had stored can foods only. And, the other good news (I guess you could it that),is when I move to another shelf, that the evidence will be chewed up corners, etc. When I see bits of chewing on a package, I toss the box and contents away. Actually, when you think about it, the mice are giving me a chance to toss out stale cookies, cereal, etc.

This particular chore, will take time and involve Jeff to take the canned foods, into the basement. To be sure, I leave one or two cans behind, so that you don't have to trek downstairs every time you need or want a particular can of, let's say, for instance, soup. 

I did some research today, and apparently mice don't like the smell of mint, cayenne or cloves. They recommend putting a bit of the disliked smells in the corners of your pantry (in my case) to keep the little critters away. Or blocking the corners with steel wool or aluminum. I guess mice aren't in favor of those things either. Actually, we humans are also not a fan of nibbling on aluminum. Ugh.

While it shouldn't matter, but it does, I am tired of people (the children), opening up the pantry and be blown away by the sheer amount of food inside. Of course, if there was ever a disaster, or something like that, the boys et al could come to our house, and not be hungry for quite some time!

I know that this particular project, will take up a large amount of my time. One: taking the food off the shelf; two: cleaning said shelf; and, three deciding how many cans of a particular food I actually need to keep in the kitchen. For instance. I'm pretty confident that keeping the majority of canned fruit (pineapple, etc.) in the pantry will give us unintentional exercise going up and down the stairs!

Wish me luck, over the next few days, as I continue to work on this particular project.


Monday, January 13, 2020

Something Has To Get Started In This Old Brain!


This morning, I appear to have an empty brain. Some would say, so what's new! (smiley face here).

Jeff and I did the weekly "shop" yesterday. We bought wisely, and didn't give into our yearnings. No cookies, ice cream, candy, etc. Okay, well you all know that those are the foods that would be on my list! Jeff goes for crackers, and other salty food. This is one of the ways that we make a good couple! I stay out of his things, and for the most part, he doesn't eat sweets. Perfect.

I've always been fascinated with the Royal Family, so it's no wonder that the news about Harry and Megan caught the world by storm. This is, to my thinking anyway, looking more like a soap opera. And, who doesn't like a bit of drama, at long as it's not your drama!

There is some talk about snow possibly falling here on Friday. Since we haven't had snow, except for the little sprinkling a few weeks ago, lots of people are looking forward and/or hoping that this time we'll have an adequate amount of snow. Or, as Scott likes to call it, "crap loads" - meaning inches, or feet which he would like even more! Scott's new car, a Ford Expedition, will work very nicely in snow. Jeff's car in snow, forget about it. My car, is somewhere in the middle. Theory is, if you don't need to go out, don't. 

We noticed while at the stores, that both Costco and WalMart were super crowded. In the event of a storm, we need: milk, eggs, toilet paper (definitely essential) as well as a few other things. Ice cream is always nice to have in the freezer! Oh, and I need protein water, and a new order arrived yesterday. So I'm all good.

Because I believe that I'm doing so well on my "diet" that I started in November 2018, I have bagged up most of the food products. It has taken time, but I'm really aware of portion control. At the restaurant yesterday, I ate only half of my sandwich, and even left the majority of the french fries. I think of myself now as Patti 2.0!

I hope you're having a good day. As good of a day as a Monday can be. This month we celebrate Martin Luther King day.

But, we also celebrate "Rubber Duckie Day!


Image result for picture of rubber ducky


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...