Thursday, January 30, 2020

I'm Early Today!!


Please be impressed! I'm up, dressed, had breakfast and a quick snooze with Daisy. Not bad for getting all that in by this time.

While I miss all of my friends at work, napping was really discouraged at work - even if you were bored! I, once worked with a man, (different company), who made no bones about sleeping. He just reclined his chair a bit and he was off in dream land. He was an executive, so his sleeping didn't matter to anyone.

I'm getting ready to donate to Purple Heart. I have gathered up things around the house, that I no longer need or want, like books I've read. And, some of Benjamin's toys. I have kept them for many years, but he's about to turn 12. So I think I'm safe giving away stuffed animals that dance, etc. I will not lie, on one hand, I wish Benjamin was still a little boy. A little boy, who still fit on my lap, I miss those times.

On the other hand, Jeff and I are watching Benjamin grow and grow. It won't be long, I suppose, before he is taller than me!

It's cold outside, so when I'm in the den I turn on the fireplace (have to love gas logs), and this is clearly appreciated by the girls. They both want the spot closest to the fire. When we bought our "fireplace", we also bought a blower, which was a good decision. Our fireplace not only looks pretty, but can get hot enough in the den, to drive you out!

Tomorrow, our baby (Andrew) will turn 39. I find this impossible, because he ages so do we. It's the natural order of things, but I don't have to like it. Even the "girls" have turned 3, and most, but not all, of their shenanigans have gone away. Hmm, except for Bella, who still loves paper plates, cups and napkins! Oh, and food if it's within her reach.

Today, I am promising myself to set a goal, which I generally don't keep, to finish up with my clothes. I've worked on this project for days, and now I just want to be finished. I've spent way to much time getting my clothes organized! Good news for Jeff though, is that I really don't need any clothes - I've got plenty. I can't believe I just wrote that down.

Have a good day everyone.


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