Sunday, January 5, 2020

Missed Me?


I have a good excuse for my absence. Through a multiple of errors, mostly mine, I think, my computer had to have an "overhaul". Happy to say that my new computer is back and ready to go to work. Trouble is, and you all know this by now, my "OCD" sets in. New things generally leave me anxious. Getting this new computer set to my old settings, is a challenge and one that I'm going to have to like. Jeff hates change when it comes to stuff like trying to rearrange kitchen drawers for example. I think, you could safely say - that we like things just the way they are. I guess you could call us old "fuddy duddys". Apologies, I don't know to spell either of those words. Again, they might not even be words.

Every now and then, we let the girls out for a "walk about". Normally, they run around the houses on our street, but not yesterday. Bella came home, but not Daisy. Jeff could hear her barking, but wasn't sure where the barking was coming from. He found Daisy in a neighbor's yard that had a wooden fence with wires between the posts. Problem was, Daisy was able to get into the yard, but not out. And, when Jeff did get home, she was a muddy mess.  Needless to say, she experienced her first bath. And, we had to close the doors to the bathroom, so if she managed to get out of the tub, she couldn't go anywhere. Jeff says that after a few minutes, Daisy settled down, got herself cleaned up, and was able to join the family in the den. I may have to cancel these walkabouts for the immediate future.

Another thing that needs attention, is cleaning the oven. After the oven gets "x" number of spills, then it becomes hard work to get it cleaned up. But, that is the challenge for today. Jeff used the oven a few days ago, and you could smell the burnt places. This is not a smell that you want, whenever you use the oven. Trust me.

I opened up the back door last week, and a tiny little gray thing with a long tail, was surprised, and almost flew to get under the car. This has been an on-going war for years. Perhaps, it's time to get a cat, and I don't want a kitten, I want a cat. I thought that the mice and I had an agreement - you stay in the garage - and I won't try to kill you. Apparently, one of us didn't get the renewal contract!

We watched the Patriots game yesterday, and we were both sad to see the Patriots lose. What will be Tom Brady's next move? Maybe, he'll retire - who knows.

Our refrigerator is looking pretty empty. I know that Jeff really doesn't like looking at the empty space. What I don't like, is the massive amounts of food in the pantry. Whenever, one of the family visits, they are immediately drawn to the pantry to seek out something to eat. This is always followed by "you have too much food in there". Trust me, I'm fully aware.

Happy today and next week.


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