Tuesday, January 28, 2020



Weary may not be the best way to explain how I'm feeling these days. But, I'll try to explain. When the "A" section of the paper has so many stories to read, that I get weary and sleepy. It's probably a good thing that I don't work any longer!

I watched some of the trial proceedings yesterday, and I bet you already know what happened. Yup, another nap. It may be history in the making, and I don't know how the senators stay awake. Oh, wait, I know the answer - some of them don't. Others play with fidget toys, do crossword puzzles, etc. This is democracy in action folks.

I was sorry to hear about the helicopter crash this week. Everyone always assumes it's pilot error, but it will take the FTSP to make that decision. There is always a possibility that the helicopter had some kind of mechanical difficulty.

Jeff is a good pilot. Jeff is a careful pilot. As they say in aviation, there are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots. There are several questions a pilot needs to ask himself, before he goes into the air. Here's what the I'm safe checklist includes: 

I -   illness
M - medication
S -  stress
A -  Alcohol
F -  Fatigue
E -  Emotion

And, I believe the other one that Jeff thinks about, is the "What the hell, I've got to get to "x", no matter what the weather". If you have an absolute need to be somewhere, this should not influence a pilot's decision to fly. Weather has a huge influence on whether it's safe to go. If there is ice on the wings, then you have to wait until the ice melts. Ice and flying is not a good combination.

Statistics show that 97% of all planes that have crashed, are in general aviation planes. They say that there are 5 small plane crashes every day and approximately 500 people die annually. These kind of numbers will give pause to people who don't like taking small planes. Interestingly, when we're up in the air, I'm not afraid. In fact, I fall asleep, and when Benjamin was a toddler and was sitting in the backseat in his car seat, he fell asleep quickly. I think it has something to do with the noise of the plane, if you're not wearing headphones. I sound like a pilot's wife, don't I? 

Oh, back to weary. As you know, I've been dealing with my clothes the last few days. I've gotten my clothes down to the right size, at least for the moment. I filled up two large plastic bags with these clothes - good for me. Now, I'm left with taking the rest of the clothes, and putting them in drawers or plastic containers, and this is so boring. Today, the pile left in our bedroom, is clothes that need to be put on hangers. 

Once I looked at the number of clothes that "fit" (more or less) me at the moment, I have no need for new clothes. But, don't tell Jeff that. Women, like new clothes and shoes, it's just who we are. At the moment, I'm not buying any new things. If, there becomes a time, when what I am wearing is obviously too big, then I will have to rethink what clothes items I need. In my wardrobe, I need, regardless of my size, a pair of nice pants for going out. As well as a dress or two, that can be worn to weddings and funerals.

It's a bright, sunny day. But, for me a little bit on the cool side. Jeff would disagree. Perhaps this afternoon, I will go out and do a loop or two around the circle for exercise. Have to keep these old bones working.




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