Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Everything You Need To Know - Or Not!


 For most of my adult life, when I looked at the paper, I was just interested in the cartoons! And, now, I feel it necessary to read the entire paper! Shocking I know. Oh, and I watch the news at night, while also reading a book. See, I can chew gum and walk at the same time!

Yesterday, while watching the debate some of the time, I was able to continue the reading of my book. And, we all know how much I love to read. I can, and always have, lost myself in the story. Even if the books read like a "Hallmark" movie. Considering the way the country is, at the moment, some "feel good" things seem more like a necessity. 

From typing that last paragraph, I managed to get in two naps. Yes, I know it's hard being retired! In my defense, and heaven knows I need one, I slept poorly last night. Also, last night was the first night to take a new medicine, and I wasn't happy about tossing and turning all night. Of course, it seems like the minute I sit in my chair, and watch something boring (impeachment), I fall and stay asleep until (a) Daisy jumps down from my lap; and/or (b) Jeff comes downstairs and makes a little noise. Emphasis on the "little" noise. 

The couch in our "formal" (as in, nobody goes in there) living room, is, at the moment, my dumping ground for the things I intend to donate. I have a mixed assortment of things, including some of Benjamin's stuffed toys. I could keep those for sentimental reasons. Since he's going to be 12 this year, and has outgrown stuffed animals, I thought that another child would really appreciate having them. Far better to donate than thrown out.

I'll try and write my blog earlier tomorrow.


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