Monday, January 20, 2020

Too Many Clothes!


I know with this posting, I am giving women, "permission" to go through all of their clothes. I did this yesterday, and don't tell Jeff, but I really have a lot of clothes.

It took me literally hours, but I tried each and every piece of clothing, and then deciding if that particular piece was too big, just right or too small.  

I filled one of those large plastic bags with literally everything that was too big. I have put that bag in the spare bathroom, which Jeff will put in the basement until....? I have one pair of pants that are a "tad" too small. To be sure, I could put them on, but I have never liked clothes that were too tight.  

What I'm left with is clothes that fit me right now. Now, of course, I have to find a place to put all of these clothes. Do I put all of the pants in drawers in one spare room, and tops in another dresser?

While trying on all of my clothes (tiring by the way), I found some old favorites that I had tucked away and forgotten about. Needless to say, I currently have a rather big pile of clothes in a bedroom, that now need to be put somewhere! 

I was trying to explain to Jeff, that no matter how many clothes or shoes a woman owns, there is just something about having a new piece of clothing - whether you need it or not!

One of my exercises in training, is stand and sit. I did do the standing and sitting thing yesterday for hours. Perhaps, this afternoon, during training, we can skip this part of my training. And, perhaps try something new. I know the training is working, because I can now put on my socks and shoes with no difficulty. Prior to training, putting on socks and shoes was very hard for me. Definitely, progress is being made. Someday, I will be able to get into the plane, easier than I can do so right now! There's an incentive.

 Image result for picture of clothes in a heap



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