Friday, March 31, 2017

Old Friends and Work


Ever notice that, let's say, you work with somebody, sometimes for years and then one of you leaves the company?  Once the work connection is broken, it seems as if friendships seldom survive.  One of you has moved on; and, while promises were made about staying in touch, if you have/had nothing in common but working together, the time between getting together becomes less frequent.  And over time, and it's nobody's fault, you just drift away.

This week, through a bit of searching on Facebook, I found two friends that I once worked with at Marriott.  I've reached out to both of them, and they both accepted my friend request.  This has made me very happy.  I've enjoyed reading about their lives and their successes.  Unfortunately, I believe that working defined me and not one to toot my own horn, but believe I was a very good secretary.  

I had a teacher in high school, Mrs. Orr who taught business classes: typing, shorthand, that sort of thing.  She inspired me when she said that when you entered the work force, you had to be the best of the best.  Nearly 50 years later, I set my standards high.  Oh, in the beginning of my "career", I had some truly awful jobs and some very weird bosses.  One of the strangest, was a man who had me count, literally pieces of something, but I can't remember what.  I do remember it was a mind-numbing job and I hated every second that I worked for him.  And then harassment by co-works set in. In the 60's and 70's, women were treated poorly.  If you had a baby, you had 6 weeks off.  If you didn't return at the end of the 6 weeks, you found yourself unemployed.  

I worked for a Title company and was basically what you would call a key punch operator.  Me, along with other young women, typed legal descriptions onto paper tape ALL day long.  Making a mistake is a real nightmare with paper tape.  So day after day, I typed things like "The northeast corner of the southwest corner..... blah, blah.  Once a week we typists were hauled into a room together, and our work production was discussed.  If you hadn't produced as many tapes as your co-workers, you were subjected to shame.  Now, it didn't matter if you typed only ONE legal description that encompassed hundreds of pages - it was only ONE document, compared to others who produced more work than you.

One afternoon, the boss told me to come and see him at the end of the day.  I was told that I was a terrible typist and perhaps should consider a different career.  I was fired at the ripe old age of 20 and nothing spells disaster when you're looking for a job when you've been fired.  After leaving the boss's office, I went back to my work area and took out a pair of scissors.  We had generic tapes that were part of every legal document and I cut them all in half.  Remember I was 20 and still a bit rebellious. When the boss saw what I was doing, he told me that I couldn't cut the tapes.  My reply was simply "you just told me that as a typist I pretty much stink", so why would you want any of my work?

Over the years, I mellowed and got older and smarter about working.  My theory was to keep your head down and your mouth shut (as far as opinions go).  With the advent of computers and sending email messages to co-workers and friends, I kept one simple rule: don't put anything down in writing that you wouldn't want spoken out loud.  This rule I followed religiously.  Oh, and don't write anything about anybody unless you are flattering said person.

Over time, I have worked with many wonderful men and women.  And, this week, I was able to find two women who I used to work with and I'm glad to be back in touch with them.  The direction of our lives' paths are different now, and I may never physically see them again, but it's been wonderful to catch up.  So to these two friends, I'm glad I found you.



Thursday, March 30, 2017



There is one topic that people like to discuss, and no it's not politics, although lately that would certainly lead to interesting conversations.  

Nope, it's the weather.  There are short and long term forecasts.  Will it rain during the little league game on Saturday?  If it's truly going to rain then I'd better put down some grass seed.  But, we as humans, are seldom satisfied with our weather.  It's either too hot, cold, windy.  There's too much rain and then there's not enough.  Mother Nature absolutely has her work cut out for her.

In the winter, when you live in colder areas of the country, the very act of sliding across a leather seat in your car, sends goosebumps up your arms.  You know the heater will work when the car warms up, but invariably I turn all the buttons on the dashboard for maximum heat.  Of course, I already know that the only air coming out of the vents will be cold for a few minutes.  And yet knowing this, I sit optimistically in the car satisfied that I've done everything and soon my teeth will stop chattering.

And then there's summer.  It's hot, humid and dry.  Lawns and flowers start to dry up.  Since we don't live in Southern California any longer, it's still okay to water your lawn.  Okay, I really don't like or enjoy humid weather.  So, I've come up with a new word "stickly" to describe how I feel when I retire to my recliner and my legs stick to the leather.  The cure for this condition is fairly easy.  You can, and I often do, sit on a towel which prevents me from becoming stickly!

The thing about weather is that in the fall and winter seasons, you can simply put on more clothes.  Ah, that's not such a good option in the summer.  There are only so many clothes you can take off, before you become indecent.  Of course, what you wear or don't wear inside your house is up to you.  I wear a lot of 100% cotton clothing, particularly in the summer.  I avoid all clothes that have a combination of cotton and spandex or cotton and polyester.  Those materials, on my body, just don't work.  I can, and have, pulled and tugged shirts to try and make them fit better, but I'm always unsuccessful.  Since I no longer work, wearing hose, for me, is a once or twice a year occurrence.  Obviously, by the time I retired, my company had relaxed it's dress code to include capris, sandals, etc. The closest thing I wear that I can call shorts, are some that hit me just above the knee.  Trust me, nobody wants to see much more of me!  And, if you wear sandals during the summer, then having pedicures isn't an option, it's a requirement!  But, I can clearly remember my many years of working when bare legs were an absolute no-no, and back in the 60's, heels were required too!  We have come a long way ladies.

Today's weather?  Dark and gray outside.  Tomorrow it's supposed to rain and perhaps we'll even have a thunderstorm.  At least when it has rained, and the girls come in, I know if they've been outside if their paws are wet!


 Image result for picture of dogs playing in the rain

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Still Chewing But Not Barking


Just when I think the "girls" are beginning to go around the corner and be adult dogs, they go and do something stupid.  This morning stupid was the tearing up of one of Jeff's belts.  It was an old belt to be sure, but it was (emphasis on was) still being used.  Alas, it has been reduced to bits of leather and a chewed up buckle for me to clean up today.

After being good most of the night in the bedroom, they get bored at some point and that's when everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Interestingly, my slippers are on the floor and all they do with them, is move them around, but they don't chew on them.  And from a human perspective, I would think my slippers would have more smell on them than Jeff's belt.  Go figure.

While I'm having my morning coffee, I do allow the girls to have run of the living room.  But once my coffee is finished, they are ushered out into the hallway.  Earlier in their puppy days, they had attacked the skirt on the living room sofa, and while the actually sofa is fine and in good shape, the skirt at the bottom - not so much.  And yet when I think they'll never grow up, I am seeing larger amounts of time resting/sleeping than before.  We are getting closer to their one year birthday.  I believe one of them was perhaps born in May and the other in June.  Something like that.  When we rescued them, I/we were dealing with the loss of our Westie, Sam who was 15 and had to be put to sleep.  And, we also knew that our yellow Lab, Maggie, was approaching her 12th birthday, and we wanted a "back up" dog.  Labs suffer from hip displasya (however you spell it) and a few weeks ago, she was beginning to fall down the stairs and had a very large mass/tumor growing on her side.  It was infinitely harder to put Maggie to sleep.  She was a good and loyal dog, and was a good mother to the girls, who during their early days, thought it great fun to climb on her.  Maggie also tolerated this behavior, when Benjamin was a toddler and he also liked to climb on her and sometimes he had to be reminded that he was to be gentle when he petted her.  Maggie was, as most Labs are, very patient and good-natured.

I think of the girls much like I do when I think about Scott and Andy when they were young.  They are only 18 months apart and between the two of them, there wasn't much that they didn't get into.  But we survived those years and as they got older, some of the nonsense was gone and they got along well and looked out for each other.

If I was still working, we would never have rescued two puppies.  I'm home 99.9% of the time and when I leave the house, I still put them in the basement where they find all manner of things to pull out and "recycle".  I can only imagine the amount of destruction they could do if left on their own in the house!

As the weather begins to warm up, I will start going out to the backyard, or what was once our backyard, and sit in the sun while they play and do their business.  Since there is no yard left in the back, no bushes still standing upright, except for the holly bush, I've told the lawn care people to just work on the front yard and forget for the moment the back.

The very inexpensive vibration/shock collar we bought for Daisy is doing it's job.  Now Daisy only barks once or twice and then because dogs aren't stupid, she knows (because she tested) that the collar will ultimately give her a shock.  We really hated having to do that, but once Daisy was outside on a rant of barking, she wouldn't come inside for anything.  This behavior didn't endear her to us, much less our neighbors.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Perhaps I can sit out in the sun today and soak up some vitamin E.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Gloomy Tuesday


After coming off the heels of some really nice weather, today's weather is dark, gloomy and raining  And, the girls are getting their first experience with thunder.  Unlike Sam, who was definitely afraid of weather, the girls couldn't seem to care less. There is an advantage to rain, because the girls come in with wet and/or muddy paws if they have been outside.  If their paws are dry, then that means they are using the "alternative" bathroom - the basement (ugh).

Yesterday, I went and had x-rays taken of my right knee.  Ever since I fell on it in February, the knee has continued to be a problem.  I've used my cane, turned on my pain stimulator and though I'm strongly opposed, even taken a few pain pills.  I'm sure that the cause of my knee problem is going to turn out to be some kind of "itis" - yipee.  If I have to have another area of "itis", I would prefer that everything is on one side of my body.  Definitely not fair to have pain on both sides of my body.  But, whoever said that life is fair?

The good news about the rain is that my car will get "washed".  Since my car sits out, the old girl gets dusty and is a go-to target for the birds.  Since Jeff is taking one of Scott's cars in for an oil change today, that means my car will get to go in the garage tonight.

Yesterday, I believe Bella put Daisy's vibrating/shock collar to work.  There are increasing levels of vibration before she receives a shock.  In the afternoon, I heard Daisy cry out, and the best I can figure is that Bella had put enough force on the collar that Daisy received a shock.  Sometimes Bella is a bully and she is bigger and much heavier than Daisy.  When we are watching television, we occasionally have to remind Bella to back off from Daisy.  We don't really want to shock Daisy, as much as receive ever increasing vibrations.  Daisy doesn't respond when you call her inside when she's outside exercising her vocal cords.  Her barking doesn't endear her to me, much less our neighbors.

I think today I might take on the laundry room as my "chore" for the day.  It tends to get messy and there's no particular reason why it should.  Guess it's just my lack of enthusiasm for a job that goes virtually unnoticed, except for the laundress, who is me. I am, after all, the chief cook and bottle washer - oh and I do laundry too!  The problem with being retired, other than a lack of money, is that you can easily put off until tomorrow or tomorrows anything you'd rather not do.  There is, after all books to be read and stories to be written, which is infinitely more exciting than working around the house.  Here's a picture of what I wish my laundry room looked like:

Image result for picture of laundry room

I hope the sun is shining where you are.



Monday, March 27, 2017

Garbage Disposal - Proper Use!


You're probably wondering what I mean by "proper use".  I recently learned from experience, and feel obligated to share with you, that a nylon scrubbing pad IS NOT intended to go down the disposal!  Now, you would think that would be obvious, and I, of course, know this.  But, when our disposal stopped working last week, I didn't realize my inattention, was the cause of the problem.

While putting food in the disposal, a scrubbing pad fell in too.  The result?  Not good.  Jeff pulled out an entire handful of nylon strings and still the disposal wouldn't work.  The solution was to buy a new disposal.  Not a very exciting purchase, but one of pure necessity.  I had been putting my scraps last week into a plastic jar, which is effective but a bit smelly!

Maybe some of you might remember a food strainer that sat in one corner of the sink.  It might have looked something like this: 

Image result for picture of corner scrap food  Once the food had drained, the food was put in the trash can.  So glad that we don't have to go through all that nonsense now.  I don't believe you really value a product or tool until said item up and stops working.  I had never thought of the disposal as a critical kitchen tool, until I was met with some food scraps and had nowhere to dump them.  I didn't want to put food in the trash can, and putting the scraps in a jar with a lid, was a much better alternative.

Now Jeff has a theory, and one that he has clung to over the course of our marriage.  You DON'T do plumbing on a Sunday.  Reason being is that as sure as the sun comes up every morning, you'll get home and find that the box is missing a part, or during the installation a part gets broken.  In keeping with his theory, he put the disposal in on Saturday, and for the most part, the installation went smoothly.  At least if he was cursing, it must have just been in his head, since I heard nothing.

I'm happy to report that the smelly jar is gone and the new disposal is working well and is so much quieter than our old one.  Jeff wasn't sure, but seemed to think that the broken disposal came with the house - 31 years ago!

I am now paying much more attention to what's in my sink and keeping my scrubbing pads away at a safe distance.


Friday, March 24, 2017

Peace and Quiet!


Since we rescued the girls last summer, we've discovered a "flaw" in Daisy.  It's not actually her flaw as much as it is a terrier's flaw.  They love the sound of their own "voice" and once started barking, hate to stop.  Every morning after breakfast, I have been greeted with the sound of Daisy yapping happily away in the backyard.  This annoys me and I know it does our neighbors as well.  My theory about barking is: bark once or twice and then drag in the body.  Otherwise, there is no need to bark at squirrels or flying pigs.

In desperation, because I simply can't get Daisy to come into the house once she's outside, I bought a vibrating/shock collar.  Now for many reasons, Jeff and I were adverse to having to resort to putting this collar on her.  Last night, Jeff adjusted the collar and today I have been pleasantly surprised at what a difference it has made.  Mind you, the collar cost less than $20.00 and for that price, we weren't expecting too much.  This collar has made an amazing difference.  After breakfast each day, the girls go outside and while Daisy is quiet (she operates on the bring the body inside theory), but Daisy persists in letting everybody and their cousin that she's up.  

Today, after breakfast, I heard two short barks from Daisy and then nothing.  I'm doing a happy dance in the house!  The collar goes through 7 cycles, starting with a low intensity vibration which keeps increasing if the barking continues.  The 7th cycle, is a shock, and then the collar resets.  

I simply cannot adequately put into words, how pleasant my morning bagel and coffee was.  I know that dogs bark and I'm okay with that - up to a point.  BUT, when they won't stop barking, even when offered a treat, THEN I become irritated (okay a bit more than irritated).  I don't particularly like the sound of barking dogs, particularly when the barking seems to be non-stop.

Since putting the collar on, I actually feel that I could go out and run an errand and know that Daisy isn't outside causing neighbors to silently, or perhaps not so silently, cursing her!  

When Bella is outside, all I have to do is call her name and she runs up the stairs.  Daisy - not so much.  I have left a glowing review on the manufacturer's website about how happy I am with their product.  A mostly quiet dog means a happy owner.  

It's raining outside and I was going to run an errand, but since my errand isn't critical, probably will stay inside.

Happy Friday.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Happy Birthday Stacey


Today, is Stacey's birthday.  She is now "x" years old - a lady doesn't tell or write down a woman's age.  It just isn't done.

Stacey is an amazing woman that I admire and love very much.  She is a wonderful mother to Benjamin, and is now devoting her days to home schooling him, and I believe she's doing an admiral job.  I know that I wouldn't have had the patience to teach the boys at home. 

Stacey is an artist and has many artistic talents.  For example, she can and has made Halloween costumes, as well as customized t-shirts for their trips to Disney World. When we do ceramics together, her piece turns out beautiful every time.  Stacey loves life, and in turn everyone loves her.

Over the course of time, Stacey has helped me in numerous ways.  She has taken me to doctors' appointments, helped fix the backyard fence to prevent Daisy from jumping over, and is a wonderful companion when we venture out to experience new adventures!

Jeff and I count ourselves lucky to have this amazing, loving, wonderful woman in our lives.  She is unselfish with her time and I'm very grateful to her for the times that she spends with me.

Happy Birthday Stacey.

Love J & P

 Image result for picture of birthday celebration

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Cocaine" on the Floor!


Two days ago, while I was distracted with my writing - I'm taking three writing classes at the moment.  I know there's a novel in there somewhere!  Okay, a bit off the point.  While I was writing, the girls got into the den and pulled down a squishy pillow that I had stupidly left on my chair.  

When I came into the room, there were little mounds of micro white beads everywhere.  Now I only know what cocaine really looks thanks to television shows.  However, after I vocalized "what the 'fudge" did you two puppies do, I knew that the mounds of beads was much more than any vacuum could handle.  I grabbed my broom and dustpan, and with mounting anger as well as frustration began to sweep up the beads.  Unfortunately, these little beads tend to move around, making it very difficult to get them all picked up.  By the time I had made use of the broom and one pass with the vacuum, I had beads in my shoes and both dogs were covered in beads. 

If the girls don't stop eating pillows, I'm going to start ordering them in bulk!  It wouldn't be so bad, if they would just tear a small hole in the pillow - one that could be stitched up.  But no they don't do that.  I wish I had a secret video of the girls destroying the pillow.  I'm sure they had a very good time, up and until I came into the room.  My disapproval must have poured out of every pore of my body, because they guiltily slunk out of the room and found respective corners in the house to hide in!  Think destruction of a bean bag chair!

When the girls are older, and my house and possessions don't come under constant attack, I might think back to their antics.  And, on the hand, perhaps not! 

Oh, by the way, the book club last night was a huge success!


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Book Club


In a moment of probably complete insanity, I offered to host tonight's book club at the house.  I know, I know, what was I thinking?

So far this morning, I have rearranged the chairs in my living room so that everybody will have a comfy chair to sit on, a coffee table to use for their food and drinks.  Yesterday, I went out and bought fresh fruit and cheese.  Today, I will have to make time to go out and buy some wine, which could be a challenging, for somebody who orders wine in restaurants by color: white, pink but never red!

Dessert is a vanilla cake that Jeff bought at Costco and it has berries on top.  It looks delicious.  I'll let you know about it tomorrow.

Signed up today for a year's subscription to a writing competition.  I have submitted my work with this company before, and I figured that since I was already signed up for three writing classes, what the heck, what's one more!  This company offers prizes for best writing, and that would be super neat to win something.

Writing is very personal, but though some of us may have small egos, we still appreciate and desire for feedback.  I may think my writing is good, or reader-worthy, but that's just my opinion, and in the big picture don't think that counts very much.  Just saying.

I'll have more to "talk" about tomorrow, but for now I have to get my house in order - literally!


Monday, March 20, 2017



Today, I'm heading off to get my head "shrunk".  For an hour, I can ramble on and on about anything.  I always have a list on which I've written down my accomplishments, which hopefully far outweigh any negative things.

This afternoon, I'm taking my very sore body to my pain doctor.  The knee that I fell on in February still hurts like the devil.  If I sit too long, then the knee becomes stiff and after I stand up, takes a bit of time for me to get that leg moving.  

After receiving a list of the people from my graduating class, I reached out to my cousin.  I haven't seen her since oh perhaps 1968.  I sent her an email, not sure whether she would respond.  I was happy that she wrote back.  I have tried to reach out to other cousins, but they've never acknowledged any contact.

My book club meets tomorrow night here at the house.  I was going to bake/make a dessert, but while Jeff was at Costco came across a white, cream-filled cake with raspberries and blueberries on top.  It's very pretty and I'm sure it will be a hit with the ladies.

I still need to buy wine, some kind of fancy-dancy cheese and fresh fruit.  We start our meetings with fruit, cheese and crackers.  I'm adding mixed nuts to the "first" course if you will.  We ladies always start off talking about a book, and then eventually we're off and running about everything but the book!

In between doctor visits, I'm going to dust the living room and arrange the living room chairs around the coffee table, where I will put the food.  I'm actually a bit nervous, since our home shows some puppy wear and tear, but there's nothing I can do about that.  The puppies are beginning to mature.  I know this because now they actually spend a portion of the day sleeping and the necessity of constantly chewing, except for throw pillows, has dwindled a bit.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Snowy Sunday


The day started out looking gloomy and we had some rain and a snow shower, which amounts to nothing on the ground, just looks pretty.  After everybody was fed this morning, Jeff and I retired to our individual spots to read the paper and then take in a short nap.  Once the girls are fed, they are generally amenable to sleep, and that's a good thing.

I received an email about my 50th high school reunion.  Jeff has already written the check and I've filled out the usual form: how old are your kids, what are you doing now, what memory do you have of high school, things like that.  If, we had stayed in California, where my class size was in the hundreds, I doubt that I would have any warm fuzzy feelings, and pretty sure that I would never go to a reunion.

But, I spent three years going to a small high school, in a small town and there was 53 in my class.  That is a small enough number to know everybody pretty well.  We came together to build class floats, participated in the class play and socialized together.  I have very fond memories of those years in school.

This year, our reunion also coincides with the town fair.  This is not as big obviously as a county or state fair; but, since it's occurring, Jeff and I will spend some time there.  One of the most exciting events, for me at least, is a tour of the school.  It's been 50 years and I know there have been changes, but it's still my school, and it will be super neat to go back.

Today, I'm making a list of things I need to do and food/drinks I need to buy for Tuesday's book club. Having the club meet here is a huge step for me. Our house does show some puppy wear - like the skirt of the living room sofa has been chewed off on one side, stuff like that.  But, to be fair to the others, I need to host the club two times this year.  The girls are maturing, but given any opportunity, will and do destroy pillows, socks, slippers and pretty much anything else we have!

Popping off now, I've got things that need doing.  Enjoy today.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saturday Morning and the Sun is out!


Last night for dinner, instead of our usual tacos, Jeff went to Costco and brought home a pizza. Yummy.  The dogs really enjoy eating the crust. There was enough pizza left over so that we can have some for our lunch today.

One of my first writing assignments was to write about a candle. Here's what I wrote:

It's winter and the winds are howling outside the house.  Ice covers everything from power lines to the tips of trees.  I'm in the dark, because the power has gone out.  I need a candle.  Any candle will do. I know I have stashed miscellaneous candles around the house.  They are in drawers and cupboards. Some are scented and others offer only light, which is the kind my husband prefers.  I grope my way around in the kitchen, pulling out drawers as I go.  At last, my fingers grasp onto a stub of a candle.  By merely touching, I can tell that this candle has been used countless times, as I reach for the wick, I can tell that it's nearly burned down into the wax.  Once I light the candle, the perfume scent of spices fills the air. Even though I'm in the dark, I enjoy the wonderful scent that the candle emits.   I gingerly walk with my candle, willing it to stay lit, at least until I can safely find my way to a chair. Once seated, I gaze at the candle. I can now see that it's a pumpkin colored candle inside a small jar.  I must have bought the candle during the fall sometime ago.  By the glow of the candle, my living room has sort of a romantic, gauzy feel.  And, just when I began to be slightly hypnotized by my life-saving candle, the power comes back on.

The feedback from others in my class as well as my instructor were all positive.  A write needs to occasionally "feel the love" of positive comments.  I guess writers have large egos!  What can I say?
Obviously, each person in the class should add comments to everybody's writing.  And, sometimes finding the right words is tough, particularly if you don't "get" what the paragraph is all about. 

In another class, I had to come up with one or two word answers to prompts from my Wilma story. Passion; theme; flaw and premise.  The instructor said what I had submitted was pretty good but the premise of my story needed a bit of tweaking.  I can live with that.  Now that I'm taking three classes, I find myself sitting down and writing, for at least one class every day.  Love it.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Paddy's Day!


Particularly, if you're Irish, then tonight is time to celebrate.  Of course, anybody can drink beer and/or eat corned beef and cabbage.  Oh, and wear green too, or else you'll get pinched!  For me, well I'll just be looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow - of course that means there has to be a rainbow - but here's hoping.

I now have three on-line writing classes.  The nice thing about a class is that you do get feedback.  Writers, and I guess I can call myself that, need to occasionally and hopefully, get a "warm fuzzy" after someone reads what you wrote.

My writing is not up to Shakespeare's level, but when I read back to myself what I've written, I'm pretty satisfied.  Yesterday, Jeff sent me several writing prompts sites, and I tried to follow the directions, which were very confusing.  Long story short, the writing that I submitted only received negatives: I didn't follow the rules (thought I did); my word count was wrong (pretty sure it wasn't); and on and on.  Anyway, my feelings, or perhaps ego, took a hit and before anybody else could tell me what I had done wrong, I deleted what I had written.

I will stick to the writing classes that I pay for and receive one-to-one critique/instruction from, well, an instructor!  My lessons come twice a week, and today is one of those days, where I will get my next assignment.  After getting my assignments, all I have to do is write!   

It's a beautiful day out, bright blue sky and sunshine.  And, of course, it's Friday.  I celebrate Friday because it's the one day in a week, that I don't cook.  Jeff, is going to Costco after work to get gas.  I suggested that instead of Taco Bell for dinner, perhaps he could bring home a pizza.  Shake up our routine a bit, wouldn't want to get into a rut!

After being outside and Daisy barking non-stop, which I and I know my neighbors do as well, hate, I was finally able to get Daisy inside.  She seems to have a sixth sense that once she comes inside, I'm going to shut the door to the basement.  And, she's right, that's exactly what I do.  If you call Bella, from wherever or whatever she's doing, she comes running.  Daisy, having enough terrier in her, marches to her own music, and she'll come when she's ready, and not before.

I've made a list of chores and errands that I need to get done before book club on Tuesday.  I need to buy fruit, cheese, wine, and some kind of dessert.  Those four items have been served by everyone else that has hosted the club.  I already have crackers, disposable plates and silverware.  I know next to nothing about cheese or wine for that matter, but when it comes to cheese I think most of the ladies serve blue cheese or something similar.  I'm taking a bit of a risk having the ladies here at the house. There is apparent some damage caused by the puppies - like the skirt from the sofa for instance, but it is what it is.  By some standards, my house would seem cluttered with my many pieces of glass that are displayed throughout the living room.  I love many things obviously, but I have a real soft spot for glass and beautiful pieces of wood furniture!

Enjoy yourselves tonight.

The three-leaved clover has been linked with the Irish celebration for centuries

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sunny Thursday


A beautiful day today.  Hard to imagine that it was snowing just two days ago.  That's Mother Nature for you.  There is still some snow on the ground in the backyard, because due to the height of the trees, there is mostly shade.  I'm thankful for only having wet as opposed to muddy paws.  Guess it doesn't take much to make me happy.

In preparation for Tuesday's book club meeting at the house, I have begun to do some cleaning in the living room.  I'll put off vacuuming until Tuesday, but I did take down three glass shelves, very carefully, and washed all the glass treasures that were on the shelves.  I've decided that the last two shelves will just have to stay dusty.  I can't reach them and nobody wants to see me on a step stool or ladder!  With my luck, I'd stumble and bring down the shelves and all of my "pretties".

Compared to the other ladies' homes, which are pristine clean and free of clutter, my house looks like a granny lives here.  Pictures, glass pieces, Benjamin's art projects and needlepoint hanging on the wall.  By some standards, some would call my house cluttered, and they might be right.  All I know is that for each piece of glass, picture or you name it, means something to me.  

As a teenager, whenever we traveled someplace, I (actually my parents) bought me a cup and saucer.  I'm not talking about the rather tacky ones that are made to be souvenirs and not really meant to be on display.  I have genuine china cups and saucers from places like Plymouth, Gettysburg and any other place we went.  These cups are the kind that you could actually use - after you wash the dust off!

Many years ago, Jeff bought me a series of miniature cups and saucers from china companies, such as Wedgewood for example.  They are all beautiful and make a very nice collection.  These cups and saucers could easily go into the dishwasher, if I had a mind to do so.  I also have a mug from the 1953 coronation of Queen Elizabeth.  The mug is now multi-glued and fragile.  Not only do I not dust it, but I would never wash it.  It remains on a top shelf, undisturbed by time.  There's a cup and saucer from Jeff's grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.  I don't wash/dust that one either.

I have a porcelain figurine marked "made in occupied Japan". You don't see too many of those marked items for sale. 

I am well aware that sometime in the future, when we downsize for instance, that not all of my treasures will likely come along.  I also am pretty sure that there is nobody in the family, that gives two hoots about my varied and vast collection of glass.  I understand these are my treasures and my memories, and they won't mean as much, if anything at all, to somebody else.  And, you can't put a price tag on memories.

There's a wood chipper across the street that's chewing up trees from my neighbor's house.  The puppies find this exercise very interesting, and they are both standing in a chair to get a better view!  When I think of a wood chipper, I remember a very ugly episode from the television show "Fargo"!

Yesterday's dinner was chicken noodle soup.  I took two packages of dry soup and noodle mix, put that in the pot with a combination of chicken stock and water.  I added in bits of cooked chicken, some peas and corn, plus a few handfuls of very tiny noodles.  The outcome?  Delicious if I say so myself.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...