Monday, March 13, 2017

The "S" Word!


The weathermen are predicting snow to arrive tonight through tomorrow morning.  If the prediction is true, then it will be our first major snow event this winter.  Sounds like we'll definitely have to get the snow shovels out.  Trees and flowers are so confused. They don't know whether to start budding or pull themselves back in and wait for warmer weather.  Perhaps Mother Nature is menopausal!

Unlike most folks, Jeff and I have a full (and I really do mean that) pantry, freezer and fridge.  The trifecta of things that most people buy before a storm is: milk, toilet paper and then something else to help get you through the storm - like ice cream!

When enough snow is predicted that will require snow plows and/or salt trucks, people should make sure that all of their cars are out of the street.  The plows cannot do an adequate job of clearing the roads, if there are cars parked and blocking their way.  I know it can be a nuisance to put multiple cars in the driveway, because of the possibility of having to jockey them around, but in the long run it helps everyone else out.

If we do get inches of snow, then I'll be interested to see what the puppies make of walking and/or running through drifts.  Unlike old Sam, who was all white and couldn't really be seen in the snow, both of the puppies have colored coats, and are taller than Sam was.

I was supposed to host the book club tomorrow night, but it's been rescheduled until next week.  Once the snow begins to fall and stick to the ground, there is no reason to put yourself in harm's way for an activity that can easily be scheduled for a new date.

It's pretty quiet on the home front today, if you don't factor in Daisy's barking.  How I wish she was more obedient like Bella.  If you call Bella into the house, she comes running.  Daisy?  Not so much.

Have a wonderful Monday.


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