Friday, March 24, 2017

Peace and Quiet!


Since we rescued the girls last summer, we've discovered a "flaw" in Daisy.  It's not actually her flaw as much as it is a terrier's flaw.  They love the sound of their own "voice" and once started barking, hate to stop.  Every morning after breakfast, I have been greeted with the sound of Daisy yapping happily away in the backyard.  This annoys me and I know it does our neighbors as well.  My theory about barking is: bark once or twice and then drag in the body.  Otherwise, there is no need to bark at squirrels or flying pigs.

In desperation, because I simply can't get Daisy to come into the house once she's outside, I bought a vibrating/shock collar.  Now for many reasons, Jeff and I were adverse to having to resort to putting this collar on her.  Last night, Jeff adjusted the collar and today I have been pleasantly surprised at what a difference it has made.  Mind you, the collar cost less than $20.00 and for that price, we weren't expecting too much.  This collar has made an amazing difference.  After breakfast each day, the girls go outside and while Daisy is quiet (she operates on the bring the body inside theory), but Daisy persists in letting everybody and their cousin that she's up.  

Today, after breakfast, I heard two short barks from Daisy and then nothing.  I'm doing a happy dance in the house!  The collar goes through 7 cycles, starting with a low intensity vibration which keeps increasing if the barking continues.  The 7th cycle, is a shock, and then the collar resets.  

I simply cannot adequately put into words, how pleasant my morning bagel and coffee was.  I know that dogs bark and I'm okay with that - up to a point.  BUT, when they won't stop barking, even when offered a treat, THEN I become irritated (okay a bit more than irritated).  I don't particularly like the sound of barking dogs, particularly when the barking seems to be non-stop.

Since putting the collar on, I actually feel that I could go out and run an errand and know that Daisy isn't outside causing neighbors to silently, or perhaps not so silently, cursing her!  

When Bella is outside, all I have to do is call her name and she runs up the stairs.  Daisy - not so much.  I have left a glowing review on the manufacturer's website about how happy I am with their product.  A mostly quiet dog means a happy owner.  

It's raining outside and I was going to run an errand, but since my errand isn't critical, probably will stay inside.

Happy Friday.


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