Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Snow Storm is Over


Yesterday, as predicted, when we woke up, there was snow on the ground.  Enough snow that needed to be shoveled, particularly since after the snow, we received sleet.  What you don't want is to have ice form on top of snow.  That's a dreadful combination.  In terms of safety, what you do want is to see black asphalt on your driveway.  Since the boys are grown, and I'm pretty much useless, Jeff had to do the shoveling by himself, which he did, taking his time as well as taking needed and necessary breaks.

The puppies, as you can imagine, thought the white stuff was great.  They were out in the yard and frolicking around and having a good time.  Good thing about snow is that when they come inside, their paws are wet, but not muddy!  Definitely a plus.

Yesterday evening, I noticed a bit of blood on Jeff's recliner.  I/we followed the trail and it led to Bella.  She had torn her dew claw and was bleeding everywhere.  Unfortunately, before we noticed, she had walked up the stairs, leaving behind spots of blood.  Had to get the carpet cleaning tools out again - sigh!  I thought we had gotten most of the potty training under control, at least for Bella.  Daisy - not so much.

Jeff wrestled Bella onto our chest freezer.  He applied some blood stop to the area and then we put on a wide bandage.  We covered up our handiwork with an old sock and packing tape to keep everything in place.  The sock stayed in place through the night but this morning she was anxious to remove the sock, and she did so in record time.  The bandage has remained in place and there is no sign of "leakage".

You may remember that I wrote about one of Jeff's Christmas presents to me.  An anti-aging cream for "old woman spots" on the face.  The trial was advertised as "free"; but, believe me when I tell you that it wasn't completely free.  In the tiniest of print, there was a disclosure that unless you notified the company within "x" days, you would receive a regular shipment of cream.  The regular two jars of cream come to a whopping $166!  Finding a phone number for this company, required a lot of time and patience, but eventually I was successful.  I told them that I was sending the unopened jars back and wanted my full refund.  I had to pay for the postage to return the jars, and kept the receipt that has a tracking number. Lesson to self - anything that is free - probably isn't!

We just got our Visa statement and the credit of $166 was not there.  I called the company and was put on hold multiple times.  The customer representative said he could issue me a 50% refund on each jar.  He also told me that the warehouse hadn't received my package.  I called him on his "bull....", and told him that I had tracked the package and that they had received on February 15th.  I also told him (and boy am I getting assertive in my old age) that I absolutely WOULD NOT accept a 50% refund.  I also told him that if we didn't see the full refund in the next week, I would get Visa involved.  I do believe I got the young man's attention.

I've received my first on-line writing assignments.  So far, the critiques from my instructor have been mostly positive.  When I failed to keep my momentum going, she offered me ways to fix that in the future.  I have just signed up for a second writing course.  No grades, just the satisfaction of producing good (hopefully) work.

Cold and windy today.  A good day to be inside for sure.  Even the puppies are spending very little time outside!

Cold and a bit windy today.  A good day to be inside for sure.  


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