Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saturday Morning and the Sun is out!


Last night for dinner, instead of our usual tacos, Jeff went to Costco and brought home a pizza. Yummy.  The dogs really enjoy eating the crust. There was enough pizza left over so that we can have some for our lunch today.

One of my first writing assignments was to write about a candle. Here's what I wrote:

It's winter and the winds are howling outside the house.  Ice covers everything from power lines to the tips of trees.  I'm in the dark, because the power has gone out.  I need a candle.  Any candle will do. I know I have stashed miscellaneous candles around the house.  They are in drawers and cupboards. Some are scented and others offer only light, which is the kind my husband prefers.  I grope my way around in the kitchen, pulling out drawers as I go.  At last, my fingers grasp onto a stub of a candle.  By merely touching, I can tell that this candle has been used countless times, as I reach for the wick, I can tell that it's nearly burned down into the wax.  Once I light the candle, the perfume scent of spices fills the air. Even though I'm in the dark, I enjoy the wonderful scent that the candle emits.   I gingerly walk with my candle, willing it to stay lit, at least until I can safely find my way to a chair. Once seated, I gaze at the candle. I can now see that it's a pumpkin colored candle inside a small jar.  I must have bought the candle during the fall sometime ago.  By the glow of the candle, my living room has sort of a romantic, gauzy feel.  And, just when I began to be slightly hypnotized by my life-saving candle, the power comes back on.

The feedback from others in my class as well as my instructor were all positive.  A write needs to occasionally "feel the love" of positive comments.  I guess writers have large egos!  What can I say?
Obviously, each person in the class should add comments to everybody's writing.  And, sometimes finding the right words is tough, particularly if you don't "get" what the paragraph is all about. 

In another class, I had to come up with one or two word answers to prompts from my Wilma story. Passion; theme; flaw and premise.  The instructor said what I had submitted was pretty good but the premise of my story needed a bit of tweaking.  I can live with that.  Now that I'm taking three classes, I find myself sitting down and writing, for at least one class every day.  Love it.


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