Monday, March 6, 2017



Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I set of to do our weekly shopping - Costco and WalMart.  Sometimes I don't go along, because we'll let's face it, neither of those stores are very exciting.  I mean how excited can someone get over 36 rolls of toilet paper?

WalMart was fully decked out for Easter.  Plastic eggs, fake grass, stuffed bunnies, chocolate rabbits (don't eat the ears first) and more candy, oh lots of candy.  When the boys were young and had Easter baskets, how I hated the fake grass.  It seemed to go everywhere and served very little purpose.  

While we were gone, and we didn't dally, our neighbor called/texted whichever to let us know that Daisy had been barking non-stop for 2 hours.  Okay, we are well aware that once Daisy gets started, it's sometimes hard to get her to stop.  With no one at home, to call her in, I'm sure she vented her frustration by barking.  But 2 hours?  Really?  At the time of her message, we definitely hadn't been away for more than 45 minutes.  We try very hard, and always have, to be responsible dog owners and not allow our dogs to stand outside and bark at squirrels in the tree or the wind blowing by.

Somehow this missive had a not surprisingly negative effect on the rest of our shopping at WalMart.  Bella isn't the barker and never has been.  Daisy, on the other hand, and a terrier barks at pretty much everything she can see, smell or sense.  I'm home 99.9% of the time and when I'm gone, try and not be gone for any extended period of time.  Of course, this makes for a rather dull life for me.  Admittedly, I don't often feel the need to go out, but every now and then a trip to get a manicure or a stroll through a store is needed, if only for my sanity.

I've discovered that the only plant/shrub in the backyard that the girls definitely leave alone is the Holly bush.  I'm thinking about getting several more Holly bushes and plant them along the fence line, because eventually those bushes can get to be quite tall.  And, it's a plant I know they will stay well away from!  Every other plant that I had put in the ground has either been dug up, or chewed to death.  To say that the backyard needs an overhaul in the spring would be an understatement!

Chores today include laundry (ugh), sweeping and mopping of the basement floor and other such thrilling things.  I know you all envy me - not!


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