Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Book Club


My monthly book club meets next week.  I haven't as yet hosted a meeting at my house, partly because of the puppies, who have caused some large amounts of destruction around the house.  But, I decided that there was no time like the present to have the ladies come to the house.  I have forewarned them, in case of allergies, that I have dogs.  I'm going to serve fresh fruit, some kind of cheese that I know the ladies will like, but me not so much and dessert.  Now, all I have to do, is get the living room, etc., in a condition acceptable for company.  This is no easy task, because Daisy and Bella haven't met a kleenex, a piece of clothing or in Jeff's case, pillows!

Yesterday, I mopped the basement floor three times.  One of the dogs, and I'm pretty sure it's Daisy, feels no natural tendency to go outside to do her business.  She prefers, as Sam did, to just pee wherever or whenever the mood strikes her.  This doesn't, obviously, make me very happy.  I bought a new mop solely for use in the basement.

In order to be a responsible dog owner, and knowing Daisy's tendencies to bark incessantly.  While I can't see anything for her to bark at, I know she feels there is.  I think she barks at the squirrels, and since they are high up in the tree and beyond her reach, she feels it's necessary to let them know she's on the ground and watching.

Yesterday, I ordered an anti-bark collar for Daisy.  I hate to do this, but simply can't be a prisoner in my own home.  The collar will emit several sounds, each one getting louder.  If the barking continues, then Daisy will get a small shock.  I feel bad that we have to resort to this, but am hopeful that she will get the message quickly.  After a shock, which the reviewers on Amazon, have indicated isn't very strong, the collar resets itself and the process starts all over again. When I'm home, which is 99% of the time, I am on Daisy like white on rice when she starts barking.  But obviously, can't correct her if I'm not here. While Jeff and I loath that we have to resort to this, but living on top of your neighbors means you have to be mindful of excess noise!  And what is noise to one can be excess noise to another.

This Saturday, Jeff and I, along with the girls, are going out to Andy's house.  Stacey is having some kind of clothing party.  The girls can run and run in the backyard, and I'm sure that Jeff will putter around the house.  Here's what I know for sure - the ride home will be very quiet as the girls will have worn themselves out!

A very gloomy day here.  It's not really raining, it's misting and I think that's almost more annoying than rain.

Image result for picture of book club with wine


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