Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Cocaine" on the Floor!


Two days ago, while I was distracted with my writing - I'm taking three writing classes at the moment.  I know there's a novel in there somewhere!  Okay, a bit off the point.  While I was writing, the girls got into the den and pulled down a squishy pillow that I had stupidly left on my chair.  

When I came into the room, there were little mounds of micro white beads everywhere.  Now I only know what cocaine really looks thanks to television shows.  However, after I vocalized "what the 'fudge" did you two puppies do, I knew that the mounds of beads was much more than any vacuum could handle.  I grabbed my broom and dustpan, and with mounting anger as well as frustration began to sweep up the beads.  Unfortunately, these little beads tend to move around, making it very difficult to get them all picked up.  By the time I had made use of the broom and one pass with the vacuum, I had beads in my shoes and both dogs were covered in beads. 

If the girls don't stop eating pillows, I'm going to start ordering them in bulk!  It wouldn't be so bad, if they would just tear a small hole in the pillow - one that could be stitched up.  But no they don't do that.  I wish I had a secret video of the girls destroying the pillow.  I'm sure they had a very good time, up and until I came into the room.  My disapproval must have poured out of every pore of my body, because they guiltily slunk out of the room and found respective corners in the house to hide in!  Think destruction of a bean bag chair!

When the girls are older, and my house and possessions don't come under constant attack, I might think back to their antics.  And, on the hand, perhaps not! 

Oh, by the way, the book club last night was a huge success!


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