Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Quiet Day - I Hope!


The neighbors next door are out of town, and have two probably college-aged girls staying at the house.  Yesterday, was a dog owner's nightmare.  These girls were in and out of the house, their car and the yard.  Daisy, because of her collar, only barks once or twice, but most of the time she doesn't bark at all.  Bella, on the other hand, nearly lost her mind.  Normally, Bella will always come when you call her, but not yesterday.  Nope, I had to go outside and "convince" her to come in the house.  I actually had to close the basement door several times yesterday, because her barking was non-stop.  I know that if I don't like listening to her barking, then I know my neighbors don't either.

And, one of my chores yesterday, which I hate doing, but needs to be done anyway, is mopping the basement floor.  For some reason, even though there's a doggy door just a mere feet away, one of the dogs, and I suspect it's Daisy, thinks the basement floor is a better option for her potty needs.  Now with my track record of falling down when I mop floors, I went downstairs with my fully charged cellphone in my pocket.  There was no way I was going to find myself on the floor again, and not able to call for help.  Luckily, I remained upright!  Yeah, baby steps.  

Yesterday, since I concentrated on my writing (fun) and my basement chore (ick), my kitchen needs attention today.  My knee remains sore from my last fall, and too much "stooding" causes me discomfort.  But, I know what that sounds like - any excuse for avoiding doing something - anything!

I've also got books to read, and assignments to write.  I swear if I keep this writing thing going, I may become encouraged enough to get my mojo back for writing the world's next greatest novel (I wish)!

When Jeff and I were in the Bahamas last year, I got too much skin on my right arm and I got little bumps on that arm.  Seemed to take forever for the bumps to go away.  Interestingly, or not, after an afternoon on Monday, with the top down, those annoying bumps have come back on my right arm.  No bumps on my left arm either time.  Could be I am doomed to get little bumps on my arm forever?  I hope not.  I don't do sun worshiping any more, as in just planting this old body in a chair in direct sunlight.  Oh, I do believe that legs particularly, look better when they're tanned, but for sure I want to limit the amount of time my face is in the sun.  Pushing toward 68 and my face is in "relatively" good shape.  Of course, that may be just me believing that I look good!  I do have those annoying age spots on my body, and there's no inexpensive way to get rid of them.  I like to think of those spots as wisdom spots, it makes me feel slightly better!

Time to get moving.  Have a great Thursday.


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