Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunny Sunday


It's a beautiful sunny Sunday in the neighborhood.  Tomorrow is going to be warm, so will get a chance to open up windows.  

Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I with the boys and a friend, went to a local steakhouse for dinner.  We went early to avoid the crowd, and it's a good thing we did.  Our wait for the table was minimal.  Unfortunately, parts of the meal service left a lot to be desired.  Andy ordered his steak medium rare, as I did, but his came out of the kitchen more raw than rare.  He sent the steak back and by the time a new steak arrived, the rest of us were through eating.  

We had decided to have dessert.  The manager came over and took the dessert orders for only half the table.  Why she didn't take everyone's order is still a mystery to me.  When our half of the table got their desserts, Scott rightfully asked why his side of the table wasn't given a chance to order dessert.  The whole meal seemed off and by the time we finished, the noise level in the restaurant was deafening.  And the number of people waiting to eat got larger by the minute.  There are only so many seats available in the waiting area, so if you weren't luck enough to have a seat, you had to stand.

We brought Benjamin home with us for last night and today.  Stacey is coming tomorrow to take me to Baltimore for a doctor's visit and we get to take the convertible.  Yipee.  We didn't get to bed very early last night, but the girls and Benjamin were all up at 6:00.  I came down to feed the girls, hoping that both Benjamin and Jeff would be able to sleep longer.  Once the girls were fed, they were, and so was I, ready for our first nap of the day!

I've marked up my week of television shows to record.  And, now with the new Tivo, I can record six shows at one time.  This, will be especially useful on nights like tonight, when it seems most of our favorite shows are on.  And, the new Tivo, for selected television stations, allows us to hit a button that skips the commercials and goes right back into the show.  A nifty, nifty feature.  Through the magic of computer something or another, we can share shows with Scott and vice versa.  Since any explanation of how this is done, would be over my head, I simply  accept that the ability to do this is possible.  When you live around "geeks", you take a lot of things for granted.  

I'm getting a very late start to my day.  Benjamin has gotten dressed and gone to play with the little boy next door.  The little boy, Andy, is Chinese and very serious.  The few times they've played together, Andy doesn't understand imagination play.  Whereas, Benjamin who plays by himself a good deal of the time, knows about imagining that he's an "x" (pirate, cowboy or whatever).  When I was a young girl, I also from time to time, played alone.  And, while Benjamin doesn't, I would talk to myself while playing.  And no, in case you're wondering, I didn't talk back to myself, that would be just silly!



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