Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Misplaced Things


I suffer a "tad" from OCD.  I'm the person who generally has to check at least twice to make sure the car is locked, minor, but annoying.  Yesterday, I went to the dentist and I took my Kindle with me. First thing this morning, I went to get my Kindle, and for the life of me, couldn't find it - and I looked everywhere - even the backyard.  The dentist always give you a little bag of toothpaste, etc., and I finally went and lifted the bag up, and voila the Kindle was underneath.  Whew. 

It was a nice day outside, so I went out with a lawn chair, a rake and a dust pan.  Reason?  To rake up all the pieces and bits of torn up wordily possessions.  In may haul, after raking, I found part of my missing comb, a broken CD, remnants of my book rest that I "used" to use to hold my Kindle while I read.  Lots of fluff from pillows that have died a valiant death, a head scarf, dog animals that didn't survive puppy destruction and a whole bunch of other things.  To give you an idea of the shear volume of the picked up "treasures" - if filled a large paper recycling bag, who's use is intended for lawn debris!  I'm pretty certain that my neighbor next door, who's house sits higher than ours, doesn't enjoy the state of our yard.  But, when I ventured outside, I couldn't stand the mess and knew that I had to do something.

I've been "working" with a program called "MTurk", which is affiliated with Amazon.  The actual name is Artificial, Artificial Intelligence.  Requestors post jobs that are too small for them to hire someone.  The jobs don't pay much - a nickel here - a dime there.  But all those little nickels and dimes do add up.  I've received this week a bonus of $1.50 from two requestors who obviously liked how I performed my job.  One job that comes up frequently is to type in the items, SKU code and price from cash register receipts.  This generally only pays a penny or two, but over time, makes a difference.  So far, I've made $6.44 this month and have 8 more jobs pending approval or rejection from the requestor.  The amount of money I make doing these rather mind-numbing chores is never going to set the world on fire but it keeps me off the streets and allows me to use my brain.

I decided to put down one of those pee pads in our bedroom, for the dogs to use.  In case you're wondering, they didn't use it, they "misused" it!  The pad is now in a thousand pieces across the floor.  And because my slippers had been taken outside and eaten, I bought a new pair.  When I wasn't looking, one of the slippers had been taken outside.  By the time I got outside, I was able to save the slipper.  Shortly, after, Bella started leaving the den with the other slipper in her mouth.  I was able to get the slipper away from her, and give her a pretty good slap with the slipper on her rear end.  I don't think we're ever going to be able to leave the dogs in the house when we go out!

Today's weather is cool, so it's back to longer pants this morning.  I feel like the young man in the movie "Karate Kid".  Instead of wax on, wax off, now it's short pants on, short pants off.  Since we don't think the upstairs a/c is working properly, we need it to remain cool until the a/c man can come out.  

Off to "broom" my bedroom floor. The pieces of fluff are too big for a vacuum, so it's a broom and a dustpan for me.  What I don't understand is, I have a bucket in the bedroom, full of bones and antlers.  And, occasionally, they chew on those things, but clearly the stuff that is supposed to be off limits is way more exciting.  It's been a long time, 12 years to be exact, since we had a puppy.  When we rescued Sam he was 7, and way past chewing up inappropriate things.  I can't remember, and wish I could, how old Maggie was before she no longer chewed up everything in sight.


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