Wednesday, April 5, 2017

"Honey Do Chores"


When a person no longer has to answer to a time card, a boss or co-workers, scheduling repairman is easy peasy.  As an office worker, it was at time, hard or even difficult to schedule an appointment that wasn't going to cause a conflict with others.  At last, those days are gone.  The only thing impairing scheduling, is my own personal calendar, which generally is wide open.  I do hate those "window" appointments: they'll be here between "x" and "y".  Because I don't know whether the appointment is going to be at 10:00 this morning, I had to be up, dressed, and eaten my breakfast long before the earliest appointment time. 

Since the girls do minimum (it used to be maximum) damage to the bedroom once they decided it was time to get up, I am once again setting my alarm clock for 6:00.  Once they've been outside and fed, their two major requirements for the day, they are then content to take a snooze.  Sometimes, I'll join them!

Today the garage door company is coming out to adjust, lubricate or some other such routine maintenance.  Jeff sent me an email, I do better when things are in writing, telling me what was wrong with the garage door, and I passed that along to the garage door people. 

Next up, is the power washing of the house.  I've called, but the owner of the company, wants to put off the washing until next week.  He'll call me to schedule.  Again, my only restrictions for next week is Monday.  After that, I should/could be home.

It took two hours yesterday to wash and dry my duvet cover and a blanket.  Luckily, I brought along my Kindle and for part of the time, sat in my car.  Jeff and I only want unscented items in our house.  We don't want scented soaps of any kind, scented dryer sheets, or scented fabric softener, which I actually don't use.

Ah, buy yesterday my noise was put into overdrive.  There were scented dryer sheets left on the table, scented soaps and softeners of all kinds in the air.  The in aisle that Jeff and I ignore completely, or out of necessity to get something, rush through to get our item and get the heck out of dodge.  All that scent is really overpowering.

At home, I 99% of the time wash our clothes in cold water.  There is occasionally a need for hot water when the clothes have become muddy from working in the dirt.  Otherwise, the bulk of our clothes aren't particularly very dirty. It's just something that women for the longest time, attend to.  
I hate to say it defines us, but I know very few husbands that willingly wash clothes.  Come to think of it you could add washing dishes to that list also!

Yesterday, I pulled Wilma back out and revised the first 33 pages.  Mind you, over the years, I have written hundreds of pages, but I need to read those pages and tighten up the story or remove parts of the story that no longer seem relevant.  I think I've decided that the first half of the book should concentrate on Wilma's story, and the second half devoted to Jonas.  In my mind, that seems to make the most sense.   

While I was making my layered lettuce salad yesterday, I was using my new slice/dice tool, which by the way is very efficient and fast.  Unfortunately, I grabbed one of the blades sharp side up, and I was rewarded with a cut.  The cut wasn't deep, more annoying than anything.  As I put away my new tool this morning, I made sure to handle the different blades carefully.

We are having very nice weather today, but tomorrow we're supposed to get rain.  Rain will lead to muddy paws on the floors.  There was a time many years ago, that when it was muddy outside, I kept a bucket near the basement door, and I dipped (challenging at times) put each paw inside the warm water and swished it around.  That was very effective.  I haven't tried to do that with the girls because I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of resistance, and I'm not interested in having a tussle.  Call me lazy.

As the time inches toward 10:00, I'll go and put on my "war paint" (i.e., lipstick).  I have worn the same shade of lipstick for years, and unfortunately Cover Girl no longer makes that color.  I've tried other colors, but they either too bright or too dull.  I envy women who can pull off bright red lipstick and nail polish.  My mother wore red lipstick, but on me I think I would end up looking like a clown!

And, when I put on acrylic nails, which I really love to have on from time to time, even then I opt for lighter colors.  I don't do glitter nail polish or what I call "off" for lack of a better word, like black or anything neon.  Just not for me.

I get new lessons today, so am anxious to open up my electronic classroom and get started on my writing assignments.

Have a great day.


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