Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday Already!


Not only is today a Friday, but it's the last Friday of the month.  Time to turn those calendars over people.  We're supposed to have warmer, i.e., hot weather this weekend.  Unfortunately, our upstairs a/c unit isn't working, or perhaps it's better to say, not working properly.  Lucky for me, that the downstairs unit is working, so I'm comfy all day long.  I hate sticking to leather - just saying.

Yesterday, I decided it was a "me" day.  I took myself down to the salon and had my fingers and toes painted a lovely shade of pink and since my "whiskers" were beginning to show on and under my chin, took action to remove them, for the time being.

I received last night, a couple of things to hopefully keep the girls from destroying things in the bedroom.  Bigger bones and a pink pig made by a company called "Go Dog".  The reviews from people who had bought their fluffy animals, was very high.  So, I took a chance.  I bought a lovely little pink pig and a gray squirrel.  When I woke up this morning, the pig was still all in one piece.  Now you're thinking that is because the girls were asleep, and that's likely part of the success.  But, they do wake up earlier than I do, and still the pig was unharmed.  Could it be that I've stumbled onto a plush toy that the girls can love a bit, but not too much?

Tomorrow, Jeff and I are going to a friends' house for an early dinner, late lunch.  It's not a big group, but I like to call us "Alums and Chums".  Everyone, except for spouses, is or was a Marriott employee.  Obviously, I'm part of the Alums group.  The last time we got together, was at our house.  Any event hosted by me, does require a bit more than just tidying up.  I have dog hair, potty messes and various amounts of "debris" everywhere in the house.  Most of the time, parts of the house look like World War III had been staged in the den!

Have a wonderful Friday and a super weekend.


Image result for picture of pretzel salad with pineapple

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