Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Yesterday in Review


Yesterday, Stacey, Benjamin and I took Jeff's convertible for our mode of transportation for the day.  There is something about going 60 mph, with the wind whipping your hair all around your head, that is so freeing.  And, when you park, you can always comb out your hair, which by then is all tangled up.  A small price to pay for such a wonderful ride.  Jeff, who has no hair on his head, doesn't suffer from this problem!  (smiley face here)

We went to see Beauty and the Beast at a more upscale theater.  They have some bar food for sale and you can also buy wine, if that's your drink of choice.  I coshed my usual fare: buttered popcorn and diet coke.  I see no reason to tinker with something that is tried and true.  Plus, who doesn't love buttered popcorn?

The movie was amazing.  After having watched the animated version of the story multiple times, to see it with real people made the movie wonderful to watch.  The costumes, dancing and singing were all delightful.  On the way out of the theater, Benjamin was singing part of the words to the song "Be Our Guest".  I told Stacey that when the boys were little, I had a cassette (remember those?) of the musical Annie and we played that tape all the way to and from daycare.  It got to the point that I think I knew all the lyrics at some point, even if I didn't want to!

Pressure washing of the house today.  Once the house is finished, the siding will obviously be cleaner and brighter.  

The girls got me up at 5:30 this morning.  Actually, the girls didn't really, it was the crunching sound that woke me up.  A crunching sound in our house is never a good thing.  Time for me to head to my recliner for a much needed nap.


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