Sunday, April 2, 2017

Cleaning Up and Cleaning Out


Now today's weather is more like it.  The windows are open, the ground's not wet (no muddy paws yeah), I've finished my writing classes assignments and the feedback from my peers was very good. Here's what I wrote for my "Writing Like a Pro" class:

Plan: Wilma wants to try and follow the footsteps of Jonas in Baltimore.

Climax: Wilma is frightened by Josephine's adamant requests and/or pleading, to see the diary. Wilma takes the diary from the safety deposit box, and carefully hides it in her attic.

Ending: Wilma takes the diary out of the attic. She locates the church that saved Jonas 200 years before. Inside, she is surprised but pleased that the first pew, with its trapdoor beneath, is still there. She quietly pushes the pew away and opens the trap door. She wraps the diary in a colorful scarf made in Africa, that she bought from a local store. She hugs the diary to her chest, kisses it gently and places it in the tunnel, quietly whispering to herself "blessings Jonas, I hope you were free."

I have put a sticky note on my "office" door that says "I am a writer".  Okay enough about writing.

I'm probably behind the times, and actually that wouldn't surprise me, but there's this company called "ThredUp."  They send you a bag, you fill it up clean, hole free, etc., clothing.  They receive said bag and sort through the contents.  If acceptable brand and condition wise, it goes on their website and people can buy those clothes.  If they don't like what you sent, which I'm thinking is probably most of what they receive, you can tell them to donate your clothing to a charity.  I opted for donating to a charity.  Goodness knows that once I've started cleaning out my closet, I sure don't want the clothes back.  My weight, unfortunately, fluctuates (mostly up, seldom down and I blame it on chocolate and ice cream!).  My lack of exercise I've convinced myself has nothing to do with anything.  Actually, one of my reasons for not exercising is the "itis" (bursitis to be exact) in my left hip and now my right knee.  Walking is not my friend.  The ortho doc I see for my hip, who I call Doogie, because he's 12 years old), says that my "itis" has to get worse before he'll consider a new hip.  So, I'm not going to see Doogie for a long period of time.  I have recently fallen twice and both times hit my right knee on concrete, which isn't good.  I now wear one of those "help I've fallen and I can't get up" buttons.   Okay there for a moment or two, I got off track.  I was talking about clothes and then somehow drifted into my excuse(s) for why those clothes don't fit!  I'll get back on track now.

My challenge for next week, and anything that keeps me from doing housework, is to take out the clothes I have put in plastic containers and determine what would meet their stringent requirements.  After retiring in 2014, I bagged up the majority of my work clothes and donated them.  There was no need to keep them.  I have a couple pairs of "dress up" pants and one "burying and marrying" dress.  A girl has got to be prepared at all times.  Of course, by today's standards, people wear pretty much anything they want no matter the circumstances.  The last time Jeff and I went to the Kennedy Center, I was really appalled at the casualness of the clothes.  I had been brought up that we went "to town", that it required dressing up.  And, as a teenager, I had some (okay lots) of beautiful clothes and most of my outfits had shoes to match!  I don't think my SAS velcro oxford shoes makes any kind of a fashion statement.  Unless, it's a negative statement is made when I'm crossing the street, and I'm going to slow for the rest of humanity.  I mentally tell myself, "just wait, someday you'll be old too."

Since I'm not out and about every day, my wardrobe is pretty simple - pants or capris and tee shirts.  I have a few pair of shorts that are knee length, because absolutely nobody wants to see that much of me.  (Insert smiley face here).  I do own a swimsuit but it's the kind with the silly skirt, which floats around you like a lily pad when you get in the water.  Make no mistake, I'm not a looker in my swimsuit, and if you could go in the water fully clothed, that would be my option.

Oh, also off topic.  Jeff has ordered a new Tivo.  This is cause for celebration because the new Tivo will allow me to record 6 shows at once!  Hurrah.  Now if you don't watch television, or a lot of television, then having the ability to record 6 shows won't seem like a big deal.  But I love television, and okay I can hear you saying, get off the couch!  Actually, I'm in a recliner so I'm not officially a "couch potato"!  Sunday after the paper comes, I sit down with pen in hand and start the recording dates and times for shows.  Jeff has very, okay almost no input, about what we watch.  I know which shows he really likes; and, I also know which ones he DETESTS - and that would be cooking shows!

Gotta run.  My chores are calling me: the washing machine and the dishwasher for sure.  I've already vacuumed our bedroom.  What a good girl I am.  

Enjoy Sunday and I hope the sun is shining where you are.


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