Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tidying Up


If you've been living under a rock, perhaps you haven't heard about Marie Kondo. She has a television show on one of the premium channels. Don't ask me which one, because frankly I can't remember.

I've watched several episodes, and have enjoyed them all. She visits a person's house and helps them clean, purge and get organized. 

One of the things she does at every house, is have the homeowner put all their clothes on the bed. Her reason is that you should only keep clothes that bring you joy. Hum. The only clothes that really bring me joy are smaller size ones!

I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I have three closets - and they are all full! So, my argument to Jeff that I need something new falls on deaf ears.  

A psychiatrist writes in the article says that our minds react to clutter and are more likely to procrastinate about doing some things - like picking out clothes to keep, toss or donate. I'm guilty about owning too many clothes (don't tell Jeff), yet I still crave a new piece of clothing. Maybe, it's a woman's gene thing.

Having a disorganized house, is a constant reminder of things in your house left undone. I can, for sure relate to that. Our house is full. But, some of the things that I enjoy about our house is the memories associated with "this and that". 

Ms. Kondo has a magical, or seems to me, an ability to fold some clothes, into neat little squares, so that they fit in a drawer better and everything is visible when you open that drawer. Neat concept, but one I'm not sure I can follow. When my clothes come out of the dryer, I actually do fold some items. Other things, like underwear and socks, just get stuffed any which way into a drawer. Out of sight, out of mind! 

She contends, and I know she's right that everything in your house has a "home". Now, people all you have to do, and that may be exhausting, is to return whatever you use back to it's original space. 

Books, Ms. Kondo says should only be kept if they bring you joy, and believe you should only have 30 books! Let's see, with that recommendation my "cup" (i.e., books runneth over). With the advent of electronic books, I now don't own many books, and the ones I have, are not new. But, if I've kept a book, there's always a reason why I do, even if I can't remember why saving "x" book is important to me.

I own a Kindle, and have it loaded with all manner of books, which are easy for me to read, thanks to the biggest font available. Having an electronic device for you to read, is nothing like actually holding a book. I know all of you book lovers know what I mean. At the moment, I'm reading two hardback books, and am enjoying every page. When Jeff and I go to an antique store, I always check out the books for sale. I don't want any new books, but old and perhaps battered ones. I like smelling old books. They give out a distinct smell, one that I enjoy very much. I touch these books with reverence, and always wonder who owned this book before me. At the moment, I have four very old books on a shelf in the bedroom. One of those books was written by a "Bassett".  I bought the book just because of the author's name! Are these books valuable? I'm betting no, but they are invaluable to me. After all, that's what counts.

Now you would think that after writing about de-cluttering the house, I'd be anxious to get started. One stumbling block is that Jeff and I view our belongings differently. We're back to that Venus and Mars thing! 

Just writing about organization and de-cluttering, left me, with the critical need to tend to the papers piling up on my desk. In doing so, I found several, okay a lot, of papers that needed to be either (a) shredded; or (b) filed. Shredding is easy, turn around in my chair and feed the beast. Filing is more difficult. For years, I have kept paid bill receipts. Looking back, I don't know why I did this. If we miss an electric bill, for example, I know that the electric company would be more than happy to send out another. 

Here's an example of an organized Kondo way. I can promise you that I have no drawers in our bedroom that look like that. I certainly wish they did, but getting clothes folded neatly is just not my thing!

Image result for marie kondo underwear drawer


Wednesday, February 27, 2019



I have printed out the Bassett family recipe for both Stacey and Wendy. Some of the recipes were and are family favorites. And, then there were some, that didn't quite hit a high note with the family.

Last time Jeff and I were at Scott's house, Wendy brought out the recipe book, and told me that Scott's favorite dish, among all the others, was my barbecue hamburger. After hearing this, you could have knocked me over with a feather!

Here's the recipe:

Barbecue Hamburger

Background:  This recipe is from my mother and as children we loved it when she made this.  It was always served with mashed potatoes!  Scott happens to like this a great deal.

1 ½ lb. hamburger
¾ c ketchup
6 T vinegar
3 T minced onion
1 ½ teas Worchester sauce

Make the hamburger into patties and fry in a skillet.  After they are done, I drain off the fat.  Combine the remainder of ingredients (I don’t measure – I use a splash and dash approach) and add to the skillet.  Cook until hot.  Oh and be sure to serve with the potatoes!

To be honest, I happen to love this dish too, just never make it anymore. I don't even have a real reason why I don't. As the years have ticked by, Jeff has taken over the cooking of dinner. As far as cooking and/or baking goes, I've lost my "mojo". I watched my mother, Jeff's mother and grandmother, relieved when they didn't have to cook anymore. It was just them, and most people don't cook for just themselves. I know this is true, because when Jeff travels, which isn't very often, my dinners generally consist of cereal. Nutritious? Nope, but I enjoy every spoonful of frosted flakes. And, no in case you're wondering, I don't feel a bit guilty. 

I'm not eating as much these days, as I used to. Doing the high protein diet, I've lost 16 pounds, give a pound or two. I'm very, very happy. I still eat a small breakfast (toast and coffee). And, a very small portion of dinner.

During the day, I drink high protein waters and shakes, and stay full most of the time. Here's what I know for sure: yesterday, I was able to get into a top from our trip to Maui, many, many years ago. There is no better feeling (well, maybe there is) for a woman to be able to wear her "skinny" clothes. Mind you, in my case, "skinny" doesn't mean clothes that would fit a very thin woman, just things that are a size or two smaller than what I've been wearing. Progress is low but steady, and I love when the scale shows numbers moving to the left and not the right!


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Purple Glasses


I know you're asking yourself, what is "purple glass". Purple glass, is: An interesting characteristic of colorless glasses which contain manganese dioxide as a decolorizer is their tendency to turn different shades of purple when exposed to the rays of the sun or to other ultra-violet sources. It is a photochemical phenomenon that is not yet perfectly understood.

I own several pieces of purple glass, and I always put this kind of glass, whether it be bottles or vases, in a window that gets a lot of sun. The longer time in the sun, the darker the purple becomes.

So, why bother? Simply said, it's a beautiful kind of glass. I don't remember how I came to know about purple glass, but once I did, I was constantly on a search to find more. These glass pieces are beautiful, whether they are light lavender or a darker shade of purple. I've never checked, but I'm assuming that this sort of glass pieces, isn't particular valuable. Why? Because I believe that very few people have ever heard of this kind of glass. A quick search on Ebay has various prices on this glass starting at $1.39 for a sugar bowl to $195.00 for a pitcher and 3 drinking glasses. 

It's safe for me to assume that (a) you've never heard of this glass before; and/or (b) will never want to own this kind of glass pieces. This kind of glass became popular in the 1800's. So, it's safe to say that this glass has been around a block or two!! This example shows the pitcher and glasses as light lavender. If I owned these, I would definitely put them in the sun, in hope of turning the glass darker.


Vtg Fostoria American Sun Kissed Purple Set of 3 Footed Tumblers + Juice Pitcher

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Day After


Last night, Jeff and I stayed up to the bitter end watching the Oscars. Since we hadn't seen of the movies, it was more about watching the gowns, and listening to the acceptance speeches. When a movie is announced for a particular category, it's a really big deal. And, I completely understand that everyone who had a hand in the movie's production, wants their 15 minutes of fame. But, once on stage, each person wants to thank pretty much everyone. Their children, wife, parents (dead or alive) and on and on. You know you're in trouble when the recipient gets a long piece of paper out of their pocket.

Then, of course, my favorite part was the dresses. I noticed a lot of yellow dresses on ladies with brown hair. I had my colors done many years ago, and I avoid pretty much anything yellow. It just doesn't go with my hair. I'm a "winter" person, which means that reds, pinks, purple, etc., look good (or at least better) on me.

I didn't notice a ridiculous outfit. And don't get me started on the jewelry. I love jewelry, even though I don't own/want or need for more than I already have. Lady Gaga, I believe gets very high marks for the necklace she was wearing. Her wearing the 141 year old This marks the first time that the 141-year-old, 128.5 carat yellow diamond was beautiful. If I had that kind of necklace on, I, and we all know that I'm a little OCD, would have to check and recheck all night long, to make sure that the necklace was in place. Of course, the jewelry is insured - heavily I might add. But, to make the stars feel more secure, there is a large contingent of police, with eyes on everything.

Some of the actresses looked like ladies, Helen Miran for one. And, always Julia Roberts, looked every bit the actress she is. Still, there were plunging necklines, which must be glued or something so that there wouldn't be an awkward moment i.e., "spillage"!!

I know that the fashion for most women are dresses that cover up their feet. For me, who is always just one step away from a fall, having my feet covered would be a disaster. And, of course we could talk forever about the slits in some/most of the dresses. I've never worn anything with a slit, but sitting down and being modest (okay, maybe they don't care about modesty), seems like that would be difficult. Of course, you can't take fashion advice from a woman who wears elastic pants!!

Though there was no actual host for the evening, I think that helped move the show along. I also noticed that if a recipient went on too long, their mike was simply turned off. 

Prior to the Oscars last night, I changed into my nightgown and bathrobe, so that I wouldn't miss even a tiniest bit of the show. Of course, as Jeff reminded me, that the show was recorded on our Tivo, so I could watch the show anytime I wanted.

Running late as usual, but there's nothing new about that!




Sunday, February 24, 2019



Not much to say today. I must find my best Oscar outfit (i.e., cleanest sweatshirt)! Oh, and I might even put shoes on - fancy, fancy.

I haven't seen any of the movies, and I'm okay with that. I'm more interested in the stars and their clothes. Pretty sure that whatever their wearing, can't compete with a sweatshirt!!

See you tomorrow.


Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Book


You know they say that everybody has one book in them. They also say that you should write about what you know.

Keeping those two things in mind (and we know it's not easy for me to remember things mentally), I've decided that I (at least in my opinion), have an idea for that one book.

For several years, I've pushed around a book idea regarding Wilma (tired, old and out of shape woman - me possibly). In this book, I wanted to research and write about the trials faced by slaves as they made their way north. I've written a lot of pages, but at some point, my brain and the subsequent plot, became harder and harder to write.

At the moment, I'm contemplating a book, by me (obviously), that centers around both my blogs, and memories. Not all of the blogs, of course, but just the ones I deem good enough for inclusion. In my mind, I have written a chapter about my Dad. I thought that Dad hung the moon, and I can recall many things from my past. For instance, wearing a sweater while driving across the desert, and telling us all to be "cool", when we passed a car that obviously had a/c.  This was before air conditioning was in every car. Stuff like that. Dad made life interesting and he was always a willing partner in my life. It's been years, but I still miss him so much.

USO (United Service Organization) dances when I was in high school. The girls clearly outnumbered the service men, and was a lot of fun, and we danced our feet off!

Anyway, the title of the book, at the moment, is going to be something like, "Memories and Thoughts". I know that's not very snappy, and I will eventually come up with a better name, that will attract (this is assuming I can find anybody to actually print my book) readers.

Running behind as usual. Have a great day. Don't forget the Oscars are tomorrow. I like watching the show, even though I have only seen one or two movies up for an Oscar. I particularly like seeing what actresses are wearing. And, when I decide that their outfit is horrific (my view only), it makes me wonder who dresses these women. I'll let you decide which category the below dresses were in.

 image<p>Julia Roberts in Valentino</p>

Friday, February 22, 2019

Books, Books and More Books!


My love for books, started wen my Dad would read me a story from Little Golden Books, every night. Perhaps, some of you may remember this "gold standard" in reading books.

Eventually, I moved on to Nancy Drew, and books all about a nurse named Cherry Ames. During my teen years, Dad was still in the military, so we would go the PX on base once a week or so. Electronic books hadn't been invented yet, so the only way to read books, was well, to read them. I always bought a book and devoured it in days. 

Jacqueline Susann wrote the book "Valley of the Dolls", among others. Mom didn't exactly approve of her books, but wasn't exactly diligent where books were involved. Thank goodness.

I eventually moved to crime-type books and enjoyed them very much. At the end of my "book" reading, I was only interest in what I call "cozy murders". Small town, a murder (no blood or gore), and investigations by a local busybody. Great reads and easy reads.

Last year, I joined a neighborhood book club. Initially, I was quite excited. A group of ladies, drinking wine and eating nibbles. What could possibly go wrong? A lot it turns out. For starters, I didn't want to be told what to read. I read for enjoyment, not for requirement. Most of the books only came in regular (i.e., small) print, which was most of the time to small for me to read. Second, we had one member of the club, who no matter what we were discussing, always managed to turn the meetings, into her personal life - not the actual book. This annoyed me greatly. The other problem I had with the book club was that even if I had actually read the book in question, my short term memory popped up and I didn't remember what I had read. This does not make for a lively discussion, if not everyone contributes a critique or ask a question about the book. In advance of the club, questions were sent to each of us, so we could ponder those questions while reading. This didn't exactly work for me either. 

In the end, I dropped out of the club. I gave no input about the book, and didn't enjoy some of the book choices that were made. Stubborn? You bet.
I am currently reading (though I sometimes, okay a lot of times) skip whole sentences, two books. One by John Grisham, the other Fannie Flag. I go back and forth with these two books, and for the most part, by reading a few pages I've already read. One book that I enjoyed reading years ago, but occasionally go back to re-read is called "Ladies of the Club" which is a fictional story  about a group of women in the fictional town of Waynesboro, Ohio These women begin a woman's literary club, which evolves through the years into a significant community service organization in the town. The novel, which looks at the club as it changes throughout the years, spans decades in the lives of the women involved in the club, between 1868 and 1932. Many characters are introduced in the course of the novel, but there are two primary characters in this book.

One of my favorite books is "Ladies of the Club". The hardback of this book is 1,176 pages! Another words, you could probably hurt somebody if you were to use the book as a weapon! I've loaned this book out several times, and it comes back to me because those people didn't enjoy it. And, that's okay. To each his/her own. 

This may be on the longest blogs I have written, and I hope that some of you might find it interesting.

Happy Friday.


Image result for picture of lots of books


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...