Monday, February 18, 2019

A New Day


Yesterday, it rained and rained. Grey skies are not my friend, but thankfully my "SAD" light is. Yesterday, we were invited to have dinner with Scott and Wendy. We always bring the girls, so that they don't have to stay in the cold basement (thank you Bella). Normally, when we go to their house, Daisy has an anxiety pee. I understand this because she is small potatoes when compared to their Mastiffs. This time, Jeff took her out in the grass first, and all was well.

Prior to going to their house, Jeff, Bella and I did our grocery shopping. I was determined to walk around Costco, but I made it as far as the jewelry counter, found a chair to sit on, and wait for Jeff. I was very disappointed in myself, but rode the stupid buggy because I knew/know that I need too. I think I've been given a double whammy. It's just not fair to be both physically and mentally challenged all at the same time. I'm pretty sure that my mental status (short term memory loss) will always be the same.  

When were at check-out at Costco, Bella was laying down, as she is supposed to. There was a little boy in the line next to us, and he began to taunt her. It would have been rude of me, I thought, to tell Mom that she needed to watch her child. I'm happy to report that Bella didn't even flinch. She certainly eyed the little boy, but remained solidly on the ground. Jeff and I are so proud of her. Bella has not been taught her "service dog" behaviors, but Jeff has spent a lot of time with her, and she knows when to sit and when to lay down. She also knows to ignore, for the most part, everything around her.

Wendy made us Cordon Blue, which I've heard of, but never eaten. It was delicious. We also had peas (yum, my favorite) and salad. I had brought with me a protein drink, which always fills me up, so I did eat dinner, and dessert as well, but less than I would normally have eaten. Scott is tearing up the carpet in their house and replacing it with wood flooring. It's a long process, but he has finished the office, and it looks great. 

We got home rather late, but stayed up until midnight watching the "Elvis Presley Tribute". I thought all the singers, who sang his songs, did a very good job. There was flashy clothing, and some "Elvis like" moves on the stage. I enjoyed the show a lot, even though there wasn't enough Elvis footage for me. So, wish that I could have seen him perform live when he was in his prime. Oh well, water under the bridge. However, if I was told that I could talk with anybody, my first choice would b Lincoln, and then I think Elvis. Chatting with my parents wouldn't be an option for me.

Today, I'm getting my head shrunk - a monthly "tune up" is necessary for me. Then at the ortho appointment, he is going to give me a cortisone shot in the shoulder. While my bones have healed, the shoulder is still a problem. Gosh, I hate getting old. Actually, getting old isn't the real problem, it's the aches and pains that sometimes comes with age!

Have a great day. I know that some of you have today off, and if you do, then enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. Missy, thanks for your question. I have worn for 40 plus years what is now considered "old" chloe (they don't make it anymore) and I don't use or want another fragrance. If this is a significant other, and I assume it is, I would give him the correct name of the perfume you really wanted, so he could buy it for your birthday or anniversary. Or, you can do what I do - I buy my own presents! No surprises, but I've learned to live with that. Since it's already open, perhaps you could give the perfume to a friend or family member who you believe would enjoy the perfume.Or you could I suppose learn to love/like the new fragrance. Since "old Chloe" isn't made anymore, I am constantly checking on Ebay and buy the perfume, regardless of how much is still in the bottle! I'm sort of a stubborn gal (ya think!). Hope this helps.


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Closing Up Shop

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