Saturday, February 9, 2019

Household Toip


I can hear all the groaning. But, for lack of a better subject, at the moment, I want to share something I have used that actually works!

There is always a hype concerning products, new and old. As consumers, we want to believe that the commercials for, let's say, more volume in your hair, rid yourself of age spots, etc. And, we take all these ads and commercials with a grain of salt.

Having said all that, I did this week find something that actually works at least for me. My glassware has long suffered with icky milky "stuff". The glassware is clean, I know this. But, if I were to serve you a drink in one of these milky glasses, I would be embarrassed, believe me. I have tried washing these glasses in vinegar, etc., but with only marginal results.

Okay, here comes the pitch: I saw somewhere an Oxyclean product made for the dishwasher. You simply squirt the product into the bottom of your dishwasher, and glass products come out clean. I bought a small bottle, and yesterday rounded up all of my milky glass dishes. When the dishwasher cycle was over, to my surprise, my glasses were clean! I mean no residue on them. I was elated. The product is: OxicleanTriple Action Booster for Dishwashers. Today, I'm going to drag out some other glass dishes, like my measuring cups and some bowls, and give this product a second whirl. Maybe, I just got lucky with the first load, but I have to tell you I'm mighty impressed.

It's Saturday and colder today, than it has been for the last few days. Jeff is leaving the first of next week to go to a customer's location. I think he'll be gone two days. My mission for this trip is to find his CPAP machine traveling bag, and Jeff normally tends to pack the clothes that he'll need.

The weather while he's gone is supposed to give us ice/rain on Monday and freezing rain on Tuesday. Here's what I know for sure. I don't have any business going outside when/if there is ice on the ground. If I did g out, I'd just be an accident waiting to happen. And, frankly can't afford to have something else happen to my body. I have enough injuries to my body already.

Happy Saturday everyone.


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