Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Dfeam or Nightmare?


Last night, I had a nightmare and/or dream. The dream, I guess you could call it that, was me getting a job to write. And, write right now! No pressure I assure you.

I like writing, but you already know that. But, when forced to sit down and right about something (the blog doesn't count), can put a lot of pressure on someone. And for me, that's when a dream became a nightmare. What to write? How much time do I have (apparently mere minutes)? I'll be honest with you. the dream turned into a nightmare in mere minutes. It was so real, that I was happy when I woke up!

They (whoever they are), say that everybody has at least book in them. Okay, so when is lighting going to send me a shock (small one), to get me to put hand to paper, or more precisely fingers on a keyboard. 

For quite a long time, I was trying to write about Wilma and Lincoln. I devoted hours trying to bring the story to life. But, I found myself in quick sand, and descending. Now some people, and I don't know who they are, suggest you write about what you know. Um, that seems more reasonable to me. No fact checking, merely memories of my life. I believe I should start there. I could write sort of like my blog - subjects. I, have already in my mind, started a chapter devoted to my Dad. Memories of high school, which I loved, pets, as well as hardships. Stuff like that. There is no time limit for getting this "book" done. Though I did promise Jeff that if I were to earn a "few" nickles (actually a lot of nickles), I would upgrade our plane to a newer and faster plane. Obviously, this purchase would have to come in second on my list. What's first on my list you ask? Um, a face lift (actually, a body lift), for me. Who doesn't want to have a body from when they were a teenager? I'm short, and I can't change that, but my body is more on the stout side, and if I had a body lift, I'd be looking good! Actually, a better body would be satisfactory to me. 

Today, Stacey and Benjamin are coming over. Stacey and I are heading to the salon, for much needed pedicures. And, Ada comes today. I seldom have too much going on in my life, which makes having company that much better.

Enjoy your day.

 Feet, Toes, Pedicure, Eyes, Beauty

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