Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Bella On Guard!


Last night, after I had gone to sleep, Bella sensed (I guess that's what happened) outside, and barked and barked downstairs. She was so insistent, that I finally came downstairs to have a look around (very brave of me). I didn't see anything amiss, and went back to bed. But, for some period of time, Bella stayed like a statue looking out the bedroom window. When Bella barks, she sounds like a much bigger dog, and while I'm sure she wouldn't bite anybody (of course we have never put this to the test), I just feel better knowing she's there.

If a bad guy comes through the basement, he will break his leg trying to maneuver his way around. There are a lot of things down there that could cause somebody to trip and fall.

This morning, I watched one episode of "The Bachelor" while I had my breakfast. Can you say cat fight? For sure. This woman talks smack about another woman, and from there, the circle of gossip just goes around and around. It's staged, of course, but that doesn't matter to me. For me, this is just entertainment, and I take everything I see with a grain of salt. Besides, "x" number of women, can't always get along (ya think?).

Big bones arrived yesterday for the girls. The only sound I heard when I gave them their bones was chomping. That sound means that their not chewing on something else. Of course, after two years, there isn't too much to chew, since the skirts of both a chair and sofa are now completely gone! A small price to pay to keep them amused. 

I hope it's sunny where you are, since it's absolutely not back here.



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