Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday Football


Unless you've been living under a rock, you will already know that this evening, is the PRO BOWL.  

I am literally and always curious, so for only you guys, I ran some numbers:
  • Pizza counts for 60% of a party meal
  • 28,000 chips
  • 1.24 BILLION wings (me personally, I wouldn't walk across the street for wings)
  • 8,000,00 of guacamole
Anyway you look at it, that's a lot of food, and it goes without saying, none of these foods are healthy. And, no just because you're eating wings, it's not the same as if you were eating a "real" chicken.

And, commercials don't come cheap. It's a football game, and millions of people will be glued to their recliners, junk food in their lap and probably a beer or .....many.

Last year $130 MILLION people watched last year's game. A 30 second commercial can cost as much as $5,000,000.00! I'm sure that the companies airing their commercials will more than pay for itself. One of my favorite commercials is from Budweiser and their beautiful Clydesdale horses. The commercials showing these magnificent animals, are always worth watching, and sometimes hug at the heart strings. And, unlike commercials during our regular shows, ALL the ads are worth watching.

Jeff and I will be serving at our two person Super Bowl Party, will consist of chili, which Jeff has already made and been put in the new insta-pot! Perhaps, I'll make some "green" (pistachio) pudding for dessert.

Closer to the kick-off time, you should put on your favorite jersey, and be prepared to root for your favorite team. Go ........ or ..... Either way, I'm sure it will be entertaining.


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