Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Here Comes The Sun


After days of gray skies and heavy rain, Mother Nature has decided to reward us with a beautiful sunny day. I have a number of large windows in my kitchen, and today I opened up all the blinds! 

Jeff is coming home tonight. The girls will be really excited to see him. Me too, of course, but I've been fine on my own.

This morning, I received an email letting me know about tours at the Library of Congress. For a book lover, this is pure heaven. I'm checking with Stacey to see if this is something she would like to do. Perhaps we could arrange a special tour for the home school children.

Monday, not only am I getting my head shrunk, but also seeing the bone doctor in the morning. It's been weeks, and perhaps even a month or two, and my shoulder is no better. Who would have thought that a broken shoulder would be: (a) so painful; and (b) take so long to heal. Curses to old bones!

While Jeff has been gone, I've been catching up on my cheesy tv shows. And, there are many. One example is "The Bachelor". Clearly, a scripted show of some kind. The show reminds me of a Hallmark movie where you have a handsome man, and in this case, beautiful women, paradise setting, and well you already know the rest. 

I have several nutcrackers in my den. Today, I'm packing them up and giving them to Scott. He likes nutcrackers, so he likely will enjoy these as well. In packing up the nutcrackers, it gives me an empty shelf, where I will start putting my books on, as well as a couple of unicorns! You really can't ask for anything better than a unicorn. They are magical and imagined creatures. Even knowing that, I still love them - a lot. I know have, things to my family, a number of unicorn things: bags, a large unicorn that sits on the fireplace, as well as a unicorn (gold) hook for hanging things like, winter scarves. Not quite ready to declare that winter is over, but I have my "shorty" pants nearby, for when I need them. Some of my supposedly shorty pants need to be hemmed, but I'll wait until I need cooler clothes. And, give my Visa bill a rest!

I've been given a cursory look at cruise ships that make more accommodations for disabled people. The cost isn't off the chart, and I would really like to take one of these cruises. Perhaps, Stacey and I could do this sometime in the future. (smiley face). Hope gives a person something to look forward to. A new goal if you will.

Leaving now, time (as usual on Wednesday) to do some tidying up! Some things just never change.



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