Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Doing The Right Thing!


Based on today's social habits, I think most of us have lost our way, regarding doing the right thing.

So, what is the right thing you ask? Here's a few examples of things people do now, that wouldn't have been heard of back in the "old days".

  • When the boys received gifts, for any occasion, they had to write a thank you note.  If, that was too difficult for them, they also had an option, to write to the giver, and explain that it was too hard to write notes, so please don't send me any gifts in the future. I'm happy to report that the second option was never needed.
  • Don't cut in line, for any reason. 

Don't put too many grocery items for you to qualify for express checking out. That is just rude. If I only have a few things in my basket, I always count those items, so I don't go over the limit.
  • Do write a "bread and butter" note, after going to a party, or be the recipient of a gift. I'm pretty sure that there is a whole generation that has no idea with a "bread and butter" is. But us older folks, know exactly what I'm talking about.
Don't drive slow in the fast line. If you do this, you are infuriating the drivers behind you, involving lane changes so that you can get in front of said driver. Whenever, I was on the interstate, I never drove in the left lane. Mind you, I seldom keep to the speed limit, but also know that I'm not impeding traffic.

Don't flip of another driver. Sometimes in that little bit of action, can result in much bigger problems. 

Don't keep your cellphone on while watching a movie. It's very distracting.

Do always watch for pedestrians crossing the street. I no longer really "walk", and it does take some time for me to cross a street. For this, I apologize mentally to myself, but am doing the best that I can.

I have always believed that an invitation to a party or event, should not be sent in an email. Get some form of a party invitation, and write about the event: time, place, etc.

Do let a shopper go in front of you, if they are only buying one or two items. It's the nice and right thing to do.

Hold the door for people, and always try to prevent the elevator door from closing, if there is a person(s), waiting to get on.

Don't pick a fight with someone who is clearly not showing a disabled placard, preventing you from parking close to the store.

Do be kind, as well as, courteous to the people around you, A smile goes a long way, and it's a simple and easy thing to do.

Do be fully invested in all conversations, even if the subject being discussed is rather ho-hum.

Do pick up after your pet and don't let your pet stay outside and howl his/her head off.

Do try and stay out of conversations about a woman's rights, or politics. Those kind of subjects can get ugly really quick.  

Okay, climbing off my "soap box" now. I need to go outside and say or do something nice for somebody else.


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