Friday, February 8, 2019



When I write about urges, I'm writing only about "G" rated ones. Sorry to disappoint some of you! 

Myself as well as all of you have urges, things you have to eat (chocolate in my case), and places you have to go (Taco Bell and McDonald's for me). 

And, then there is the ultimate urge, at least for me, is online shopping. And this particular urge can and has in the past been a problem for me. I love going to Amazon (my favorite), and browsing. Browsing isn't particularly good for me, and it has an effect, negative most of the time, on the checkbook. After my large spending spree on Christmas presents, I have definitely slowed my shopping down. Well in advance of the incoming Visa bill, I write down what I bought and how much I spent. Problem is, I want just about everything! I love looking at shoes (which includes slippers - you can never have too many in my view), clothes I don't need, but desire just the same. So logging on to Amazon, is fun but can be costly. I am trying to think before I jump into a purchase. I'm having a little trouble with that, but in my heart, I know that I already own too many clothes (but what woman doesn't want new clothes). Since I no longer work, my clothes needs should go down, since I only break out my "good" clothes for special occasions. I really should but probably won't go through my closets, and yes I have more than one, and only keep clothes that I'm likely to want to wear again. But, like most women, hang onto clothes that are a tad too small - just in case, the scale suddenly swings to the left! And horrors if the scale moves to the right!

Jeff is going out of town on business next week. He hasn't had to travel on business for a very long time. I know he doesn't enjoy it, but the customer wants him on site, so he'll go. I might snow while he's gone, and if it does, I think I'll just have to leave the snow alone. All I need right about now, is to try and tackle the driveway and fall down. I can't afford to have more injuries than the ones I already have!

Happy Friday everyone.

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