Wednesday, February 27, 2019



I have printed out the Bassett family recipe for both Stacey and Wendy. Some of the recipes were and are family favorites. And, then there were some, that didn't quite hit a high note with the family.

Last time Jeff and I were at Scott's house, Wendy brought out the recipe book, and told me that Scott's favorite dish, among all the others, was my barbecue hamburger. After hearing this, you could have knocked me over with a feather!

Here's the recipe:

Barbecue Hamburger

Background:  This recipe is from my mother and as children we loved it when she made this.  It was always served with mashed potatoes!  Scott happens to like this a great deal.

1 ½ lb. hamburger
¾ c ketchup
6 T vinegar
3 T minced onion
1 ½ teas Worchester sauce

Make the hamburger into patties and fry in a skillet.  After they are done, I drain off the fat.  Combine the remainder of ingredients (I don’t measure – I use a splash and dash approach) and add to the skillet.  Cook until hot.  Oh and be sure to serve with the potatoes!

To be honest, I happen to love this dish too, just never make it anymore. I don't even have a real reason why I don't. As the years have ticked by, Jeff has taken over the cooking of dinner. As far as cooking and/or baking goes, I've lost my "mojo". I watched my mother, Jeff's mother and grandmother, relieved when they didn't have to cook anymore. It was just them, and most people don't cook for just themselves. I know this is true, because when Jeff travels, which isn't very often, my dinners generally consist of cereal. Nutritious? Nope, but I enjoy every spoonful of frosted flakes. And, no in case you're wondering, I don't feel a bit guilty. 

I'm not eating as much these days, as I used to. Doing the high protein diet, I've lost 16 pounds, give a pound or two. I'm very, very happy. I still eat a small breakfast (toast and coffee). And, a very small portion of dinner.

During the day, I drink high protein waters and shakes, and stay full most of the time. Here's what I know for sure: yesterday, I was able to get into a top from our trip to Maui, many, many years ago. There is no better feeling (well, maybe there is) for a woman to be able to wear her "skinny" clothes. Mind you, in my case, "skinny" doesn't mean clothes that would fit a very thin woman, just things that are a size or two smaller than what I've been wearing. Progress is low but steady, and I love when the scale shows numbers moving to the left and not the right!



  1. Hi Mom Mom this is Ben I love you so much and i started my own blog. bye

  2. Benjamin, that is wonderful news about your blog. Please let me and Pop know how to find your blog. Miss you. Love Mom Mom


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