Thursday, February 21, 2019

Let It Snow


Let's hear it for the weathermen - they predicated that snow would fall overnight and then into today. The snow is beautiful, like icing for the trees, etc. I can really appreciate all of this beauty, because I no longer have to check with my employer to see if the building was closed, or merely delayed. 

Bella has been outside, but didn't stay out too long, because it's cold out there. I've turned the fireplace on, and both dogs, like to be as close to the fire as possible.

Now, my complaint. We have more than a few people on our street, that don't don't or won't move their cars off the street. All of us have a two car garage (though for us, we can only fit one car in said garage). But, everybody has a driveway, and when it snows it only seems reasonable to me, that if you own multiple cars, you put them in your driveway. Perhaps, that's a bit fussy on my part, but when the snow plow comes, he should be able to plow the entire street and not have to wiggle around parked cars. Even when the boys were home and we had multiple cars, we always put all the cars in the driveway. In doing so, shoveling can be a pain in the ***, but at least we were doing our part, to be a good neighbor.

Therapy last night for the shoulder. When the hour was up, the shoulder was definitely letting me know, that the exercises we did, caused my left shoulder to become more painful, if that's even possible.

Since I'm "tipsy" on my feet (i.e., stumble), yours truly won't venture out further than our porch. Heaven knows I don't need or want to have something else on my body injured! I mean a girl can only take so much - and I've reached my limit.

Jeff, may make chicken soup, depending on the amount of hours he works. It is a good day for soup, and Jeff and I get along fine in the soup department. He likes the broth, and I want more veggies and less broth. Works out very well for both of us.

Hate to leave all of you, but there are things for me to do. Mind you, these chores (laundry, etc.) have been on my list for several days now (smiley face), and today is absolutely the day. I'll let you know tomorrow how I did.


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