Thursday, February 21, 2019

Beautiful Day


After yesterday's brief encounter, at least where we live, today the weather is completely different. Blinding sun, bouncing off of the snow that we did receive. Beautiful hardly describes it!

The girls went out to play in the snow yesterday, but they were both eager to come inside after just a few minutes. Unlike dogs with heavy coats, and their fur becomes matted with "snow balls", the girls don't have this problem. I didn't venture outside, but I'm sure there is yellow snow somewhere! It's a dog thing. And, when you encounter yellow snow, you know that the snow there is uneatable. 

Watched "Survivor" last night. Even after many, many seasons, I still enjoy watching. One of the contestants, an older woman, and mother, though that sholdn't count, was given the boot last night. Apparently, the younger folks, just didn't want a mother, and older person around the 'ol camp fire. Perhaps, having an older person around, made them think about their own mother! Or something like that. Trying to give them the benefit of doubt.

Physical therapy again tonight. After an hour of my shoulder being moved around, really makes the shoulder quite painful. You don't realize how important a portion of your body is, until you can't move it. And, if you have to wear a sling, that quickly becomes a nuisance.

Checking in with Google (what did we use before then?), it appears that shows like Top Chef definitely have a back story. From plating their "dish" for the judges, they also make an additional one. That way, the judges get to eat their food when it's hot, while the other plate is carefully photographed. Just as any of the "reality" shows, have some of what we the viewers see. You are shown what the show wants you to see. And, I'm a reality show junkie. True confession.

Even knowing that these reality shows have some form of scripted lines, doesn't take away my pleasure. As a viewer, I know, and have always known, that the shows aren't always what they seem. Frankly, that doesn't bother me at all. For the most part, I'm not interested in the "in's and out's) of a show. I'm sitting in my chair, with my usual companion, Daisy, and depending on the time of the day, coffee or some kind of a cold drink.

While perhaps not the best diet out there, I have been successful with my high protein diet. So far, I've lost 17 pounds, 18 pounds depending on when I jump on the scale. I have breakfast and dinner, but mid-day, only a piece of lunch meat. Drinking and/or eating high protein products, makes you less hungry. I swear this is true. The only cost, and it can quickly add up, is the purchase of protein drinks and/or food. But, having this much success, (and I have never been in the past), the cost of specialty foods, seems like a small price to pay. End goal? I would like to lose perhaps 30 pounds, and I know that might not actually be possible. But, losing 30 more pounds will likely make me a candidate for a new hip. That would be a cause for celebration. And, as a bonus I will soon be able to wear some of my smaller sized clothes. Wouldn't that be grand?

Guess what? I have actually folded up the laundry. Now, all I need is for Jeff to take the hamper upstairs. Trust me, I use my left arm as little as possible.

Enjoy the day before the day that will start your weekend.



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