Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Crisp Outside, But Beautiful


Mother Nature is a fickle woman, but you all already know that. So, this is just a reminder.  As nice as it is today, tomorrow will be a completely different story. The weathermen can't seem to get on the same page (do they ever?). We might get inches of snow, perhaps freezing rain and/or then just rain. I have already called and left a message for the lady who cleans the house on Wednesday not to come tomorrow. I would hate to feel responsible if she were in an accident.

Luckily, Jeff works from home, as do I (if you call folding laundry a job). So his daily commute is up and down the stairs. The only trouble he has is dealing with the girls! We went to the store over the weekend, so we have plenty (the boys think too much) of food, which is probably true. 

Saw the "bone" doctor yesterday. And, while the bones in my arm have healed, I now have a frozen shoulder - I didn't think that was a thing. He gave me a cortisone shot, which should give me some relief for a bit. But, he also told me that perhaps an arthroscopic surgery on my shoulder will be warranted. Just what I need is another physical aliment. Gosh, I hate growing old. Actually, that's not true, getting older isn't the problem, but the wear and tear of my body is the problem! If my body doesn't get better, then spending our 50th anniversary in Hawaii, will likely be off the table. And, I just can't have that happen. 

Last night I watched a show which recognized rescue dogs in categories like: best in snoring, belly rubs etc. Much, much better than watching pure breed dogs at the Westminster Dog Show.  It was so enjoyable. The second part is tonight, and I'm looking forward to watching. Of course, all of you already know what a "tv junkie) I am. And, for this I don't apologize.

If it does snow tomorrow, then Jeff and I will release the "hounds" so they can play outside, until they get cold. Since I am a trip and fall person, I won't be going out, any further than our front porch. Perhaps, I should just wrap my body in bubble wrap!!

Guess that's all the news fit to print. See you tomorrow.


eyeworm view photo of tree with white leaf


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