Thursday, February 7, 2019

When Things Are Broken, and Clothes That Don't Fit!


You know the drill. Your faithful  toast no longer toasts anything. If I wanted room temperature bread, I would just leave the bread out on the counter (obviously, beyond Bella's reach!).

We have one of those hot water boiler (I guess that's the right name), is coming to the end of it's life. This, of course, means a new one has to be bought, and the old one goes into the trash. Jeff has trouble letting go of things. Perhaps, with time, he might be able to fix the pot, but he literally has no time.

We own an older washing machine and dryer. The washing machine is a top load (I'm sure their still made, but nobody wants one), and does what it's supposed to do - wash clothes. The dryer is the same age, and like the washer, does "it's thing". Meaning dry clothes. For the most part, people now want those massive sized washers and dryers. I'm not even sure these behemoths would even fit in my current laundry room. Now that the boys are gone, the amount of laundry I do, is generally just two loads once a week. I seldom wash clothes in hot water, and always use unscented soap.  Sometimes, I feel like we should buy the "non-standard" machines and keep them in the basement, just in case, they need to be put into service. 

Sometimes, the cost of repairs, costs almost as much as the repairs. Then, you have to ask yourself, repair or toss? On the subject of toss, one of us (and it's not me), hates to throw things away. At some point in time, and that's likely when we move, years from now, there are antique electronics in the basement, which will have to be dealt with. That keeping or purging of all that's in the basement, will be up to Jeff and the boys. 

Moving onto clothes, people have a tendency, and I'm one of those folks, who continues to store clothes that no longer fit (they're too small), but they (might) at some point in the future (not likely). Then there is a small pile of clothes that are too large. Truth, I have fewer clothes in my closet that fall into the later category - sadly. Of course, you/me might find that we have to use our "big" clothes, and that's' just down right depressing. But, I remain ever hopeful, that some day, I can fit into smaller clothes. Oh, and I'll let you know when/if that day ever comes around. It will be cause for celebration - but no cake!

You, tell yourself, as I have done many times in the past, convince yourself mentally, that you'll lose enough weight in the future, that will require the smaller sizes. Like Humpty Dumpty (sp), I am short (unfortunately) and round, which is just another way to say that I am too round! I just spent a lot of money for the tailor to make my Christmas presents fit properly. I'm no longer fashionable, but I don't give two hoots about that. I want my pants to fit properly - 23 inches to be exact. I also abhor having all tops with rolled up sleeves. In case you're interested, and likely you're not, I don't like tops to cover the rear of me. The rear of me, just isn't that good looking!

The Japanese lady, whose name I have forgotten. says that you should put all your clothes on your bed, and only keep those items that bring you joy. Hmm, I think I would struggle with this concept. For most people, myself included, would find the large, or super large, mounds of clothing that you own. I actually don't believe I have any, or only a few that bring me joy. So, she would say that you donate those clothes to charity. I could, I suppose, do this, but after giving away a piece of clothing, then I would at some time, in the future regret my decision.

So, if you're bored, or hate that your closet(s) are in overflow mode, today could be your day to begin the massive undertaking of cleaning up your clothes.


 Image result for picture of mounds of clothing

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