Friday, June 28, 2019

Personal Trainer


Watched the debate, until I fell asleep. Again, everyone was talking over the other. Trying to keep track of everything they said, was exhausting. 

Ah, yes I remember now what I was originally going to write about. Jeff has paid for me to have a personal trainer. After having two individuals, coming to the house, with hopes of working out at home.  But, I didn't "click" with either one. One trainer was almost rude, when he said that I was in worse shape than he thought I would be. So, I gave the heave ho to both trainers.

I've been in physical therapy before. Since around two years, give or take. One group simply started you doing something, and then walked away. Once you have completed your "task", I quietly waited until it was my turn for help.

When a doctor recommended this group for me, I dutifully went to "x" amount of appointments. I believed (and still do), that this group was into the number of people they worked on. And, not to state the obvious, how much they were going to be paid from Medicare.

After my back surgery, I, once again, needed physical therapy. And, while I don't really enjoy exercising and never did.  But, I have a short bucket list, and on my list, there is no mention  needing to use my rollator.

During the evaluation interview last night, I had Jeff come with me, in case there was something that I had to remember. After telling the trainer, what was wrong with me, that pretty much took up my 30 minutes with her. She gave me two home exercises, that basically I do anywhere and/or anytime. I am supposed to tighten up my tummy as well as the caboose in the back! My next visit is on the 1st of July, and if you're paying for a trainer, it would not be cool for you not to do your homework. While I sat down and watched the debate (can you say free for all?), I was able to tighten up the areas that, I believe (and I could be wrong), that apparently she thought l should do. 

At no time during the oral evaluation, did she say, that it would impossible to get my old body back in shape. Happy to report, that I am working on the two areas, that she wanted me to start with. Jeff has paid for me to have "x" private sessions with the trainer. I've been going to physical therapy so long that everybody knows my name. Kind of like a "Cheers" bar. Depending on your age, you might have no idea what I'm talking about. 

Bella is known by everyone. I personally would like to take her leash off, and just let her roam. I would do this, but I am also very aware, that there are some people, who are terrified when seeing a dog. Even knowing that she is not to be trouble in anyway, I just don't think I could take that chance. If, the "gym" isn't crowded, I think I would still hesitate.  

Good deed for this week. I saw an elderly man using a roller, like the one I have, with tennis balls on the back legs. I know from experience, that the tennis balls are only good for so long. Plus, they don't really slide. I had the same trouble, and then I found something called "Walker Coasters" These little things that bought truly glide a person whether on carpet, as well on any other surface. I really hate watching old and fragile people struggling to walk with tennis balls attached. I would like to see all the patients, if you will, have "walker coasters". It they put them on, they'd find walking a lot easier. 

Time to run (walk).


Thursday, June 27, 2019

Debate Round One


In case you missed it, and I don't know how that would be possible, but round one debate was last night.

Jeff and I dutifully watched the debate. Nothing very unusual except the amount of candidates. I, personally, thought that the number of candidates on stage were just a "tad" too many. 

Of course, out of everyone's mouth came their commitment and the changes they would make in their first 100 days. Regarding this, I take the word changes with an overall pessimistic view. I think, but don't actually remember, if I managed to stay awake for the entire debate. Something tells me that I didn't. 

There is even a word regarding politics, and I didn't know this. There are some people who have a fear and almost hatred for politicians. Their fear is known as Politicophobia. Boy, say that word over and over again, I dare you!

As you know, I leave politics and women's rights out of my blogs. Since I did watch the debate last night and another round tonight, my job is simply too all the promises. Things heated up when talking about immigration, and I personally think they should. Women's rights to have the ability to make so that women can control over their bodies. I really do have an opinion about this, but will not put in my blog. I want to remain neutral on just about anything that is controversial. And, I've been doing this for all my adult years. My opinion might differ from yours, and that's okay. Basically, can we all get along?

For tonight's debate, perhaps I should drink coffee, before the debate starts. Just a thought.

I will say this, if the election was tomorrow, I already know the candidate who I would want to win.

Last words I promise:
PImage result for random picture of a politician


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Dentist Visit


I went to the dentist, visits that I just don't enjoy. I believe many people of my age, who experienced dental work in the 60's, may also dread going to the dentist.

Do you remember your visits to the dentist when you were young. I do, and found that the word dentophobia, relates to someone who has had a traumatic experience with a dentist. Okay, sign me up. I'm really very afraid of going to the dentist. When I was a teenager, a dentist told my mother that I had too many teeth in my mouth. The fix? Mom had the dentist pull out two healthy teeth. Wonder what she was thinking? To top off that experience, my sister wanted to go shopping. You would assume that my mother would pick another day for shopping, but sadly no. I went shopping, in pain and having those bits of cloth stuck in the now empty holes. As an adult, I can't imagine telling a dentist to pull out perfectly good teeth. 

Dentists' offices were different back then. Unlike today, where the instruments of the trade - drill, etc., are no longer in your field of vision, unless the dentist needs to use the tools. Gone too, is the circular and fluted dental tray. It looked more like a steering wheel than anything a dentist would have in his office.

Over the years, I have the unfortunate experience of going to dentists, who had very unusual ways to work on your mouth. One dentist, literally put a rubber mask (for lack of a better word) over my mouth. He then kept my mouth open with something that reminded me of a horse bit. I complained to my parents, and I luckily didn't have to return to him. Sometimes I wonder whether I would prefer going to a doctor and getting shots, than see a dentist!

When our boys were young, we took them regularly to a children's dentist. All their visits to the dentist, were positive ones. I'm so very glad that we did this for the boys. As adults, I think they don't have the same fear of dentists, as I do. And, for that, I'm glad. 

Yesterday's appointment was putting that plastic mold in your mouth. Once confident that the mold will fit, they then put that gooey stuff in the mold and put this in your mouth. It's not painful in the least, but I dread it anyway. 

More dental visits in my future - boy I can hardly wait!

Fun Teeth Facts
  • Hesy-Re was an Egyptian scribe who lived around 2600 B.C. and is recognized as the first dental practitioner.
  • Paul Revere, famous for warning Colonial troops that the British were coming, was also trained as a dentist by America’s first dentist, John Baker.
  • Edward H. Angle, who started the first school of orthodontics in 1901, created a simple classification for crooked teeth in the late 1800s, a system still in use today.
  • The first dental X-ray was used in 1896.
 See what I did - I have given you some historical facts. As they say, knowledge is power!


Is Visiting Your Senior Living Community Like Going to the Dentist?

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My Memories of Grandma


My maternal Grandmother, Mary Lee, was an amazing woman. She's been gone now for many years, and yet I remember her like it was yesterday.

Grandma always carried Chiclets in her purse. I loved this gum, but like any gum I've tried before, once the "sugar" is gone, so am I. I haven't had gum in a very long time. But, when I watch television - sports mostly, more times than not, see a professional ball player (mostly baseball), chomping and chewing away. I guess this is better than when they have tobacco in their mouth. Gross.

Slightly off track,which happens a lot to me, the family joined Grandma for I believe Thursday night television - again, I don't remember why. There was always popcorn, and some left over for the next day. Before I went to school on Fridays, I stopped by my Grandmother's house and ate cold popcorn with her. Without making any suggestion from me, she had her radio tuned into a channel playing, at that time anyway, popular music. Now considered oldies, but not forgotten, at least by me.

When our family would go on road trips, Grandma and I shared a bedroom. Obviously, our age difference made no difference. She and I would spend some time before going to sleep, to talk about things.  

There was a time when stores carried hats. Remember those? Well Grandma and I would always make a bee line to the hat section. And, like two giggling teenagers, would try on the most colorful and decorated hats first. Once done with that, just regular hats. It was great fun. Alas, there is no hat section in department stores anymore. Sad.

When I was in high school, she would drive me to school and pick me up after school. When I fell off a trampoline in gym class, it was my Grandmother that came to the school to fetch me. To be fair, my Mother was working a full-time job, so leaving work for what amounted to trivial things, wasn't practical.
When she and I were in public, we enjoyed watching normal folk going about their business. We, were never rude, but we had a lot to say to each other, when some ridiculous behavior or clothes, would catch our eye. "Polite" giggling on our part, was just something we did. Grandma would be appalled by the current clothes standards. Back in the day, you dressed up when traveling by plane. Dresses, skirts, plus a hat for Grandma. It seems that almost nobody "dresses up" anymore. We as a society have come to terms with ripped jeans, flip flops, as well as piercing in places other than ears, when we go to, for instance, the Kennedy Center. Just saying.

In the 60's, when going to a performance of any kind, we "ladies" always wore nice dresses, and sometimes heels. I remember the first panty hose I owned came in a plastic egg. In my teenage years, there were actual stores that sold only nylons. Each pair of nylons came in a little box, and when I had decided on a color I liked, the sales person would lovingly bring out the nylons. She would then gently put her hand inside the nylons, so you could better see the color. Boy, are those days gone!

I ran across the following, during a recent search. How many of you remember some things, or any things, from your past. In case you're wondering, my score of these memories was 11. The quiz says that I'm older than "dirt". I already knew that I was old. At my age, and perhaps yours as well, have wonderful memories of things past

Take the Older than Dirt Quiz - Wititudes 

 I remember wearing my skate key around my neck.  Everybody did. And, in those days, you put the roller skates over your shoes, and then "rollered" (sp) down the sidewalk. Good memories.

Have a great day.



Monday, June 24, 2019

Lazy Sunday


The three of us, Jeff, Bella and myself (bringing up the rear), went for our weekly shop. I had some very specific items I thought we needed, and possibly wanted. The wanting stuff was minimal, because the pantry and freezer don't need any more stuff.

At WalMart, we also did minimal shopping, and Bella performed beautifully. Our biggest problem, is how many people want to pet her. I know the joy she brings to us, but Jeff and I don't want to let people pet her. She is at "work" and should remain focused.  I do find it difficult to tell people not to pet her, because to my ears, sounds a bit, for lack of a better word - rude?

Once home, with very few groceries to put away, we ate pizza (our Sunday meal), and watched a baseball game. I can now, almost watch a game without nodding off! So, what's a snooze between friends? Based on our nap schedule, the remote goes back and forth between Jeff and I.

If I'm in my recliner, it isn't long before I feel (if I'm napping) the weight of Daisy on my lap. She can, and often does, stay on your lap long enough that you have to sort of push her off. And, I don't like doing that, because sleeping on my lap is one of the best traits of Daisy.

I can't believe it, but today is an appointment free day. Pretty much every day starting tomorrow, there is something on the calendar. Unfortunately, these dates, are for therapy, dentist, and other yuck stuff. 

There is a possibility that Stacey and Benjamin will come to the house on Wednesday. I think we could either go (a) to the water park, which would be a lot of fun for both of them. Me? I don't do water so much, and I really and truly don't like to be splashed. Option (b) would go to a child friendly movie. In my heart, I know that Benjamin and Stacey would have a good time at a water park. I can sit out, for most of the time. Maybe, dabble my toes in the shallow end.

Either way, I'll get to spend the day with one set of my favorite people. If Wendy and Elly are at Scott's house, I'll check to see if they would like to come along. If Elly is up here, then Benjamin would have a friend to play with and splash water on!

Last week, on one of my more ambitious days, went into one of the spare rooms, and worked in there for several hours. I put books away, and company binders on the shelf as well. I found some smaller size clothes, that I'm going to try on to see if they fit. If they do, then there's no "real" reason to buy new clothes. Of course, need and want are completely two different things, as far as women are concerned.

I guess today, I'll return to that room, and make it user friendly (i.e., pick up everything that's on the floor - don't ask) and put things away.  I have made a small stash of things in the hall, that now need a new home!

Once this room is straightened out, then I have another spare room to tackle. Now, if I get these two rooms clean, then all I have to do, is keep them tidy. The other spare room is where Benjamin sleeps, and there is less clutter in there. I will confess, though, that I've dumped clothes on the bed, for sorting. I can't begin to tell you how great it feels to find clothes that are too big. I'm not planning on donating these clothes, and hope that I will never need any of these clothes, but just in case I do.



Sunday, June 23, 2019

Chalk and Dinner


I know that most of you, are wondering what the title is all about. If I were in your shoes, I know I'd be curious. Just the title alone, gives nothing away!

First, the chalk. I have for some time now, wondered what I would look like if my hair was completely gray. If I remember correctly, my mother had to eventually dye her hair gray (mind you, I could be wrong about this), but that's what I'm thinking.

Oh, back to gray hair. There are a number of products available that are either (a) semi-permanent dye; or, if you are really willing to commit - permanent.

Both of those options seemed a bit scary to me. What if I did you use a permanent hair color, I would have to live with it for sometime. I, am just curious how would I look with gray hair? You see these women, all of whom have such beautiful gray or white hair. Natural? Um, hard to say.

I am, a bit of a "commitment" phoebe, and sometimes (actually most of the time) have trouble pulling the trigger. And, changing my hair color, though I want to do so, don't want to make a mistake that I'll have to live with for a period of time.

Solution? Hair chalk. Yes, that is really a thing. Hair chalk comes out the first time you shampoo, which definitely caught my attention. I bought a package of "combs" that each have a different color in the comb. The package arrived yesterday, and I was so excited. There was silver, gold, green, violet, blue, orange, red and teal colors. I couldn't wait to give these colored combs a try. My hair is quite dark. First, I tried out the gray comb (duh, since that was what I was going for initially). A dismissal result. The gold color wasn't very effective either. But, purple really did stand out in my hair. Trouble is, Jeff is not a fan of purple. 

These comb colors, wash out with just one shampoo. That sounded perfect to me. And, though the colors I tried didn't do much for me, it was fun. I think the colors will work better for Benjamin and Stacey. Anyway, it was so much fun. Since I didn't get the result, color wise, that I was looking for, I'll probably have to make a commitment to a more semi-permanent dye. I'm just curious, and I don't think it will be a life changing event. Even semi-permanent dye, washes out after several shampoos. Benjamin would like to have red hair, and I suspect that the red chalk will really show up in his light hair. But, for me, I think I'm going to have to get more aggressive with hair dye. I don't know who the old Patti was, but the new Patti, watches baseball and football and wants to color her hair. Talk about walking on the wild side!

Last night, Jeff took Bella and I out for dinner. We went to a local restaurant, where for years, ate there weekly. We wanted to sit outside, which we did, but not before the hostess said that they didn't allow dogs. We explained "kindly" enough, that Bella was a service dog, and that she wouldn't even notice her there. I was willing to go to the mat, to fight for Bella's presence. Once seated, Bella simply laid down at my feet, and, with the exception of the people next to us, nobody even knew she was there. Which is the way a service dog is supposed to behave.

Jeff is off for his weekly shop. He says that I have to go along, even though I don't want to. I know that a ride in his car will be very refreshing, but once at the stores, I'm stuck in those stupid little riding carts. 

Closing for now, have to get myself ready to go.



Saturday, June 22, 2019

How Time Flies


I started my blog a number of years ago. I won't lie, during my working years, it was hard to blog and then get to work on time! But, somehow I managed, at least part of the time.

Now retired, I have oodles of free time, and blogging is no longer a time issue. Nope, now it's a what's rattling around in my head every single day. Sometimes, I have trouble coming up with something. Still, I feel obligated to write some words. I don't have a mass following, particularly since I write about anything/everything.

Statistical speaking, my records show that I have written 2,107 blogs. Some of them are better than others. I've climbed up on my soap box several times for situations or causes, that I feel strongly about. You already know, that I stay out of the political arena as well as a woman's right to choose. Personally, I do have feelings about those topics, but I keep them to myself. This is, for the most part, always wise. Unless, you are willing to go head-to-head with somebody. I'm pretty much a coward, and avoid controversy at all costs.

I've written odes for Scott and Andrew, my father and Jeff. I've also written, during my really "blue" times, about depression and what a large grip it has over a person.

Daisy and Bella make it into a lot of my blogs, particularly when they were puppies, and destroying and stealing pretty much everything. I currently have one sofa and one chair, that no longer have a "skirt". Guess I could see them, at some point, as distressed! Or, an antique I suppose. Luckily, the taking of things (Bella most of the time) and the ultimate destruction of things, has really slowed down.

I have given thanks to family and friends who have helped me walk through this journey of life. Stacey (DIL), and Benjamin have been key factors in my life. They take me out for "play dates", knowing my limitations. I love these outings, and make the most of them when I'm out and about. I really appreciate them taking the time out of their busy schedules, to come and visit with me.

I have shared recipes, and even from time-to-time, suggestions for this and that. I have also strifed (sp) to be a good and non- judgmental mother-in-law. The women, Stacey and Wendy, take such good care of our sons, and this makes Jeff and I very happy.

A beautiful day outside. Perhaps, I'll take my rollator out for a few loops around the circle, and then park my rollator in the driveway, while I soak up some vitamin D.

Enjoy your day.


Friday, June 21, 2019



Jeff and I enjoyed watching "reality" shows. One of our newest shows is "Guardians of the Glades". A group of hunters, if you will, search the everglades looking for pythons. Apparently, there is an abundance of phythons in the water. After Hurricane Andrew, these nasty beasties (sp) made their way to the glades. 

Now, there are hunters roaming the waters of the Glades, looking for these monsters. One of the hunters doesn't even wear shoes! I keep thinking that in doing so, it's dangerous for this man. But, he doesn't seem to care. Once they catch a python, the snake is put in a cloth bag, and headed for their last hurrah.

Okay, now my question is, and who knows you may know the answer - how do the hunters know how a which snake is female. My search tells me that the female snakes are larger than a male, let's hear it for the girls, and more docile than the male counterpart. Mind you, whatever type of python out there can easily eat a person who is about 4 foot high, and weighs between 70-90 pounds. Since I weigh more than that, I guess, I would be safe (again not comforting) from being swallowed whole. This is not a theory that I intend to ever put to the test. 

Records show that the largest animal consumed was a 130 pound Impala (nope, not the car)!! Can you say take an antacid pill.

We also watch "Homestead Rescue", which we enjoy, but feel sorry for the homesteaders who need to be rescued. These people in need, are helped by Marty Raney and two of his children. While we watch, even Jeff and I can see the challenges people have when living off the "grid" so to speak.

Happy Weekend.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Changing Things Up


Women, more than men (duh), think that every now and again, it's time to mix things up. First defense (but not for me) is Botox. Botox has about 35 side effects, so definitely not for me. Botox can, for instance, cause paralysis of the facial muscles. Who would really want to do that?
I'm not willing to have surgery on my face, which most of the time, leaves a person's face "frozen" if you will. The lines on my face, and I don't believe I have many, is just part of an aging progress.You really can't turn the age clock back, so you have to deal with whatever hand you've been given. 

Next up lips. How many celebrities you have seen with super large lips. My question about this is why? On the market, you can add volume or plumping lips with "plumbing glosses". Who knew about those? Certainly not me.

Of course, you can't leave out breast implants. A lot of women want to increase the size of their breasts. There are women, who don't need to get, or even, want their breasts bigger than whatever size they currently are. But, if you can't live without having your breasts, the current size. Their is an answer - breast augmentation. But, for those who want to go in a different direction, such as myself, you can have breast reduction.One term that I've heard being used often is: boulders over shoulders". That sounds funny to the people who spout this mantra. But, it isn't really funny at all.

I have some gray hair showing up in my hair. I wanted to try a temporary gray hair dye. I have seen some women with beautiful gray hair. And, others not so much. I'm afraid to buy a permanent dye. I don't know if I will look good with a head full of gray hair.

I bought, and will have fun with, colored chalks for my hair. I'm really interested in the gray chalk, but because the colors wash out with regular shampoo, I might opt for a different color. Maybe, pink, blue, etc. If, I like the silver/gray in my hair, and think that I look good, I might opt for a more permanent dye.

ARTEZA 10 Colors Hair Chalk Combs, Temporary Hair Color Perfect for Parties, Halloween, Cosplay, Festivals, Theater, and More. Include Gloves and Cape 

There are enough colored combs, so that the "girls" can, if they wish, try out a really "out there" color. Should be a lot of fun.

Last night, Jeff cooked up a spicy casserole with a multiple amount of ingredients. The result was a very tasty dinner.

I'm having a pretty good day so far, and hope that you are as well.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019



Wendy came by yesterday, to pick up a package for Scott. We/I don't get a lot of company, so we really enjoy having somebody around. It saves Jeff and I from talking to each other! (kidding-um not really). After this many years together, I don't believe there is anything to really talk about.

Jeff and Bella came with me last night for physical therapy. Bella has come to all my appointments, and she is very well behaved. I have no idea what would happen, if we took her leash off and let her have the run of the place. All the regular people who go for therapy, on the same day as I do, are very familiar with her. I know that some people are deathly afraid of dogs. If I was bringing one of Scott's dogs (mastiffs), who weigh almost a much a person, then I wouldn't let the dog have free roam. Scott has trained his dogs well, but because of their size, you can quickly become intimidated. Mind you, dogs who weigh up around 100 pounds, they don't move quickly, if they move at all. They are lovely dogs, but Jeff and I are now used to them, so we are no longer fearful being around them now. Gentle Giants is the best way to describe them. 

There is a show called "The Weekly". Each episode covers a different problem. The show last night was about immigration and the separating of families. Soap box again: I don't believe, pretty much ever, that families should be split up. And, the conditions children live in, is grim at best. Jeff says, and I know he's right that a pancake always has two sides. And, for immigration of the people from Mexico, I actually can only see one side, mine of course.

Jeff, has been working diligently with the girls about coming when their called. Bella comes running up the stairs or from the yard instantly. Daisy, does come eventually but with resistance. However, they both know that if they come when called, they will get a "cookie" (dog treat). Obviously, they both respond when offered a treat.
There was a man, some time ago, and he reasoned that dogs, in particular, would do just about anything to get a treat. 

Pavlov (spelling?), put dogs through training, and the dogs responded because they knew there was a treat waiting for them. Basically, that's what Jeff and I are doing with the girls. We occasionally let the girls out in the front yard, so that can stretch their legs, during their "walk about". They don't go far, just in and between a few houses, and then are willing and/or wanting to come inside. This is particularly true on a hot and humid day. When they have exhausted themselves out, besides the treat, they also want water. On hot days, I put a few ice cubes in the water dish. 

Whenever we put ice in a glass, Bella is on high alert, she absolutely loves ice cubes. I've never seen anything like that before. She is also good at catching a treat in the air. Daisy, sits patiently because she knows she's going to get a treat also. It would not be fair to give a treat to only one dog. This is not nice if you do this. I believe, and think that I do, treat our dogs, like I did with the boys, for, the most part equally. As somebody who felt that I didn't quite come up to my Mother's standards, and she was quick to point this out to me when I became an adult.

For the last two nights, Jeff has baked us some fresh salmon. And, the fish has been super, duper good tasting. Tonight, we're having a more humble dinner, a casserole. Having said that, my casserole will feed us for two days. That's not too bad.

While I dressed before I came down for breakfast (tmi), I can now get on with the rest of my day.

Talk to you later.




Tuesday, June 18, 2019

I'm Invisable


I know you're wondering about the word 
"invisible". Here's what I mean: because of my inability to walk very far, I am forced to use those stupid mobile carts in stores. When you're trying to back up, the cart has that horrible beeping sound. A sound that I've come to hate.

So here's where the invisible part comes in. You're "scooting" along in the store. People cut in front of you, because they "really" don't see people like myself.

They block aisles such that I'm unable to go anywhere, but go in reverse. Urrr. People stop abruptly, which makes it difficult for me to stop.  These stupid carts don't turn on a dime. When, I'm going to move from aisle to aisle, I am forced to peek out for incoming foot traffic. While I'm cruising along in my buggy, some, not all, people are in a word - rude

In these carts, you merely lurch along and hoping that you don't hit somebody, or that somebody bumps into me. I guess the good news is, that my body doesn't hang off the sides of the cart. There are people who are in the cart mostly, but there is a lot of their body, hanging out on both sides. That is so not ever going to be me. It could be my imagination, and it probably is, but people do seem to stare at you. This one action, makes me feel terrible. I assure you that I'm not in the cart by choice. Sometimes I, and probably only me, feel that by riding in the cart, you somehow become the "designated" handicap person in the store.

You stop in an aisle to check out something, and people literally stop in front of me, to pick up something. Most of the time this happens in the freezer section of the store. While this occurrence doesn't happen every time, it happens enough.  By the time I've been through the stores, I have clipped several end aisle products displays! Sorry about that. I truly try not to run into someone or something, but it's not always for the cart and I to go around corners.

One time, in WalMart, two teenagers had taken two of these carts, and were literally racing through the store. It took all my patience, because I would have liked to knock them over. That would be a very un-lady like thing to do. What these teenagers were racing around, it meant that two people, who really need the cart, won't have any carts available. If, we go into a store, and there are no riding carts, I simply head back to the car. There is no way, at this point, that I am able to walk around and shop. It's simply easier to just stay in the car.

I guess my message is this: please don't stare at me while I'm in the cart; do not wonder why I'm in the cart. I know I look healthy enough to outsiders, while I'm riding around. I use these carts by necessity, and certainly not by choice. For me personally, I'd rather stay home then venture out to a store.

Next time you go to a store and see me, or others, on one of those stupid riding carts, don't judge us. Some of us look perfectly "normal" (that could be a stretch for me!), and the disability doesn't show outsiders what's wrong with me. I don't know of anyone who needs to ride around in a store, that does it just because. 

Last shopping trip, I told Jeff that I didn't want to ride in a cart, I could "walk" on my own two feet. I got as far as the first piece of furniture I could find to sit on. Jeff went out and brought the buggy to me. 

Climbing off my soap box now. Sorry to rant, but this is really a "thing" for me.


Image result for picture of riding cart in a store

Monday, June 17, 2019

My Guy


Some of you know Jeff better than others. When you've been married 45 years, we know pretty much everything about each other. And, yes when we eat out, we're that "couple" who don't do a lot of talking. Don't think of that as sad, just that we've reached a point where there isn't very much new things to talk about.

But, let me talk to you about the early years. I met Jeff, on a blind date 45 years ago. And, through the years, like all couples, there are good ones, and unfortunately, some negative ones as well.

When Jeff and I were dating, my salary, after paying for daycare, left me with pretty much change in my purse. Not quite that bad, but you get the idea.

Early on, Jeff took Kenny and I grocery shopping. He had a cart, and I had a cart. I went through the store, with an eye toward damaged cans, smashed bread and anything else that was inexpensive, and due to expire.  Jeff was in front of me and his cart was nearly full. I added my pathetic amount of groceries on the belt, after him. I was blown away when he told the cashier that he was paying for both carts. Jeff was generous to a fault. He bought things that I hadn't bought, because these food items were expensive, and I was, for all practical purposes, poor. 

I had a lovely dress on lay-a-way at a store, and I was making regular, though small, payments. Jeff found out about the dress, and he promptly paid it off! Who wouldn't love a guy like that. 

I received ONE child support check from "klutz" as I now call him. Trouble was that somehow that check ended up in the garbage and was in the dumpster. Jeff took the time to search and eventually find, the only check I ever received.  

In my first marriage, I did laundry on a ringer-type washing machine. When doing laundry this way, you have to make sure all buttons are tucked inside, otherwise they get mutilated going through the wringer. I'm confident that most of you have either (a) never heard about a wringer washing machine; or those of you who used, or watched a family member using this device. It's basically an all day process, and in the end messy too. Water gets on the floor, and once the laundry has been "through the wringer" (couldn't resist), the clothes then have to put in a dryer (which I did not have), or hung up on a clothes line.

I did put the wet clothes on the clothes line, and have one of the dogs (all belonging to my "x") pull them down and dirty everything. Occasionally, we would use a laundromat, which was a thrill for me (such a modern machine)!!

After Jeff and I were married, my life began to turn around, if you will. I had a "real" stove to use. Where, previously, I only had a hot plate for cooking.

On our honeymoon, to San Francisco, we fell in love with sourdough bread. We were on a very limited budget, but one day we went to a fairly fancy restaurant. The waiter brought out the bread, which we consumed quickly. And, then it was "rinse and repeat", until we were cut-off for our love for the bread. We couldn't afford, or chose not to, eat in swanky restaurants. 

We rode the trolley cars, and there is definitely an art about how to get on and off. I never quite mastered the "how to", so generally, Jeff would haul me inside. We also rode the bus, Stockton 30, if my memory is correct. Here's what I do remember, even after all these years, is sitting near an older woman, who had one hair jutting out from a mole. At 25 this horrified me. Jump too today, and my face and hot wax have become fast friends!
Photo of MUNI - 30S Stockton - San Francisco, CA, United States 

For reasons I didn't understand, I had to use the bathroom a lot. You just can't use a bathroom and not buy a drink or food. So over the short time we were in San Francisco, Jeff drank a lot of coffee. Once home, the doctor said that I had a "uti" - and all of you women out there, know what I'm talking about. 

As for souvenirs that we bought, were definitely on the meager side. The prices for most things was very expensive, and way out of our budget. However, we did buy a Murano candle (we could afford it). While this isn't the candle we bought , you get the idea:

Round Plate Pompei - Empty pockets and ashtray - Millefiori Mix ...In all the years we've been together, the candle has sat in a bookcase, unused. If we get to go back to Hawaii for our 50th anniversary, I'm going to bring that candle with us, and light it up.

After just a few days in San Francisco, and the weather was very cold, Jeff bought me some gloves, which helped out a lot. Jeff then proposed to me, that if we headed home early, then he would buy me a real washer and dryer. He had me at the word washer. We cut our honeymoon short, headed home and in quick order, Jeff bought me a real washer and dryer. Life just can't get any better than this, as far as I was concerned.

He was then, as well as today, my constant companion, best friend, and now eases my anxiety level, among other things. I'm sure that it's not easy to live with me. I forget the question, as well as the answer I write stuff down, but turn around twice in the chair, and I no longer have little, if any, recall of things. It's just who I am now. Would like to be better mentally, and I do jigsaw puzzles, take on-line tests, etc., and yet the needle hasn't really moved much to the better side of my memory. I deeply regret that I am such a huge burden (my words, not his) in his life. I believe he deserves better. Trust me, I'm working hard on being that better person. But, I'm not there yet.

I have, and I'm sure that Jeff does as well, the many things we've done, the places we've visited, and the memories we made.




Saturday, June 15, 2019

Ode to Dad


Tomorrow is Fathers' Day. And the general public (that means all of you) are inundated at the store with cards, gifts for Dad, and well you get the idea.

When it's Mothers' Day, Jeff most of the time tells me that I'm not his mother. And, that's definitely true.

But, like all of you, have/had a Dad. I'd like to talk about my Dad. Since I was the middle child, our family lineage went like this. My brother, was the oldest, and a boy (I have no idea why that should matter, it's not like he's in line for the royal throne. Mind wandering off again. My sister is 8 years younger than me. She was born premature and very small. When she came along, I was bumped up in the family to the dreaded "middle child".

The parent that I bonded too the most, was my Dad. Dad was humorous, and made the little things of life, well in a word, interesting. More times than not, Dad drove me to the library for research. Dad and I shopped together, tried experiments at home. Here's what I know, just so you don't make the same mistakes. One time, he and I wondered how many times you would have to fold over a take out bag of ketchup. Um, based on the mess on the ceiling, if memory serves me correct, then it doesn't take much. Unfortunately, we had a "popcorn" ceiling. Obviously, Dad and I had to scrub the ketchup off the ceiling. We didn't mind much in doing it, but scrubbing down a textured ceiling is not fun.

When I was a teenager, there were two commercials, that Dad and I had to try, of course. The first one was putting saran wrap, in a cup (we used coffee) like they did in the commercials. The theory was, that once the saran wrap was in your cup, you could just pick up that wrap. Next, we filled up our "wrap" with coffee, and the "bag" if you will, would be strong enough to hold the coffee. It's a good thing we did this experiment over the sink, because the saran wrap did not hold, and burst open. So, product failure number one.

As a teenager, Prell shampoo had a commercial where they put a pearl in the top of the bottle, and it slooooowly went to the bottom. Of course, this was too good to be true. So we bought the shampoo, found a pearl, and expected for that pearl to do like it did in the commercial. Not so folks. Once we put the "pearl" in, it immediately sank to the bottom. You see, even back then, the commercials were too good to be true.

When my parents would come to Maryland to visit, Dad and I took advantage of all the open houses. We would "dress" up a bit (so we didn't look we didn't belong there), and toured multiple homes in Potomac (think posh and expensive). The realtors wanted to follow us around, which was okay but annoying. And, since we were being followed, Dad would point out to me that there were only "x" bedrooms, and where would the "staff" sleep. It didn't do any harm, and provided us with fun entertainment. Mom never understood why we did this, and even if we explained it, I'm pretty sure she still wouldn't get it.

Then there was car shopping. Dad really liked cars, Pontiac's mostly. We would go to a dealership and check out the interiors, kick the tires (I don't know why that was important, but we did it all the same). When the salesman approached, Dad never missed a beat. He assured the salesman that it was a beautiful car, but just not for him. Then he would suggest to me that we go to another dealership to look at their inventory.

One other memory, that I'll never forget, is a 1942 Dodge weapons carrier. My memory is fuzzy, but here's a picture of this kind of vehicle. Related image

Apologies to Jeff, because I'm pretty sure that his/ours didn't look exactly like that one. Jeff happened to be driving by a house, and he could see part of the weapons carrier in the yard. He knocked and he bought us, what would someday be a dune buggy! The statistics of a similar vehicle are: 13'8" long, 8' foot high, 7 feet wide and weighed two tons. All of this is approximate of course, but you get the general idea.

Since the "wc" didn't have a motor, or many other parts, it had to be towed from point A to point B (our house). We had, at that time a large pickup truck. We added chain from our bumper to the WC's bumper, and slowly made our way home. Dad, who loved it, sat in the driver's seat of the WC. I think it made him feel like MacArthur! I won't bore you with all the problems Jeff had trying to put the "wc" in a drive able condition. To register this beast, MacArthur was called on again, to "steer", if you will to the DMV to be weighed. And, the old girl weighed a lot. Back at our young age, it hadn't occurred to me at least, that putting a 2 ton vehicle on the beach, would be a disaster. Talk about flattening the dunes!

There are so many things I could write about my Dad. One thing, that's really important, is he had an easy personality, great humor and a slight sense of adventure.

The year before my Dad passed away, I went to California to visit my parents (Dad actually). Every morning, Dad would walk to a doughnut shop, for coffee and obviously a doughnut. Dad had his own cup, as all the regulars did, and while eating and drinking, he could exchange war stories with the other old men. While visiting, I joined my Dad to the shop, and met some very amazing men. By today's standards, everything that was said around the table would likely be labeled "false memories"!

I didn't know it at the time, but that would be the last time I had with Dad. He was on dialysis twice a week, which he hated. During one of his treatments, I think Mom had left him briefly during his treatment. It was during that treatment, that Dad (again fuzzy) had a heart attack or stroke. Either way, he passed away, and I never had a chance to say good-bye. Jeff and I flew to California for the funeral. The summer before, Dad and I had talked about dying. I had taken a class of something, truly can't remember. Dad and I talked about heaven or hell. I assured him, that he was going to rise to the very top. He told me that if he did go "upstairs", there would be set of wings waiting for me. 

Dad feared going "south", and from the mythological things we had talked about, he told me that just in case he went "south", he'd like to have some "walking" around money, to help "grease" the wheel when punishments were handed out. I, of course, happily agreed to this.

Before we went to the mortuary, Jeff and I made a stop to pick up a few things for Dad. He ate Planter's peanuts every night. He was disciplined enough that he only ate one at a time. First purchase was the peanuts, and the second purchase was a Playboy magazine. I doubt that, while he was alive, he likely didn't get to read that magazine. So, here's what we did. We pulled the centerfold out of the magazine, and taped it somehow to the top of his coffin, where he would be able to "see" it for eternity. We put the peanuts  in the coffin, within easy reach. Before we left visitation, I asked to see the bottom of his coffin. Why? Because I had to make sure that he had his ankles crossed when he slept. They weren't crossed, but I made sure that the mortician took care of that for me. 

Lastly, because Dad worried so much (and he definitely didn't need to), we folded up a few bills and put them in his breast pocket. Having done all of that, it was time to say good-by. When people came for visitation, they walked past the coffin, and immediately took a second look. Did they really see the centerfold taped to the front of the coffin? I don't think, nah scratch that, Mom thought that it was, in a word, offensive. Jeff and I stood our ground, the centerfold remained in place. And, for good measure we tucked the rest of the magazine under his arm.

Jeff did the eulogies for Dad. I don't remember everything he said, but he did refer to my Dad as Sarge (that was his military rank). He also talked about whenever we were in the house, Dad would ask Jeff, what did he want to talk about. Sex, cars and something else that I can't remember. Jeff would always say sex, and Dad would reply had Jeff seen the new Pontiac?!

I could go on for hours writing about my Dad. I miss him like it was yesterday. He passed away in 1995. Lastly, at his funeral, the owner of the coffee shop closed for the day, and all of Dad's cronies came to the funeral as well. 

Everybody, should have a Dad like mine. And, though it's been years, whenever Jeff are in the plane and fly through clouds, I can't help myself, I just have to look wishing that I could see him.

While I'm not yet typed out, I find myself getting emotional just writing down some of my best memories of Dad.

Love you Dad - you were the bestest (sp) father to me, and I miss you still today.



Friday, June 14, 2019

Personal Trainer


Today, starts day one of my adventure (?) with a personal trainer. I had tried to use a trainer that would come to the house, but the two trainers that came to the house, weren't a good fit for me.

Last night, while doing physical therapy on my shoulders (of course), Jeff signed me up for 10 private training lessons. No contract - yeah. Just pay for the sessions, and you're done. 

I've been going to this group for physical therapy for a long time, and going there is almost like meeting up with friends. Everyone knows Bella, and while we don't let people pet her, she does wag her tail constantly when someone comes up to talk to Jeff. 

I think of her as a training "mascot", she's been going there for so long. Some of you may remember the tv show "Cheers", where everybody knew your name. Bella is kind of like that.

Today, is my evaluation to basically see what I need help with - does everything in my body count! I'm not asking for much, core strength, the ability to get off the floor by myself when I've fallen. Balance and oh what the heck - endurance as well. Not looking for a body builder look, just a body that can do things - um like walking for instance.

My fear is, that if I don't get in shape, I won't be able to do things on my bucket list: take a cruise, go to Hawaii, visit Italy, road trip with Stacey to Illinois, ability to actually be able to get into the plane (and, that's kind of a big one). 

Even after weeks of ordered training, pretty sure that all of you will still be able to recognize me! Perhaps, a smaller me, but same face.

I'm off to do chores, one of which I absolutely 
hate - laundry. The actual process of washing and drying clothes isn't the problem. The problem is and always has been, folding and putting away the clean clothes.

Hope you have a great Friday, and an even better weekend.



Thursday, June 13, 2019



I told you already that Benjamin, Stacey and I were going to spend most of the day together. And, like all of the times we are together, we had a lot of fun. 

We kicked off the day with haircuts for myself and Benjamin. Both of us looked good when we left the barber shop. In years past, oh let's say 30+, I went to an actual beauty shop, and had the owner work magic (more or less) on my hair. I think I did this because I have a deep sense of loyalty. When I was working, my haircuts were frequent. Now, that I'm retired, not so much. The barber did a good job on my hair, shortened it up a bit and thinned out the hair on the top. Basically, I told the barber, that I wanted to be able to wash my hair, dry it, and then "fluff" it. A no nonsense "do".

After getting the top of our heads done, we went to the nail salon, where Stacey and I had some waxing done, as well as pedicures. Stacey put some glitter on top of her nail polish, which looked quite good. Me? Since I can't reach my feet, I always just get clear polish. When it starts to wear off, nobody will notice, not even myself.

Lunch was at the usual favorite fast food place - McDonald's. We noticed that there was a sign above the table that said "30 minutes only". We were puzzled about the sign, but shortly after we had sat down, we got the "picture". The restaurant (I guess you could call it that), was inundated with high school students. I've got nothing about teenagers, but once they were inside, the volume was so loud, that the three of us just stopped talking. It was easier that way. And heaven help you, if you wanted an ice cream cone, for instance, which I did.

Benjamin was kind enough to stand in a long line of students to order my cone. Wouldn't it have been nice if the teenagers, would move him to the front of the line? It would have been nice, but didn't happen.

And, I'm somewhat of a prude. I have never seen so many jeans pulled down closer to the "nether region", and underwear pulled up to be on the top of the jeans. I really don't want to see somebody's underwear - lacy or not. Truly showing my age, I was taught that somethings should just be covered. One look at the way women wear their clothing today, and I can see, and you can too, that the mode of dressing is far from modest!

Once back at home, Stacey and Benjamin planted some Iris bulbs for next year. Both of them take such good care of me, that a lot of the time, I can't find something that I could do for them.

Today, it's gloomy outside. Raining and perhaps thunderstorms later today. Lawn was mowed yesterday, so everything outside, including the weeds, that unfortunately have sprung up, are all green. 

I had one personal trainer company send me the document to be signed before I could start my sessions. The document is arduous at best. It is filled up with you have 30 days to do this. And 45 days to do that. They also want to do automatic renewals, which I absolutely don't want.  

Knowing all of that, I may be in the market for a different trainer. We'll see.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Bachelorette (sp)


You already know that I'm really into reality shows of all kinds. Last night, I watched another episode of the bachelorette (sp again). So, the lady has all these really good looking men that she can pick and choose for herself.

My question is this. While I know this show is staged, how does somebody go from kissing, etc., with all the men in the house? She could break down the number of men, to just those that she is really into. The lady wears tight and sometimes skimpy clothes. Pretty sure that is intentional.

But, I was wondering, couldn't they have a show of this kind, but have regular folk be participants?
You know what I'm talking about. People who might be a tad overweight, with bodies that definitely won't stop traffic. Realistic looking participants. I'm not suggesting that a really ugly person be chosen. I just would like to see these kinds of people be considered. As you have gone through life, how many times have you been struck dumb by a truly handsome man on the street?

Maybe, because I have limited access to stores, I just don't think that these handsome people, just don't shop there. Pretty sure, they shop at brand name stores: Ralph Lauren comes to mind.

If past history is a predictor of future relationships, then our girl could be in trouble. Only a few couples really got married and had a family. We'll just have to wait until the end of this season.

Stacey and Benjamin are taking me out to play. Toes - check. Haircuts - check. Food at McDonald's - check. It's going to be a short play date, but any excuse to get out of the house is really appreciated.

Till tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Unexpected Good Deeds


Have you ever done something for somebody, expecting nothing in return? I know I have. If I'm in a grocery line, and see that the person(s) behind me have only a few minutes, I let them go ahead of me. It takes little effort on my part, but definitely pleases the other shoppers.

On Sunday, we went to the "stores", it was really raining. A very nice person walked me to the car using an umbrella, to help me stay "sort of" dry. I thanked her profusely. It was an unsolicited help, but I felt so good about her help. And, pretty sure it did something for her as well.

A long time ago (bj - before Jeff), I was very ill, but the doctor wouldn't take a check, because all the previous ones had bounced. The people in my office, without asking, gave (donated) me enough money to see the doctor. Selfless act on their part. But, for me, who at that time, was financially in trouble, thank you first husband.

Jeff and I took a train from my brother's house in Illinois to perhaps Chicago? Memory's a bit fuzzy. On that train, was a very nice man, who turned out to be a professor at one of the colleges in Maryland. He told us that he authored a couple of small (think pamphlets), that he used in his classes. Before we got off the train, we gave him our address so that if he did decide to send us the pamphlets, we would like to have them. All of you know, the mantra "Keep in Touch" (and nobody does). "We'll be friends forever" until your not.

Distance doesn't always make or break a relationship. The co-workers you worked with, always promise that they will want to know what you're doing in the future. After a couple of email exchanges, and perhaps even a call or two, Then you recognize, as does the other person, that once you leave the company, more times than not, the relationship is not nurtured.  Working together was the "glue" that helped us form a friendship. These relationships are very special to me. I just wish that my friends would hurry up and retire, so that I had somebody to play with!

If I'm behind a person in let's say the grocery line, and that person comes up a little short with money. If there isn't a staggering amount of money needed, I have occasionally picked up the shortage. These people tend to be on food stamps, and it's hard to feed a family with those stamps.

Almost every day, or let's say, when I'm out and about, it takes less than 30 seconds, if you're smiling, that might (I always think so), have brightened their day for just a moment.

Just think of all the little things we could do for one another. Opening the door, reaching up to take something down that is beyond my reach, which is almost everything!

The majority of the people in a store, pay no mind to people in scooters. They cut in front of you, block the aisles with their carts, so that it's impossible for me to go down that aisle. As I've said before, there is something about those stupid scooters that steals away from me, my dignity, as well as other things.

Perhaps, with the use of a personal trainer every week, I hope I get stronger and who knows maybe some day be able to walk without the use of my rollator or a wheelchair.  Send positive thoughts my way.



Monday, June 10, 2019

A Crappy Day


I think the title says it all. When we were out running errands, there was intermittent rain. You know the kind that mucks up your windshield, you have to use your wipers, and then - well, you guessed it - spotty glass. 

Yesterday, Jeff, Bella and I did our weekly shopping at the only two stores that exist for Jeff (kidding, but not really)! And, yes I rode around in those stupid carts. In one aisle, I wasn't paying attention, and more or less (actually more) ran into a ladies' cart. Let's just say, embarrassing. Though I apologized, I felt bad.

While browsing through the TV Guide, I noticed a few Hallmark movies. These movies are based on summer romance, rather than the winter ones. But, the story line is always the same. And, even knowing not, I still love their movies You know the drill - beautiful girl, handsome man, with a little bit of trouble stirred in. But, in the end, those pretty people get together. I could watch this kind of movie, pretty much all day. Okay, there "schmaltzy", but I don't care. Just nice to watch something except the news.

Benjamin, and his new phone, using some kind of app, can now send us messages. I was "talking" to him last night. But, as usual I have screwed things up, and now can't find where the app is on my computer. Just when I think I know everything, I'm sent a curve ball, which leaves me hanging in no man's land.

I manage my computer and doing my blog every day, but that's all I'm really able to do. Oh, and shop! Sad, I know. Since I don't go out to what I consider actual stores, I am always very eager to go out with Stacey and Wendy. If, I take my rollator, I can go into more stores, since I can sit down when I'm tired.

More tomorrow.



Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunday - Resting


This Sunday, like all the Sundays that went before, I take the TV Guide and select the shows coming up in the next week. While this would be a chore for some people, as well as never done. Since I don't get out much, I love watching television.

Each documentary show that I watch, gives me some history about ancient things. Like the ruins of some ancient, long forgotten cities. The host asks questions, such as - where did the cities go, what happened to the people, and stuff like that.

I find each show very entertaining. Problem is, that most of the older episodes have been "captured" by Amazon. Those episodes are not free, and I think that it's a shame. You have to pay for each individual season. The cost isn't very high, but I sort of dig my heels in, and refuse to buy each episode for $2.99 and up. I know that cost is very minimal, but it feels like to me, that I'm being held hostage, if I want to watch that show.

I'm looking on Ebay hoping to find an entire season for sale. If the price wasn't too high, I, most likely would buy the DVDs.

I know I'm not alone with watching episodes of your favorite show. I also know, that I, in particular are going to pay Amazon for each and every episode. 

But not to worry. I'm very good at searching for shows, etc. All I have to do now is deciding which episode(s) I am willing to pay for.

Jeff, Bella and I (reluctantly) are going out for the weekly "shop". While the day gets away, and we do our shopping later in the afternoon/evening, but today we're going to go early this afternoon.

Have a restful day.


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Stuff and Nonsense


You can tell by the title, because all of you know me so well, that I really don't have anything to blog about. I would, and you as well, have something to write about. But, today my brain is well, to put it simply,blank. To be sure, I have thoughts, etc., rambling around in my head, I can't think of anything, of interest!

I have a book called "14,000 Thing To Be Happy About". This book has, 14,000 (duh) that I use from time to time when I am suffering from writer's block. And, yes, this is really a condition.

As I approach 70, later this year, I have some gray hair, around my face. I think it looks good. Since I can't see the top of my head, I don't know how much gray is up there. I've noticed a trend where women, and some of them are quite young, have colored their hair gray, or streaks of gray. I, do admire ladies with gray locks. And, that makes me sound like a loon. 

My mother never colored her hair. She didn't need to. Unlike some people, who have lost most of their natural color, Mom didn't. Oh, to be sure, she dyed her hair, but some color that made her brown hair look red (in my opinion), and I didn't think it was a good match for her.

There is on the market, hair dyes that you can use to color your hair purple, pink, etc. I don't want to look like a punk rocker (is that still a thing). I would, however, like to put some gray hair non-permanent hair dye, on parts of my hair. Just
dye" strands of hair, just to see how I look. And, it may be a "hit or miss" kind of thing. Still, I'm curious. I guess, who wouldn't be.

I'm not vain, and we've already established that fact. Just wanting to try out something new.

Happy Saturday.


Friday, June 7, 2019

Just Ramblings


I head my brain scanned yesterday. It would be terrible, if they came back and said that "there was nothing in there" (joke obviously)!

While it's not raining, for once this week, but it's a gloomy day outside. 

While watching tv shows, I have noticed a trend for the host of these reality hunting shows, for gold, etc., wears a scarf around his neck. Perhaps, this is a fashion "thing". And, if it is, it's just one more thing I'm not "hip" about.  

People on Survivor, put bandannas on their head, and they manage to put these things on and around the head, and it looks great. I have bought several "turbans". I don't know how these people on the show, make those bandannas work on their heads in many different ways. I bought a turban like "scarf" (I actually don't know what they're called), but whenever I put it on, I just look stupid. And, of course, that's not the look I was aiming for. I, I believe, that I look like somebody who doesn't know what to do with these turban things. And, they would be right. As a teenager, I was "cool". I wore those fishnet stockings (ladies, do you remember those), stirrup pants, and I know these are probably available now, but sadly, I don't have the body for these pants anymore. But, back in the "day", I rocked those pants.

Leggings. I have seen these pants, for lack of a better word, on women who just shouldn't wear them. I, do have a pair of leggings, in black. No patterns for me. I don't want to call attention to myself when wearing these things. And, because who I am, I bought a pair that was slightly larger than I need. Dignified at all cost!

I, also see in stores, people who are, riding around in those stupid riding carts. I believe that some people are pushing the weight limit. I do appreciate that they need these scooters, but really feel bad when I see an obese person in the scooters, who clearly just don't fit. I hate these scooters, because people walk in front and around me, as if I wasn't even there. But, walking through a store these days, just isn't an option for me anymore. Even when I was out for my play date on Monday, and using my rollator most of the time, which allows me to sit down when I need to, literally wore me out.

This is a person who used to play racquet ball, and was pretty good at the game. Okay, I was a "few" pounds lighter, and not suffering from any pain in my body. Can't say the same for me now.

Signing off for now.





Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...