Wednesday, September 11, 2019



When I was in junior high and President Kennedy was killed, I remember being in English class. We were all sent home, where my parents watched endless amounts of television. At the time, I was young, and really wasn't into news. 

While I was at work on 9/11, I had my head down and was concentrating on my work. I soon heard the voices and almost screaming in the conference room. 

I went into the room, and saw the plane that hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. Marriott headquarters gave the employees two choices: stay in the building, where the doors would be locked; or go home. It was an easy decision for me. Who would want to be locked in a building when so much was happening outside?

I decided to go home. But, just when I was going to drive on the interstate, which was packed, I made another decision, take the back roads home. I'm glad I did for the most part. But, as I was driving, there was this eerie feeling in the air. 

I had talked to the boys and told them that if either Jeff or I couldn't make it home, they should pack up the car, with essentials. As well as the dogs, and head west. My brother lives in Illinois, and I thought that was a safe place for them. I assured them that if things worsened, then Jeff and I would be right behind them.

Luckily, after those three hits, there wasn't a fourth. When I did get home, I called my brother and told him that if if there was another attack and it wasn't safe here, the boys and the dogs would head to his house. My brother and sister-in-law have a pristine home, and absolutely no dog hair. But, I told him I had no other choice.

The television was in a news cycle, and I understood that. But, seeing people jumping out of windows, haunted me then, and it still does today.

Worl War II veterans can rmember the attack on Pearl Harbor. Even though that was years ago, I know they all remember. 

There are times in our life when certain incidents leave a permant mark on your memory. I don't think any of us will ever forget the slaugter of innocent people on that day. I know that I won't.


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