Monday, September 30, 2019

Mars and Venus


There is a distinct difference between men and women. But, we already knew that, didn't we?
A very long time ago, men were the hunters, and women were the gatherers. And, it's been that way since the cavemen, notice we don't say say cave women? 

Times have changed a lot since then. Now, nobody looks twice if a woman has a job, rears children, does the laundry, and cooks. To be clear, women do more than just those things, but it's a start.

For many years, men were the wage earners in the family. And, somewhere along the line, women also entered the workforce. Wage wise, nothing much has changed. Men generally earn more than a woman does, even if it's the same kind of job!

I went to WalMart yesterday, to get a few things. Jeff, being a man, knows what he wants/needs, and then he's out the door.  I, on the other hand, like to browse, in many departments. Since, I do most of my shopping on line (shout out to Amazon), I rarely go into a store. I like to look at the clothes as well as touch them. With Amazon you cannot tell what a piece of clothing feels like. Of course, there are other advantages to shopping online, one being you (a) can shop in your pj's; (b) and can have amazingly fast delivery.

Yesterday's shopping in WalMart, was no different than any other time. Jeff knew exactly what he wanted or needed. The boys would tell you that Jeff and I don't need anything, and they'd be right. Jeff started at one end of the store, and I shopped from the other side. Cosmetics and clothing for instance. I am, always on the look out for a potential Christmas present. You won't find these jewels, if you don't go up and down the aisles.

I decided not to use the stupid cart, and walked around the store. But, once the shopping was done, my hip was also done. My memory has gotten so bad, that I can't remember where the car is parked. Knowing this, most of the time, Jeff drives up to the exit doors and finds me. By that time, I can go into a full blown panic attack. While it would never happen, when I can't find him, I have visions (unreal ones), that Jeff has driven away. My mind says this wouldn't happen, but there is always a bit of a niggle. Jeff could be parked just a few feet from the door of a store, but I don't see the car. I really can't remember where we parked. Jeff is helpful in that he asks me to remember before I enter a store, where the car is. But, by the time I am ready to exit the store, I stand glued to a spot, and hope that Jeff can find me, before I can find him. In this situation, I am generally always the loser. Such is the reality I live with. I guess you could say, that Jeff is the rabbit, and I'm the turtle!

It's a rainy day. I haven't been outside, but I know that the high will only be in the 70's. While I'm not waiting or wanting snow, I do love having the fireplace on and wearing cozy clothes.

Jeff and I know that the minute we turn the a/c off, and open the bedroom windows, the girls will likely lose their minds. Obviously, the bedroom door will have to be shut, otherwise they'll charge out of the room, ready to defend us from a falling leaf!

 Image result for picture of women shopping

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