Thursday, September 5, 2019

Mother Nature


History lesson:  Mother Nature(sometimes known as Mother Earth or the Earth-Mother is a Greco-Roman personification of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it, in the form of the mother. The concept is far from universal, and there are no equivalent term or concept in many languages and/or cultures.  So there you have it, which is probably more than you needed/wanted to know!

Jeff and I have made two trips to the Bahamas, and it's a lovely spot to visit. Blue water, sand and warm temperatures. Until it's not. On our first trip to the Bahamas, we, along with most other pilots, flew out early. There was a threat of weather heading toward the island. Our plane doesn't do very well in some kinds of weather. Wind and more fearful lightening, meant that most pilots left the island a few days shorter than we wanted to.

Our second trip, was uneventful, just not quite as nice as the first time. The beach was rocky, which was so not good for somebody with balance issues! Me.

The interesting thing about flying to the Bahamas, is the change in ocean color that you can distinctly see from the air. Initially, the ocean is a drab, and dirty looking place. Keep flying, and you can literally see the ocean changing into blue water! And, once you start to see blue water, you know you're almost at your destination.

What Hurricane Dorian did to the Bahamas, was terrible. From aerial pictures, the land almost looks like somebody came through with a bull dozier (I think that's the correct spelling), and knocked everything down.

People are a resilient bunch, but I can only imagine, how all of those people feel, watching everything they own, crushed and destroyed. How does someone get back to "normal", whatever that is. Where do they live, what do they eat, etc.

In 2017, Hurricane Maria took out her anger on Puerto Rico.  Hurricane Maria was a deadly Category 5 hurricane that devastated Dominica, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico in September 2017. It is regarded as the worst natural disaster in recorded history to affect those islands and was also the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Mitch in 1998.

Jeff and I would love to own a house near the ocean, for obvious reasons - it's lovely, and generally nice weather. One of our vacations to OBX was shortened, with the threat of a major weather event. We packed and cleaned up the rental house, and headed home. There is only one road into and out of the Outer Banks "OBX", so even though we left early, driving was slow going. I suppose we could have hunkered down, but the whole point of going to the beach, is well going to the beach!

Our last trip to the Outer Banks I think, but could have been the year when Benjamin was a year old. an infant. He was born in April, and we went on vacation in September. We pulled a wagon full of blankets, and carried a bag of necessary baby items to the shore. The boys put up the large umbrella, and we dug a hole (literally) and in that hole, we put down blankets, and then Benjamin. So it was fair to all of us, some of us went to play in the ocean, while others stayed behind to take care of Benjamin. And, then we switched roles. We had enough bodies to take care of Benjamin. Sadly, we haven't been back since that last summer. 

I took a "poll" about going back to the Outer Banks again, and everyone was on board. But, the reality now is that Benjamin and Elly are in school, and all the adults (except me) are working. The general cost of a home, that can accommodate everyone, during the summer can be as high as $15,000. But, if you rent in March, for instance, that same house rental fee drops to approximately $3,780! Big difference. Unless, we go in the summer, when rental fees are very high, it's unlikely that we'll be able to go off season. And, in September and going forward, you are taking a chance on the weather.


 Image result for picture of ocean in corolla, nc


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