Saturday, September 21, 2019

Happy Anniversary!


Today, Jeff and I celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. Sometimes, I forget whether it's been 44 or 45 years. At this point, I think the actual number doesn't really matter, until you get to the big "50"!

Our life together began with a blind date. Jeff's sister and my Father worked together. They both discussed how lonely Jeff and I were. 

And, then the blind date happened on May 5, 1974. With few exceptions, mostly work related, we have been together since. Good news is that we haven't killed each other! Kidding.

Unfortunately, Jeff got the short end of the stick with the vow for in "sickness and in health". Jeff has remained pretty healthy over the years. And, then there's me. I have certainly been sick(er) than Jeff. Though I have put Jeff through the wringer more times than not, we're still standing together.

When we decided to marry in September of 1974, I received good advice from my Grandmother. She told me that a long engagement doesn't necessarily mean a long marriage.

On the wedding day, Dad and I stood at the back of the church. Before we went down the aisle, Dad told me that Jeff was a keeper. He was right. He nor I are perfect, but we have over the years, managed to pull ourselves along.

Now, that my short term memory is nearly gone, Jeff goes to appointments with me. This is necessary because if I go alone, by the time the appointment is over, I'll have already forgotten what the doctor said!

This afternoon, we are going out to Andrew's house for a late lunch. We'll celebrate Andrew and Stacey's anniversary, as well as the recent wedding of Scott and Wendy. It will be a fun afternoon for all of us.

I just checked the "gift" that should be received on this anniversary. Happy to say it's a Sapphire!


Image result for picture of 45th anniversary celebrating


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