Tuesday, September 10, 2019



There was a time, when nobody except family and close friends, knew your business. And, I was okay with that.

Then social media became a "thing", and some people post on Facebook their travel pictures (I enjoy those), pictures of Benjamin (love those too). 

While I check on things on Facebook daily, I almost never post anything about myself. I will, occasionally, comment on a post, generally from Scott, Stacey and Wendy. And, that pretty much sums up my involvement with Facebook. 

Today, we're dealing with robo and scam calls. I have been offered, more time than I can count, knee braces (there is nothing wrong with my knees), shoulder and back braces as well. And, I love the calls that begin with "there is nothing wrong with your bank account, but, we're offering lower interest rates, etc. IRS calls and we all know that they don't call - they write. 

Last night, I received a disturbing email, telling me how much this person knew about me. He had pictures of me, and had "captured" the sites I have visited. And, for a "small" price - I think it was in the neighborhood of $700.00, he would destroy all this evidence. Whenever I receive a questionable email, I don't open them, I send them to Jeff. Jeff told me to delete the email, which I did. But, to be frank with you, the email unsettled me quite a bit. I felt almost like I should pull the plug on all the sites where I have some limited information about myself. I also know that I never open up a document from a questionable source. Knowing this was all spam to generate money, somehow didn't give me much peace of mind. I still felt violated. And, pretty sure you would too. I guess Toto, we're not in Oz anymore.

Best advice: beware of people who are calling, from a number you don't recognize, and simply hang up.


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