Saturday, September 7, 2019

A Trip To The Dentist, Etc.


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see our dentist to make a plan for my top teeth. A plan? Yes indeedy (made up word). Unlike, Jeff whose teeth are made of sturdy stuff. They are so sturdy, and he almost never has a cavity (jealous). The condition of my teeth have for most of my adult life, remind me of jell-o.  After I get a cleaning, on my way out the door, I can almost feel a new cavity coming out to get me.

Jeff and I took the boys, when they were young, to see a children's dentist. It was a good thing, because now as adults, the boys don't fear going to the dentist like I do.
I need three implants, so three teeth will have to be removed and the process of implantation begins. 
The cost of the beginning of "making Patti's teeth look good", is going to be equivalent to a down payment on a car! Not really, but you get the idea. Just glad that we don't need a car right now! 

Jeff and his sidekick Bella, are out running a few errands today. Daisy and I are staying home. None of the errands, Jeff is going to do, spark even a little bit of interest for me. 

We are in the "summer slump" television right now. Our favorite shows don't come back until later this month. When there's nothing good on television, Jeff and I are forced to talk to each other.  Horrors!

We are, at the moment, having some fall-like weather. But, later in the week, the temperatures are supposed to rise again. While I enjoy, most of the time, having windows open and letting in fresh air, isn't always a good thing for the girls. With the windows closed and shades down, the outside world doesn't bother them at all. 

I keep telling Bella, that if she's barking, there better be a dead body! Bella is very protective of her family and though she's not a huge dog, has a very loud bark.

I keep telling you every day, what I'm "going to do". My follow-up hasn't been too good. Jeff has told me that if I bag up my "fat" clothes (this is a good thing), that he will take the bags and put them somewhere, probably in the basement.

Moving now. Later.



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